How to Be a Better Listener
How to Be a Better Listener: Tips and Techniques To Use
Learning to be a better listener will benefit you in every aspect of your life. Actively listening to people allows you to get to know them better, understand their point of view, and become closer to them. Although we are all aware of the importance of quality communication, the emphasis is often on talking rather than listening.
However, communication cannot exist without listening. If one person talks, the other one has to listen. No matter how clearly someone is stating something, if another person is not paying attention, the communication will not be successful. Instead of providing you with useful tips and ideas on how to be better at communicating what you want, we’ve decided to focus on helping you become a better listener.
Why Does Listening Matter?
Even for a little interaction between two human beings, you need someone to talk to and someone to listen. We’re exchanging information with other people constantly, whether it’s at work, at home, or while we’re on public transportation. That said, each interaction or communication we share with another person or group of people can only be efficient if somebody is listening to us. You may feel let down if your boss does not listen to you when you walk into their office after spending the entire night planning the best way to request a raise.
You can easily find online courses and schools that help people become better at public speaking. And you probably already know certain people who excel in communication. However, we rarely seek out listening strategies or learn how to listen better. Somehow, society has pushed listening aside, and people have focused on sharpening their communication skills while completely ignoring the importance of being a good listener
Except for certain situations, most communication opportunities will require a certain amount of talking and a certain amount of listening. Being good at talking alone does not translate into effective communication. Meaning, brilliant communicators understand that talking and listening are complementary aspects of communication.
Lastly, when you listen to someone, you show respect. It’s impossible to respect someone without caring about what they have to say, how they feel, and what they need.
What Happens When You Don’t Listen
If you care about any aspect of your life, it might be your marriage or your career; becoming even better at it requires understanding what is necessary to move forward. Meaning, ignoring your spouse’s needs during a difficult time in your marriage could result in divorce. If you want a promotion by the end of next year, failing to listen to your superior’s requirements could cost you that opportunity or even get you fired.
When we were children, we listened to other people in order to stay safe. Now, when we’re adults, we should listen to connect. This connection isn’t necessarily a form of intimacy. It can also lead to fulfilling your professional goals, meeting new people in a new city, or learning about a different culture when traveling.
How to Listen Better
Before we get into tactics and tips for becoming a better listener, it’s important to distinguish active from passive listening. Passive listening is a type of listening in which you are quiet, yet you are not fully concentrated on what the person is saying. A perfect example of passive listening would be a child during a subject they are not passionate about.
Active listening, on the other hand, requires your focus. You are paying attention to what the person is talking about, you feel interested in the subject of the conversation, and you want a positive outcome of such a conversation. Active listening is required for overcoming a crisis in a relationship or during a performance review, especially if you’re interested in improving your results.
If you want to become a better listener, keep reading our recommended techniques.
1.Set Intention to Listen
It might sound weird at first; however, those who are not naturally good listeners will need to practice it, just like they would with any other skill. So, if you’ve decided to become a better listener, you should start by setting the intention to listen more and speak less in a certain situation of your interest.
For instance, if you want to show support to your spouse who is going through a stressful period at work, you will want to initiate the conversation after you’ve set the intention to listen. Choosing to pay attention allows you to feel more curious about the conversation itself instead of feeling like you’re trapped until the person stops talking. This will also help you become more aware of the moments when you feel ready for such a conversation and those when it would be best to be alone and take care of yourself first.
2.Ask Questions
Listening doesn’t have to be a passive activity in which you struggle to stay concentrated. If your mind wanders off or you feel like you need additional clarification, ask a question. For instance, if you’re new at your job and the onboarding specialist is giving too many instructions, instead of feeling overwhelmed with information, ask a question.
Ask them to repeat something they’ve said or ask about something you’re interested in. This will allow you to change the dynamic of the conversation, take a breath, and feel like you have more control over the situation.
3.Pay Attention to Nonverbal Communication
We are always communicating, even in a room with people who are all sitting quietly. Nonverbal communication is often more impactful than verbal communication. If you’re listening to your colleague talking in a long business meeting, what would your nonverbal communication say? Are you bored? Are you impatient to jump in and start talking?
Nonverbal communication matters equally when you’re speaking and listening. That is why it’s crucial that you remind yourself that your posture, eye contact, and every little move you make show how you feel about the situation you’re in. Avoid playing with your fingers, looking away through the window, and sitting with your arms crossed across your chess, as they are all cues of lack of interest or disagreement.
Luckily, if you’re truly interested in becoming a better listener, you can do so with practice. Give yourself some time to implement these tips, and whenever you find yourself in a listening mode, use it as an opportunity to improve your listening skills.
Communication And Love Language Strategies
About Life Coaching and Therapy
Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexibile, multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!
Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.
Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.
LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.
Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do.