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Key Characteristics of a Good Relationship for Lasting Happiness

Key Characteristics of a Good Relationship for Lasting Happiness


Do you know the characteristics of a good relationship? Healthy relationships require work and compromise from both partners and are built on a foundation of open communication, honesty, trust, and respect. There isn’t any power disparity. Partners may share decisions, accept each other’s independence, and make their own choices without worrying about reprisals or revenge. There is no stalking or unwillingness to let go of the other partner when a relationship ends.

That being said, how do you know whether you’re in a good relationship or not? If you feel as if your relationship needs more work, learn the areas that are crucial for your relationship or marriage to last for years. 


List of Characteristics of a Good Relationship 

The quality of your relationship may be improved in a number of ways, even if it lacks many of the characteristics covered in this article. One way to work together to solve problems, talk openly, and create new habits is through online therapy. An expert in relationships can help you understand the common issues that are obstacles to intimacy between you and your partner. 



Healthy relationships are characterized by mutual respect and profound concern for one another. Each person respects the boundaries of the others and values each other for who they are.

Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Do my partner and I appreciate each other for who we are rather than what we want each other to be?
  • Do we honor and respect one another’s limits and boundaries?
  • When we disagree, do we still respect one another?

Your relationship might not be as healthy as it could be if you feel disrespected by your partner. Talking to each other and asking for help when necessary may strengthen this area of your relationship.



It’s crucial to remember that different people have different levels of attraction, so not everyone needs or wants physical intimacy. If both partners feel their needs are satisfied, relationships can still be strong without physical intimacy.

Emotional intimacy is the sense of connection and the capacity to share your deepest feelings and ideas with your spouse. In a good relationship, both parties feel safe and at ease discussing their feelings and opinions.

What are some ways to develop closeness if you feel like you’ve been drifting apart?

Although there may be times in long-term partnerships when partners don’t feel as close, a foundation of intimacy is necessary for a good partnership. Honest discussions and spending time together frequently provide the ideal atmosphere for increased emotional and physical connection.



A key component of wholesome partnerships is trust. You shouldn’t have to question your partner’s commitment or sincerity in a successful relationship, and vice versa. While they spend time together, healthy couples also have aspects of their lives that are distinct from one another. These frequently consist of friendships, interests, and employment. When people in a relationship have mutual trust, they are less likely to experience jealousy or mistrust when their partner is away from them.

Healthy couples can spend time together and apart without feeling suspicious or envious. Everyone has these emotions occasionally, and they are natural and reasonable. Healthy couples, however, can communicate their feelings and comfort one another in order to increase trust. 


Honest Communication

Healthy relationships are characterized by efficient communication. This means communicating your thoughts and feelings in a straightforward manner rather than relying on your spouse to read your mind and understand your needs. It also entails communicating your sentiments in a sincere and compassionate way to confront and resolve any problem.

Healthy couples may be anxious when discussing delicate subjects, yet they are prepared to work through their issues and find solutions rather than allowing them to worsen.



For certain healthy partnerships, commitment can be a crucial component. Both couples may feel secure knowing they can rely on their spouse when they commit to one another and stick by each other through good and bad times.

It can be distressing and challenging to deal with infidelity. A betrayal of trust might be grounds for separation in some situations. Others could see it as an indication that it’s time to improve their relationship, possibly through couples counseling.



It’s common to evolve during life, and in committed partnerships, both parties will likely undergo changes over time. People in good relationships are prepared to acknowledge that they will not always be precisely the same as before they started dating. Rather, they support their loved one’s ongoing development and acceptance of who they really are throughout time.


Having Fun

Even if life has its share of difficulties, balancing them with enjoyable times helps keep your relationship strong. A good relationship may be facilitated by making time to laugh and savor the small moments spent together and by making sure that the enjoyable times are balanced with the unpleasant ones.

A lavish trip or romantic evening is not necessary for a productive relationship. Instead, it could be a joke, sincere compliments, or a kiss and hug before work. The little joyful moments build up and might impact how satisfied you are with your relationship in the long run.


How to Improve Your Relationship 

Because it provides a secure space for dating partners to explore each other’s wants and interests, set emotional boundaries, and communicate their own needs, online couples therapy may help people in both successful and problematic relationships. With the assistance of an impartial third party, you and your partner can talk about difficult subjects and create constructive strategies to get past negative communication. 

Couples establish a solid therapeutic bond and feel the experience to be constructive and advantageous for their relationships, even if one of them has initial doubts about online therapy.


Making the Most of It

It’s not always a sign that your relationship is unhealthy if you believe it is deficient in one or more of these areas. Rather, it suggests that you and your partner could have a chance to develop and get better together. One strategy to improve the health of your relationship is to use online couples therapy.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do.