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Harmonizing Minds: How Music Helps Mental Health

Harmonizing Minds: How Music Helps Mental Health


If you’ve ever listened to music and noticed you feel better as soon as your favorite song comes on. You might have wondered how music helps mental health. Whether it’s listening to music that reminds you of certain times or certain somebody, to cheer you up. Or to allow you to connect with your other emotions. Music is a powerful tool that can have a great impact on how you feel.

According to recent studies, listening to music influences our cultural and personal identities and affects how we feel. Let’s take a look at how music can improve your mental health.


Why Music Is Important to Us

If one language could be used worldwide, it would be music. It has the power to take us elsewhere, enable us to relive memorable events. Improve our health and happiness, and enhance our sense of community and family ties.

It’s well established that music enhances mental health and life satisfaction. Young children may communicate through sound and movement through music, providing a creative and healthy avenue for self-expression for people of all ages.

Our relationship with music is particularly personal since we are complex human beings from a wide range of cultures with diverse life experiences and physical and mental health demands. Our connection with music may be a highly delicate, fragile, and frequently complex dance that changes every minute depending on our feelings, tastes, social context, and past experiences. 

There are ways in which listening to music can immediately and visibly improve our well-being:

  • Using a calming playlist to facilitate the transition to sleep,
  • Using lively dance music to inspire yourself to work out or feel better in general,
  • Facilitating self-expression through singing, 
  • Connecting with others during a live performance.


Music & Healing

Musical interactions between babies and their caretakers may develop a baby’s attention span and social awareness from birth. Musical interactions also provide social benefits for toddlers and preschoolers; however, their area of influence also extends to other children and instructors.

As children grow into teenagers and adults, they engage with others in a community of listeners and players through music. Music aids our understanding of people’s thoughts and emotions. Out of all the groups in our culture, students who play in the school band or orchestra have the lowest rates of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drug use, both in the present and over the long term. 

Listening to music influences our cultural and personal identities and affects our feelings. Serious mental health and drug use issues can also be treated with music therapy, as it can help people take a deeper look into their emotions and understand what caused them to feel a certain way. 

Apart from its therapeutic qualities, music can enhance the message of diversity and inclusivity by exposing individuals to different cultures and giving voice to underrepresented groups, thereby improving our comprehension and admiration of many societies.


Ways Music Can Help Mental Health

Music may be a powerful tool of transformation, even though there isn’t one miraculous song, optimal intervention, or ideal genre to make life’s difficult things easier.


  • Trauma Healing

It has been demonstrated that music therapy may offer a secure and encouraging setting for trauma healing and resilience development, as well as lowering anxiety and enhancing depressed people’s functioning. Utilizing music to achieve health and educational objectives, such as enhancing mental well-being, lowering stress levels, and easing pain, is known as music therapy. It is an evidence-based therapeutic intervention. 

Hospitals and schools are two places where you will be able to find therapy in the form of music. Participating in music-making activities, including creating songs, drumming circles, or group singing, has helped emotional release, encouraged introspection, and fostered community.


  • Social Connection

Additionally, music can unite people and foster social support by tearing down barriers and bridging gaps. There is growing evidence that music can foster social connectivity, improve prosocial conduct, and foster emotional competency. Communities may use choirs, music education programs, and music programs’ intrinsic power to unite people and promote a feeling of belonging. 

These events have the potential to provide welcoming environments where individuals from all backgrounds may congregate, work together. And form bonds around common musical interests. These encounters foster community, fight loneliness, and offer a network of support that can enhance general well-being.


  • Empowerment

There is a long history of using music for social change and activism. Through tackling subjects like gender bias, LGBTQ+ rights, and racial inequality, music may effectively serve as a vehicle for advancing inclusivity and social justice. People may communicate their particular experiences, challenges, and victories via music, connecting with others who have similar experiences. Listening to various musical genres and performers may help listeners overcome preconceptions, widen their viewpoints, and develop empathy—especially when they dance together.

Historically, underrepresented voices have been given a platform by genres like hip-hop, reggae, jazz, blues, rhythm & blues. And folk to reclaim their stories and question social conventions. Songs that are socially conscious have been shown to have a significant impact on causes like feminism. LGBTQ+ rights, and civil rights, where they have mobilized communities and brought about change. Engaging in activism as a musician may help their audience feel more connected to causes and inspired to become involved, as well as reach out to new supporters.



According to certain studies, listening to music may be enjoyable and may even improve your health. In addition to its potential to bring happiness and pleasure, music has several other psychological advantages. In addition to energizing the body and calming the mind, music can even improve pain management.

The idea that music has the power to affect your emotions, ideas. And actions probably does not come as a huge surprise. Ever been moved by a live performance or pumped up by your favorite fast-paced rock anthem? You may understand how music can affect moods and motivate action. Whatever your mood, music will likely be your best friend. Whenever you need it, you can easily access it and enjoy its numerous benefits!



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do