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Mental Health Text Support and Counseling Services

Mental Health Text Support and Counseling Services


If you are looking for convenient and efficient mental health tools, consider mental health text support. This form of therapy is becoming popular among people of all ages, and it’s proven successful in helping them solve different problems and improve various areas of their lives. 


Text Therapy

Text therapy, or texting a therapist, is a rapidly growing trend, particularly among those needing assistance. It’s a simple process: sessions are conducted through messaging platforms like emails, chat messages, online chat rooms, or audio messages sent from your computer or phone. For many, these text-based treatment services offer a more accessible and comfortable option.

It is a communication channel for progressing in weekly sessions gradually and at your speed, not a crisis text line for mental health emergencies. Depending on your chosen platform, you can use features like texting therapy between treatment sessions.

It allows scheduled doctor or psychologist appointments, but it is not live all the time, like Zoom. An increasing number of people are adopting text therapy to address various mental health concerns, ranging from eating disorders to anxiety, thanks to the growth of telehealth through online therapy providers and the majority of cell phone plans that enable unlimited messaging. Texting a therapist seems less exposed than interacting with them in person for many individuals.


Benefits of Mental Health Text Support

There are several benefits to text therapy. Each person’s assessment of the significance of these text therapy benefits will differ. 

It’s possible that someone has social anxiety and doesn’t want to discuss their problems over a meal with an unknown person. Some people might not have the time to fit in one additional visit a week due to their hectic work and personal schedules, or they could have young children at home whom they cannot leave alone because they cannot find a babysitter. 

It might feel like pressure when you are in front of a therapist for an in-person session, and you are aware that the timer is running out and that you only have 30 or 60 minutes available for a weekly live appointment. As a result, it might be very challenging to take in the knowledge and genuinely respond to the queries being asked of you. 

Some people are better at communicating in writing than they are in person. People process and react to information more effectively when they put their thoughts in writing and reflect on the therapist’s answers. It can facilitate introspection and help people see things that could have been handled differently when they reflect on their experiences and recollections. Also, you are always welcome to message your therapist. Even though they might not answer immediately, you can still record the words. 

When conversing via texting as opposed to face-to-face therapy or speaking in front of a support group, some people claim to feel less scrutinized. No matter what kind of treatment you receive, your therapist should never judge you. However, the patient may experience judgment since they deal with many challenging feelings, such as guilt and shame. 


How to Start with Text Support

Usually, the process starts with you responding to questions that enable the service to match you with a therapist who can provide the level of care you require. Depending on the service you use, you might not be able to choose your own therapist.

After you’ve found a therapist, you may begin exchanging texts outlining your goals for treatment. Most text therapy programs offer unlimited text messaging. Additionally, some provide voice and video chat, although these may come at a somewhat higher price.

At any point, you can text your therapist. You can generally anticipate a response within a day; however, they might not respond right away, particularly if you text them late at night or early in the morning.

Additionally, you can ask for a “live text” session, in which you and your therapist text back and forth in real-time. This enables you to discuss problems whenever they come to mind.

Text therapy provides anonymity, much like in-person therapy.

The app could gather data, so be sure to read the terms of service and privacy regulations. However, your conversation with your therapist is private and will not divulge any personal information.


Cost of Mental Health Text Support

One of the reasons why many people choose text therapy over other types is that it’s more affordable. Depending on the platform you choose and the other services you utilize, text therapy might cost different amounts. However, the cost is typically lower than it would be for in-person counseling.

For instance, BetterHelp charges between $60 and $90 a week. Depending on the package you select, Talkspace might cost anywhere from $70 to $110 each week. Some places, like our group, charge based on which therapist and how many minutes. 


In Final Words

Getting the right kind of help is crucial if you’re struggling. Numerous people benefit from text therapy, and it could also be beneficial to you. However, you might not see much of a shift if you have trouble connecting with your therapist. It could be time to look into alternative strategies, including video counseling or in-person therapy, if you are not seeing any progress with text therapy. 

Keep in mind that every person is different and what works for your friend might not work for you. That is why it’s important to keep in mind that you can always try different types of therapy and switch to a more convenient one for you if the chosen one doesn’t work. Schedule a text session with one of our staff members today. 



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do