Entries by Amanda Pasciucco

Conversation Starters For Couples

Conversation Starters For Couples   It can get pretty awkward in a dynamic, so we created conversation starters for couples as a way to keep the intimacy alive.    In the beginning of being a couple, conversation starters are more about getting to understand what you both are looking for out of a partner. Then, […]

How to Orgasm – Vulva Edition

How to Orgasm – Vulva Edition   One of the most commonly asked questions by women coming to our practice is “how to orgasm?” Is there really just one answer to the question of how to orgasm though? I think not!  If you ask women internationally from ages 18 and up, you might be surprised […]

Betty Dodson ‘s Internal Clitoris Discovery

Betty Dodson ‘s Internal Clitoris Discovery   Have you heard of one of my role models – the legendary Betty Dodson? If not, today is the day to learn one of her main discoveries. Betty Dodson was able to discover the internal clitoris for us, and she passed it down so other women would understand […]

Winter Depression During a Pandemic

Winter Depression During a Pandemic   For some people, winter weather seems like a magical scene out of a movie. Yet for others winter depression is a hard reality of the chilly season.    When choosing where to settle down in life and deciding what place to call home, many factors come into play when […]

New Types of Apocalypse Pleasure With Sex Machines

New Types of Apocalypse Pleasure With Sex Machines   As I work with more and more adults, I realize that sex machines are not common knowledge. For those of you who have a difference of desire with your partners, and enjoy the sensation of penetrative pleasure, looking into a sex machine! Apocalypse Pleasure Honestly, it […]

Aphrodisiac Foods for Valentine’s Day

There are many different types of aphrodisiac foods in the world, and some of them tend to get us more in the mood than others.  Aphrodisiac foods are those foods that are commonly associated with increasing one’s sensual and sexual drive.  A date night might be low key and be about getting away for a […]

Behind the Scenes of a Woman Owned Business 

Starting a woman owned business is fulfilling, terrifying, and a form of radical dedication and commitment.  I compare my business to a part of my soul, kind of like Mike Michalowicz’ analogy of your business as a Siamese twin – you share the same vital organs.   Having a woman owned business is similar to being […]