Entries by Amanda Pasciucco

Robot Fetish

Robot Fetish: A Deep Dive into Technosexuality   Although you may not know about robot fetishes, you may have seen a film about human-machine romance. Since artificial intelligence has become a media buzzword, people have wondered if it can evoke desire like humans.  To understand how and why humans decided to connect with the machines […]

Stress Relief Activities

Stress Relief Activities to Unwind and Recharge   If you’ve been overwhelmed with responsibilities lately, learning which stress relief activities can help you relax and get back on track. Whether it’s work, family, or your health, feeling stressed can only make things worse. However, most of the time, we’re not aware of the activities that […]

Overcoming Obsession with Another Person

Overcoming Obsession with Another Person   Struggling with an obsession with another person can feel overwhelming and all-consuming. Are obsessive thoughts about someone taking over your life? 🌪️ Obsession can feel all-consuming, like a never-ending loop of thoughts and emotions tied to one person. It often sneaks in when we least expect it, feeding off […]

Nice Guy Syndrome

Nice Guy Syndrome: Do You Have It & What To Do About It?    If you’ve been told that you have nice guy syndrome, you’re probably wondering whether a blog can help. Perhaps you have dated a few people who have emphasized your niceness, or your friends bring it up when discussing how to find […]

How to Have Difficult Conversations

How to Have Difficult Conversations with People You Care About   Not knowing how to have difficult conversations with other people is more common than you think. We often believe that everyone else is so skilled when it comes to complex conversations. Recognizing that the situation feels a bit awkward and that you are not […]

Cheating Defined Relationship

Cheating Defined Relationship: Set Boundaries, Build Trust, Heal Together   Cheating defined relationship dynamics aren’t always what you think—it goes beyond the physical. Emotional, financial, and digital boundaries can also be crossed, and these unspoken lines might already be impacting your relationship. In this video, we’re diving deep into what really defines cheating and how […]

Why Am I So Insecure in My Body?

Why Am I So Insecure in My Body?   ‘Why am I so insecure in my body?’ and ‘Why is everyone else more confident?’ are common questions therapists hear. You don’t need to be a therapist to notice how widespread insecurity has become, especially among women. Social media constantly shows examples of perfect bodies, faces, […]

LGBT Therapist

The Value of an LGBT Therapist in Your Mental Health Journey   Although mental health should be a priority for everyone, a queer person benefits tremendously from seeing an LGBT therapist. The LGBT community faces unique challenges in accessing mental health services, which makes it essential that the person you talk to about your well-being […]

How to Manage Time Effectively

How to Manage Time Effectively: Self-Employed Success   In this video, I’m sharing how to manage time effectively for self-employed individuals. Being self-employed comes with incredible freedom, but it also demands discipline and structure. Without a boss or set hours, it’s easy to get overwhelmed or lose focus. That’s why developing solid habits and learning […]

Causes of Burnout

Causes of Burnout: How to Recognize Them on Time   There are numerous causes of burnout, yet several of them are quite common among people who have been feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained by their work responsibilities. Of course, burnout can happen in other areas of your life, such as planning important events like a […]

Somatic Exercises to Release Trauma

Learn Somatic Exercises to Release Trauma   There are numerous ways to use somatic exercises to release trauma, and learning how to make the most of them can alleviate a lot of pain and stress. Your body and mind can both hold trauma. If you want to recover from a stressful situation more quickly, it […]

How to Converse with a Woman

How to Converse with a Woman: Tips for Daytime Conversations   Approaching a woman you just met can feel intimidating—but it doesn’t have to be! In this video, I will share practical tips on how to converse with a woman and make an authentic first impression. We’ll explore the basics of body language, like keeping […]

Communication Is Key

Communication Is Key to All Your Relationships   How often have you said the following words, ‘Communication is key’? Maybe you’ve said to a friend to remind them that they need to communicate how they feel to their romantic partner or maybe you’ve said it to remind your coworker that it’s always best to clarify […]

How to Stop Stressing

How to Stop Stressing About the Future   If your Google search for ‘how to stop stressing about the future’ led you here, you’ve come to the correct place. This article explores why we worry about events that have not happened and how to stop. You’ve probably heard people talking about being anxious about the […]