Sex Coach Videos and Guides Can Improve Sex Life and Health

Sex Coach Videos and Guides Can Improve Sex Life and Health


Did you know you can learn about sex through sex coach videos? Sex education is not only reserved for students who are taking these classes. Regardless of your age, you can learn everything there is about sex, intimacy, and relationships. 

Not only that, but you can watch educational and engaging webinars on a variety of topics, including how to improve intimacy with your partner and how to try new things in bed. After all, if sex is not boring, then learning about it should be just as enjoyable! We will look at how sex coaches can make your relationship work better and lead to a more fulfilling sexual life in this article.


What Is a Sex Coach? 

An experienced expert who offers guidance and education on matters about intimacy, sex, and relationships is known as a sex coach. They educate you on how to completely realize your sexual potential and assist you in resolving issues like low libido, sexless marriage, and sexual dysfunction.

Sex coaching offers practical strategies for overcoming obstacles in the sexual life, in contrast to sex therapy, which concentrates on healing from prior traumas or dysfunctions. Clients of sex coaches can benefit from a variety of special advantages, such as learning seduction techniques, recognizing limits, and being more tolerant of their desires.


What Does a Sex Coach Do?

We look for coaches to help us improve at everything in our lives—business and finances, relationships, fitness, and health. Then, why wouldn’t we look for a coach to help us live the sexual life we’ve always desired?

Considering how vital intimacy is to our health, we have to take action to resolve any problems that are keeping us from having a satisfying sexual life. However, it can be awkward and ineffective to discuss these issues with friends or therapists who aren’t specialists in the field of sexuality.

Sex coaches are trained specialists with specific skills and knowledge who may assist us in overcoming obstacles and improving our sexual enjoyment.


What Does a Session with a Sex Coach Look Like?

It’s crucial to understand what to anticipate from a sex coaching session, regardless of whether you want to work as a sex coach or hire one.

It’s important to understand that sex coaching does not include sexual activity first. Practitioners never take off their clothing. Having said that, experienced sex trainers may impart sexual skills through practical means. They are also permitted to engage in specific forms of seduction and contact within the bounds of the law. 

You can talk about your sexual experiences and feelings with a sex coach you decide to see. Expect them to ask about the problem’s past and gather any information necessary to help you.

A sex coach will discuss potential solutions with you based on the particular coaching technique they use. They might recommend watching movies or doing homework. During a session, practice techniques could include self-touch, movement, breathwork, touch skills training, and communication tools. Additionally, a sex coach will constantly support you in overcoming shame and gaining greater confidence in relation to your sexual issues.

Once you are done with those tasks, whether it’s during the session or after it, in the comfort of your home, you’ll share what you’ve discovered and your current thoughts on it. Finally, your sex coach will go over how you may carry these improvements into your daily life going forward.


Difference Between a Sex Coach and a Sex Therapist

While sex therapy may delve into past traumas that have continued to affect you as an adult, sex coaching focuses on practical strategies and exercises to help you get over your sexual obstacles. Because of this, those who have more dysfunction or unresolved trauma typically benefit from sex therapy.

Unlike therapists, who must pursue advanced degrees in social work, psychology, religion, or medicine, sex coaches can start working with clients as soon as they want. A sex therapist has a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and a certification from an accredited board to maintain their status. 


Reasons to Work with a Sex Coach

Society teaches us that having sex is something we ought to be able to do naturally. The ability to be a wonderful lover is not necessarily inherent, even though the desire is. In our culture, talking about sex or giving clear instructions is still frowned upon. It implies that there aren’t enough opportunities for people to learn how to have fulfilling relationships with others. And very few are fortunate enough to have a mentor in the form of a spouse.

Sadly, most individuals don’t provide constructive criticism, which leaves a lot of people unaware of what constitutes excellent sex. Working with a competent sex coach might be beneficial in this situation. Sexuality may be taught and learned. Seeking advice from an expert who is also encouraging and nonjudgmental is the best approach to learning about it.

The majority of people will find that the only way to obtain practical, precise guidance on becoming a better lover is to hire a sex coach. They’re not only knowledgeable on the psychology and physiology of sex, yet they can also offer advice and criticism in real-time.


How to Choose the Right Sex Coach for Yourself

Keep in mind that selecting a sex coach is a personal decision on the best course of action. As you read about the many kinds of sex coaches, pay attention to your body. Imagine finishing your assignment after speaking with your coach. Imagine now that you are working on experience exercises or that you are learning how to touch your coach sensually. Which one fits your requirements and personality the best?

Think about how important it is to you to have a coach who shares your gender, sexual orientation, race, or any other common experience. Finding the right coach for you requires speaking with potential candidates and gauging your feelings toward them. 

The best way to choose the right sex coach is to trust your gut, as simple as it sounds. Of course, read other people’s opinions and ask them questions if you have any. In the end, if you don’t like the first sex coach you encounter, you can always find another one and see if it fits you better. In the meantime, make sure you check out our sex coach videos and guides! 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do