Stress Relief Activities
Stress Relief Activities to Unwind and Recharge
If you’ve been overwhelmed with responsibilities lately, learning which stress relief activities can help you relax and get back on track. Whether it’s work, family, or your health, feeling stressed can only make things worse. However, most of the time, we’re not aware of the activities that can help us step away from all the tension.
Whatever your life looks like, what we all have in common is the inability to control external factors. In other words, we can’t control what will happen. What we can control is how we react to these external events until we dismantle the greater systems at large. So, if we spend time focusing on activities that help us restore and relax, we may be able to respond more to what life throws at us.
In this article, we’ll share with you the most efficient stress relief activities you can start implementing today. Try them until you’ve found the ones that resonate best with your personality and goals. If none, consider our YouTube techniques.
Nowadays, everyone is talking about meditation—and for a good reason. Meditation helps you find inner peace by sitting still, breathing, and exploring what your inner world wants to tell you. Instead of focusing on your thoughts, meditation allows you to pay attention to sensations in your body. When was the last time you were present at the moment, and your mind wasn’t going through your to-do list or avoiding that list?
The good news is that you do not need anything to begin meditation if you have never done it before. Just find a quiet, comfortable place and dedicate 10 minutes to just being in the present moment. You can meditate lying down or sitting; it’s up to you. Guided meditations and breathwork are just two of the many types of meditations available online. It’s important to say neutral to kind things to yourself, like you would a best friend, a child, or someone you are mentoring.
A person can only do so much on their own when it comes to improving their reaction to stressful situations. We usually look within our beliefs and skills for solutions, ignoring many more efficient options. That is where therapists come in.
Most of the way we react to external factors is conditioned by our past experiences and the beliefs we have about ourselves and the world around us. A therapist can help you take a closer look at how you’re reacting to stress, the reasons for it, and the alternatives. After just a few sessions, you will notice that your perspective is shifting, and you may be able to react differently to life around you.
Although journaling may appear to be a monotonous activity, it has numerous mental health benefits. Starting to journal, especially if you are working on gratitude, will change how you feel about your reality.
If you focus on what you can, you will notice a new lens to old problems. Whatever you focus on grows! It’s your decision whether you’ll focus on positive or negative things in your life.
4.Physical Activity
If you ask any doctor or scientist about the best activity to unwind and recharge, 99% of them will list physical activity as one of the top three suggestions. Your brain releases dopamine and endorphins when you exercise, making you feel good.
You can start with any physical activity that seems interesting to you, whether it’s swimming, jogging, gym, hiking, or working out at home. Make sure that your chosen physical activity matches your lifestyle. For instance, if you don’t have enough free time, driving to the gym and back home might be a waste of your time. Instead, you can purchase a set of weights and equipment you’ll need to work out at home.
5.Spend Time in Nature
Today’s busy lifestyle makes us forget how important spending time in nature is for us. Walking in the woods is the best way to chill out and recharge.
Explore nature according to your interests. Perhaps you would rather sit in a park and listen to the birds sing or take long walks on the beach. Make the commitment to do that at least once a week, no matter what it is. Try adding it to your calendar and creating a healthy stress-relief routine.
6.Connect with Your Close Ones
We often forget how valuable personal connections are to us. We’ll postpone meeting our best friend for weeks due to work responsibilities, not being aware of how much better we feel after we’ve talked and laughed with them for hours.
Find the time to be with your friends, family, or your romantic partner. Getting together does not have to require an exciting plan. Oftentimes, the best moments are when we’ll just talk to the ones we love while sitting on our sofa or drinking coffee in our favorite place.
7.Start Your Morning Right
Do you often wake up and instinctively reach for your phone to check your emails and messages? The way you start your morning affects the rest of your day, so maybe you can consider a new habit stop. If you’re immediately focusing on your responsibilities, the day will probably feel too overwhelming for you.
Instead, why not set intentions for that day? You can decide to do a short meditation before you go about your day as well. Maybe you’ll want to mindfully drink your cup of tea or coffee in silence. Your morning ritual could be exactly what you need to become more resilient to the outer world.
Whether it’s talking to your therapist or going for long walks in nature, find the stress relief activity that makes you feel peaceful and fulfilled. The more you start practicing these activities, the easier it will become to navigate the challenges of the modern lifestyle. Start today, so your tomorrow is something you look forward to!
About Life Coaching and Therapy
Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexibile, multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!
Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.
Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.
LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.
Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do.