Sex Ed for Adults: Do You Really Know It All? 

Sex Ed for Adults: Do You Really Know It All? 


You might wonder what type of sex ed for adults you might need when you already have enough experience and knowledge in this field. Imagine not being aware of your entire sexual potential throughout your life. Unfortunately, it is the truth for the majority of us without thorough adult sex education.

Many of us approach adulthood with little understanding of sexuality, actual sex, or our own sexual potential. This is mostly because as students, we haven’t received any informative sex education and there is little to no talk of pleasure in sex education in schools.

Sex Education

Sex is generally considered taboo, pleasure is shameful, and our naked, erotic bodies are frequently dreaded in Western nations and other cultures around the world. It can be challenging and upsetting to bring up the term “sex” in casual conversation, much less with our partners.

In contrast to mainstream pornography, new and digital adult sex education aims to offer more wellness-focused sex and relationship content, as well as more pleasure-informing sex education than the sterile and biologically focused sex education from school.

When learning about sex, you are invited to a world full of possibilities where you can find numerous things you like and want to explore with your sex partner. From learning how to have better orgasms to asking for what you need in bed, sex education is what provides us with the knowledge to understand ourselves as sexual beings better. 


Why Sex Ed for Adults Matters

Understanding sex has a profound impact on our sexual confidence in many facets of our lives, not just in the bedroom. We no longer feel ashamed to discuss sex, including both its lovely and less-than-beautiful aspects. Also, we become more interested in our capacity for pleasure as we learn more about sex.

Not to mention that we become more in tune with our sensual intelligence and that understanding our senses helps us be more present in both our sexual interactions and everyday life. In bed, we learn how to express what we want or don’t want. 

We can learn to speak more persuasively about passionate consent, from a hug to a spanking. Saying ‘No’ and ‘Yes, please’ to a range of concepts can truly make a difference between the sheets and help your partner understand better what works for you and what doesn’t.

Every sexual encounter can be as passionate, kinky, or sensual as the individual wants it to be. You and your partner must decide on your intentions, yet this requires sex ed. Without it, you will not be able to understand what needs to be improved to have better sex quality.  Also, if sex becomes monotonous, uninteresting, or nonexistent, you can find straightforward strategies to solve and get through any difficulty that arises.

Through learning about sex, we also acquire skills for navigating novel, personal sexual encounters. Lastly, by learning to take and provide pleasure, we can have deeper and more satisfying sexual relationships.

Sex Ed Facts for Adults

The sex education you have or haven’t received in high school probably concentrated on preventing STIs and pregnancies. And even that may not have been done very well. Most of us do not acquire nearly enough knowledge by the time we reach adulthood to navigate our sex lives appropriately.

Find below important sex-related things every adult should be aware of in order to have the fulfilling and healthy sexual life they deserve. 

1. You bring yourself to the bedroom. 

Whether we are aware of it or not, we bring all of the messages from our family, history, and culture into our sexual life. This can lead to expectations or feelings of shame that our spouse might not share. We must take the time to delve into those messages and learn to disrupt and distrust the unfavorable ones if we are to genuinely understand ourselves and be present in our sex lives.

2. Sex is a journey. 

You will never reach a moment in which you are done exploring your sexuality or sex life. Our preferences for people, things, and ways might vary over the course of a day, a month, or even a lifetime. This is very natural and something we should both accept about our spouses and ourselves.

3. Your partner can’t read your mind. 

Although it seems pretty obvious, many couples will struggle with accepting that their partner is not aware of their precise sexual needs. We must use language to verbally communicate our feelings, likes, and needs. Without assistance, our partners cannot solve this problem. How do we handle these occasionally challenging conversations? Lots of transparent communication, a readiness to show vulnerability, and some excellent listening skills.

4. We are not the same. 

Everyone is unique; what one person finds too hard, another finds too soft, and what one person finds objectionable, another finds appealing. This is the exciting part of sex! We get to investigate and discover more about ourselves and other people. Finding the common things you wish to explore with your sex partner is what makes this entire thing a lot more interesting. Imagine if everyone would like the same things in bed and make you feel the same way. What would be the point of it?

5. Don’t ignore the power of pleasure.

Both our own and our partner’s enjoyment are worthy of equal consideration, care, and interest. It’s important to consider why that’s happening and what you can do about it if you’re only in it for your own pleasure and not your partner’s, or if you’re only focused on your partner’s pleasure and not your own.

6. Orgasms are not a ‘must’.

It takes a lot of time, effort, and stress to determine whether orgasms are occurring during a sexual encounter. Yes, orgasms are lovely, yet they shouldn’t be the main “objective.” The beautiful objectives of pleasure, intimacy, and connection can be achieved without the strain of an orgasm. In fact, obsessing over orgasm can make it more difficult to accomplish. Therefore, put connection first and orgasms, if any, second.

In Conclusion

Learning about sex is also a journey. You should never stop being curious about it because there are always unexplored tricks, ideas, concepts, or even events that might interest you and completely revolutionize your sex life. 

Are you ready to learn more and unlock a more satisfying experience?

BLISS: Proven Methods for Improving the Female Orgasm

Stiff: Solutions for Erectile Dysfunction On-Demand Webinar



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do