Entries by Amanda Pasciucco


What do you think about medical marijuana? #medicalcannabis #cannabis #weedstagram #weed #cannabiscommunity #medicalmarijuana #high #maryjane #society #weedsociety #weedclan #everyday #life #cannabisculture #highsociety #ganja #cannabissociety #marijuanaphotosubmission #bakedbeans #bluntculture #smokeweedeveryday #dailydabbers #weedislife #weedsmokers #cannabiscures #smokeweed #larry #cannabisheals


“About once a month, one of my clients will tell me that they had ‘the best sex’ while at a hotel,” sex therapist Amanda Pasciucco said. So what is it about hotel sex that makes it so hot?


42 attempts. 42 different notes in my phone. 42 continuous efforts to find the perfect thing to say.

I wanted to post a before and after so I could show you the severity of my eating disorder. However, at my lowest weight I was sick and at my highest weight I was more sick. A photo would not serve justice.


The new Netflix show, To The Bone, has been said to be triggering for those who have eating disorders. Anyone have any thoughts on how they could have made the show better?

National Donut Day

National Donut Day isn’t very exciting for those with eating disorders…

I want to tell you about this guy that I met. I’m not going to use any names because I feel it could really ruin someones reputation. Him and I met about ten years ago. You could say that our relationship has been pretty serious, always ups and downs but when push comes to shove he really has always been there for me.

Spelling Bee

The #spellingbee is trending! The person who won could “visualize” the word before even spelling it! If we as adults could visualize our goals in this same way, I think we would be achieving more wins in life!

Headspace Article!

“We’ve all seen the hundreds of articles that promise “mind-blowing” sex. And maybe you’ve even bookmarked a few to refer back to later, only to find out that the quick tips and methods have failed you, yet again.” 

Thirteen Reasons Why

#thirteenreasonswhy you should see a sex therapist.

1. Most couples issues are sex related anyway!
2. Sex is an overlooked source of eating disorder issues.
3. Because you are embarrassed about your body.
4. Spruce up your routine sex life with your partner.
5. To find out what turns you on.
6. Explore your sensuality and what that means to you.
7. Find juiciness within your mundane life.
8. To love how your body looks naked.
9. Because learning the human anatomy and how it works for pleasure is interesting!
10. You’re not having sex with your partner daily!
11. To get more powerful and frequent orgasms.
12. Introduction into alternative lifestyles.
13. To learn how to become tantric.

Body Image

“Why can’t my thighs be smaller and my stomach flatter?” I think. “Why can’t my arms be toned and my face be less round?” I often wonder if anyone can see the difference that I see. Do they see also that I’ve gained weight, or is it just me? How long am I going to sabotage myself for the body that I want? When will my temple be enough for me?

When your soul starts to speak louder than your brain, that’s when. When I begin to rely on my soul self as the leader of my temple all will be well in my world. Body image for me in an ideal world won’t be prominent. I won’t wake up in the morning and body check to hate myself but rather to glorify myself. Saying things like “my legs are here to help my do my job, they get me from one point to another.”

Cosmopolitan Magazine

I’m so excited! I just got interviewed by Cosmopolitan magazine this morning! Due to the fact that I’m a certified sex therapist, I got to make a statement on the trends of hair… below the belt. Luckily, I have done research on this topic before, as it is one of the questions I get asked frequently in private practice. Stay tuned… as the story will be featured in the sex and relationship segment of Cosmo in the near future!

The Joy of Sunshine

As soon as the sun starts shining, the world gets happier. Recently, it hit 60 degrees in New England, and it seemed like everyone was more cheerful. I noticed more people smiling, individuals being friendly and courteous, and a diminished sense of “rushing” or “urgency” around me. I appreciated the sudden shift in energy and decided to delve into understanding this sunshine shift.