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Plastic Surgery Addiction: How to Stop On Time?

Plastic Surgery Addiction: When to Stop?


A fixation with altering the way you look through surgery is a behavioral disorder known as plastic surgery addiction. People who are addicted to plastic surgery invest a great deal of time and money in a variety of procedures, some of which may be risky. An addiction can cause lasting bodily damage, financial burden, and declining mental health.

Although the majority of people who opt for plastic surgeries are women. There is an increase in interest among men as well. Here, we’re not talking about one or two corrective plastic surgeries people decided to do to feel better about their appearance. Being addicted to plastic surgery comes with a set of risks that can have a significant impact on your life. 


What Is Plastic Surgery Addiction?

A person may develop an addiction to plastic surgery if they have had several cosmetic operations done and are never happy or content with the way they look. You might spend a lot of time, money, and resources on operations if you have an addiction to plastic surgery. Additionally, since you are never satisfied with the outcome, it can make you return for more.

The signs of plastic surgery addiction are similar to those of behavioral addictions. However, they cannot be diagnosed. Despite the risks, those who are addicted to plastic surgery keep getting cosmetic operations, and they ignore advice from their family and friends. In other words, your family might encourage you to stop plastic surgeries. Yet their opinion doesn’t make you change your mind.

That is why plastic surgery addiction is often connected with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD).

A person with body dysmorphic disorder, also known as body dysmorphia, spends a lot of time thinking about their looks. Although body dysmorphia can affect people of any age, young adults are the most likely to experience it. 

Over time, a person with this mindset often becomes obsessed with plastic surgery. Which has an impact on many aspects of their lives. They are often focused on finding the money, scheduling, recuperating, and exploring new things that can make them look better. These procedures precede other responsibilities, relationships, and necessities in their lives, which makes it even dangerous. 


Signs of Plastic Surgery Addiction

Family members, friends, and romantic partners could be able to identify a plastic surgery addict. In other cases, the symptoms could be more subtle and harmful. More obvious signs of obsessive cosmetic surgery include persistent physical alterations or an excessive amount of time spent recuperating from the procedure. Looking for doctors, treatments, customer testimonials, and photos of before and after are the most common signs of plastic surgery addiction. Especially if the person is doing that right after recovering from surgery. 

The following are some typical signs of a plastic surgery addiction:

  • Interest in numerous procedures 
  • Choosing a physician without being interested in their training or qualifications
  • Experiencing irrational expectations regarding post-operative sensations
  • Believing in the potential rewards of an operation, such as social acceptance, love, happiness, and financial prosperity
  • Ignoring responsibilities at work, school, or home
  • Having financial issues as a result of the surgeries
  • Having relationship problems because of your prioritization of your body
  • Searching for alternative medical professionals in case one is unwilling to do the process
  • Feeling that some of your physical parts require fixing

Treatment Options for Plastic Surgery Addiction 

Those who are addicted to plastic surgery might have a difficult time accepting that they have an addiction. This is mostly because they are very much focused on improving their image of themselves, although this image is often unrealistic. 

When a person admits they are addicted to plastic surgery, the best thing to do is to find a therapist to help them understand better why this addiction developed in the first place. There is so much more behind the need to look and feel better. A therapist can help people with this addiction to accept themselves as they are and stop chasing the unattainable. 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Surgery addiction disorder patients who receive cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can identify how their ideas, feelings, and behaviors interact to influence their behavior. CBT entails recognizing and combating skewed mental processes that might be a factor in compulsive behaviors related to plastic surgeries. One can be more prepared to meet the temptation of having another operation when these harmful thought patterns are swapped out for more optimistic and practical ones, which will eventually improve one’s quality of life.


12-Step Programs

A mental health expert could also advise enrolling in a 12-step program to create a network of support for rehabilitation. For those battling addiction of any sort, 12-step support groups offer a secure setting where people may talk about their challenges and encourage one another to gain and keep control over bad behaviors.



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not authorized any particular drugs to treat addiction to plastic surgery. Nonetheless, antidepressants may be able to lessen the symptoms of worry and compulsive behaviors in some situations where mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, and body dysmorphic disorder, are present. 


Plastic Surgery and Mental Health 

Plastic surgery has a variety of effects on mental health, many of which are unintended. Although the main goal of plastic surgery is to help patients restore their self-esteem. Several studies have shown that this isn’t always the case. If you or someone close to you has done several procedures and is still thinking about doing more. It would be wise to seek a mental health expert. 

Talking to someone about your insecurities or the motivations for pursuing plastic surgeries can help you find peace and accept yourself just the way you are. A therapist could also help you understand what caused these insecurities in the first place and how to ensure they no longer control your life. For instance, if one of your parents was really critical of your looks, you might feel like you’re never going to reach that perfection, which would lead to them accepting you. A therapist would help you understand that you no longer need their acceptance. Loving yourself is the path to happiness, not plastic surgery. 



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

How to Break Up With a Friend

How to Break Up With a Friend


All breakups are complex, yet knowing how to break up with a friend might be the toughest. There are endless reasons why you would want to break up with your friend, from losing shared interests to feeling betrayed by something they did. Because you share a history and likely have complicated feelings, breaking up with a friend is difficult. 

If you’re confident that ending the friendship is correct, continue reading to learn valuable guidelines and tips to avoid a messy situation. 


Reasons to Break Up with Your Friend

Knowing why you no longer want to be friends with a certain person can help you make decisions about how to break up with them. This can help you move on more quickly after breaking up with a friend.

As we already said, there are several reasons why you would want to break up with your friend, such as: 

  • Changes: You no longer attend the same school, work together, or engage with each other the way you used to. 
  • Mental health: Your friend is dishonest or unkind, putting more effort into tearing you down than putting you back together. Or you don’t get as much pleasure out of the friendship as you once did.
  • Conflict: One or more situations in which you have different opinions or values strongly impact your friendship. 
  • Toxicity: Your friend’s behavior, word, or energy is becoming harmful, and you don’t feel positive around them.


Of course, these are the main reasons why people often break their friendship. Each relationship between two people is unique. If you’re certain you want to break up with your friend, knowing the reason will help you and them move on and learn from this experience. 


Before You End It…

If you’re not sure whether to end the connection, spend some time talking to your friend about your issues. Sometimes, having an open discussion with your friend about a challenging circumstance or event can restore trust. 

If you continue to feel uneasy about the relationship despite your best efforts to speak with your friend, it could be time to end it. If they don’t share the same perspective, remind yourself of the reasons for considering this breakup. Most importantly, don’t forget to give yourself time to feel confident about this decision and communicate it clearly to your friend.


Best Way to Break Up With a Friend

Breaking up with a friend can be very difficult. Even though you may not want to, you know you should let them go. Even though you know the other person would be hurt, you must consider thinking about yourself first.  

A friend breakup can significantly impact you, especially if you’ve been friends for a long time and given them much of your time, affection, and effort. Is there any way to terminate things amicably? Of course! However, the way you decide to break up with your friend will set the tone of the breakup, so be careful how you talk. 


Reflecting on Values

Start by considering your values and how the friendship no longer meets your needs to start the conversation. For instance, you might need to focus on extra income, and you have to tell your friend there is less free time for them. You cannot work less because you need money and feel disappointed that your friend doesn’t get that. They probably need a friend who can be there for them more often than you can, so it makes sense to part ways. 

Another common example is when you’ve just started a romantic relationship and want to dedicate your free time to that special person. If your friend doesn’t understand that and is causing additional pressure on you, it’s not the right friendship for you—or them. You have different values and needs regarding friendships, so ending it is a pretty reasonable decision. 


Talk from Your Perspective

Breakups are a consequence of not being able to find common ground. That is why it’s important to talk from your perspective instead of offering dialogue and being curious about how they feel about it. To do so, use “I” statements. 

For instance, you can say, “In the past few months, I feel like our conversations are not as captivating as they used to be. I love talking about new ideas and inspiring things, so focusing only on the negative side of everything is not my thing.” This way, you are setting clear expectations and not accusing your friend of not giving you what you want, which happens in breakup conversations. 


Set Your Boundaries

When the conversation ends, let the other person know you would prefer a defined boundary or space or terminate all communication altogether. So, besides letting your friend know the reason for the breakup, make sure you communicate the boundary you want to set. 

This one might be difficult. Asking them to stop texting or calling you might sound harsh, yet it’s natural. After expressing your reasons for ending the friendship, it’s only natural that things will change. Although you might feel uncomfortable addressing these things, it’s important to protect yourself and stay true to your decision. 


Post-Friendship Breakup: Taking Care of Yourself 

Even if you were the one to break up with someone, the pain after a breakup is quite common. You will also likely mourn the loss of friendship, even if it was the proper decision to end it. It can be much more complicated if you still have shared connections or are in a larger friend group. However, remember that ending a relationship is perfectly fine when your needs aren’t met and your emotions are wounded or ignored.

When the time is right, inform your other friends of your decision to cut ties with your shared friend and establish any ground rules for discussions. You do not need to share the specifics with your other friends, even though they may be interested in knowing. 

Remember that you are not the only person going through a friendship breakup. Take this opportunity to focus on your healing and properly care for yourself.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Workplace Wellbeing Guide for Businesses

Workplace Wellbeing Guide for Businesses


Workplace wellbeing is becoming increasingly important for businesses worldwide, especially in cooperative environments. According to many studies, employees in good mental health are more productive and have lower sick leave rates.

We spend eight hours a day working, so it is obvious that everything that happens in our workplace affects our wellbeing. That is why companies are starting to invest more effort into creating healthy work environments for their employees and promoting work-life balance. In this article, we offer recommended strategies for businesses looking to improve workplace wellbeing and create a healthy work community. 


Factors Impacting Workplace Wellbeing

Before discussing strategies for creating healthier workplaces, happier employees, and more productivity, it’s essential to learn which factors impact how you feel about your workplace. 

Excessive work or continuous pressure to fulfill deadlines can cause worry, anxiety, and burnout in employees. Overworked staff may become overwhelmed and need help to handle their workload. You could also experience emotions of inadequacy if they believe they are falling short of expectations.

A major contributing factor to workplace stress is a lack of support. Managers should promote communication, offer constructive criticism, and ensure that staff members have the tools to do their jobs well to avoid making employees feel abandoned.

Violence, threats, and bullying are the third most common reasons why people experience stress at work. They exacerbate relationships, undermine morale and trust, and, in severe situations, raise concerns about people’s physical and mental safety. All of these things lead to stress.

Experiences of change can be stressful, mainly when they are abrupt or unplanned. Changes in job duties, organizational reorganizations, and the introduction of new technologies are some examples of triggers.

When faced with change, employees may experience overwhelming anxiety or uncertainty. This may cause individuals to become distracted and less productive, pushing them to look for other employment opportunities.


Strategies to Improve Workplace Wellbeing

Providing for your employees’ requirements to promote the highest level of performance is often necessary to create a happy work environment. Although the requirements of the average employee change over time, some fundamental items you could provide are listed below. 


  1. Allow Working from Home

With the ability to work from anywhere, work-from-home (WFH) is becoming increasingly popular in today’s workplace. That is why many companies are creating their own work-from-home policies. A work-from-home policy is an agreement between a company and employees who desire to work from home. 

The policy outlines the duties, obligations, qualifications, and additional work-from-home rules. Its purpose is to guarantee that all workers are aware of the expectations that come with choosing to work from home. When creating this policy, this is one of your priorities, as well as which goals and requirements you want your employees to meet if they work from home. Also, consider consulting your employees to ensure your WFH policy works well for both sides. 


2. Ensuring Transparent Communication

Good work environments encourage the exchange of ideas by ensuring open communication between employers and employees. In addition to ensuring everyone feels heard, effective communication fosters creative ideas that support business success.

There are plenty of ways to ensure tools, platforms, and opportunities for transparent communication. You can have a place for employee suggestions, whether it’s digital or physical. Talk to your employees about what they need to communicate with each other and their superiors and incorporate it into your business.  


3. Implementing Relevant Benefits

Offering generous benefits packages can greatly influence a positive work culture. Benefits like parental leave, vacation time, and reasonable paid time off foster stronger ties between the employer and employees. 

If you want your employees to stay and be loyal to your company, you will need to appreciate the needs and wants in their personal life as well. 


4. Enticing Reward Systems

Positive workplace cultures formally reward employees for their hard work since they enjoy receiving recognition for it. These incentives can spur workers to put in extra effort, whether through cash bonuses, public recognition, or other sincere gesture of gratitude. 

However, make sure that your employees are not performing well just because of the rewards because it might be difficult to maintain their interest in the long term. Create a healthy combination of rewards, promotions, salary raises, etc. 


5. Promote Physical Health

Since good physical health is essential to overall wellbeing, encourage your staff to lead healthy lifestyles. Create chances for physical activity, such as walking meetings, organized sports teams, or gym memberships. Along with decadent desserts, think about providing healthy meal options.

To ensure that your employees return to their desks feeling more energized, encourage them to take frequent breaks, talk to each other, and go for walks. 


6. Build community

Plan social events and team-building exercises that foster personal connections among staff members. A strong sense of community can improve workplace enjoyment and teamwork. However, don’t force it. Instead of forcing people to like each other, respect the time it takes to get to know each other and be mindful of the different types of personalities your employees could have. 


7. Ensure Financial Security

Paying fair and competitive salaries is important since it can have a positive impact on an employee’s overall wellbeing in the long run. To make employees feel supported and financially secure, provide training or resources for financial planning.

You can give all the benefits you want, yet if your employees don’t feel financially secure in your company, they will look for better opportunities- and you won’t be able to blame them for doing that. 


Building a Healthy Workplace

Employees who actively participate in the wellness initiatives and programs provided by their workplace can help foster a wellbeing culture. They can also help in customizing these programs to meet their needs by providing comments and recommendations on wellbeing tactics. 

Employees can also help their coworkers in their efforts to maintain wellness by taking part in group wellness events or showing knowledge of the demands of work-life balance. Establishing a supportive environment where everyone shares responsibility for their wellbeing can greatly improve the general atmosphere at work.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Virginity Is a Social Construct: It’s Time to Break Free

Virginity Is a Social Construct: It’s Time to Break Free


Lately, there has been a lot of talk about whether or not virginity is a social construct. For centuries, the idea of being a virgin until marriage has been sold to young girls and women all around the world as something crucial for their love life, happiness, and personal value. Why was—and still is—virginity only an expectation for women? After all, if straight men were not expected to be virgins until marriage, who were all of them having sex with? Who gave men so much power to destroy a woman’s reputation just because they had sex together? A man was just a man, and a woman wasn’t a virgin anymore. 

It’s not so much who gave men so much power; the real question is why. Why were women who had sexual relations before marriage unwanted or shamed by their families? Why does the inequality between men and women still exist when talking about virginity? If it’s so important, why are there groups of people praying and promoting only female virginity and not virginity in general? 

In this article, we want to research how true it is that virginity is a social construct. 


Virginity Is a … Social Construct? 

Before responding to this question, let’s define social construct. It is an idea that society creates to make sense of everything around us. Social constructs are not bad. On the contrary, they help us understand the world we live in. For instance, we all agree that a certain piece of paper represents money. We accept its different values and use it to buy certain things. That is a social construct. 

However, not all social constructs help us function on an everyday basis. Some are used to manipulate marginalized groups, and up until recently, women were marginalized all across the world. Although that is not the case anymore, there is still a lot of inequality between men and women when it comes to certain matters. One such example is virginity. 

When someone says the word ‘virgin,’ do you imagine a man or a woman? Most likely, you’ve imagined a woman. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. For hundreds of years, society has been teaching us that a woman should be ‘untouched’ until she meets the right man who decides to marry her. There is no equivalent for men. Yes, they were expected to provide for this perfect woman and the family they built together, yet a man who wasn’t from a wealthy family wasn’t considered as a ‘damaged good.’ 

Putting aside social and religious beliefs, what does one lose by having a sexual experience? How can having an experience decrease your value? One of the definitions of experience is that it is an ‘event which leaves an impression on you.’ 

Instead of expecting someone to be a virgin, it would make more sense to talk about the experience itself. What do you need for it to be a quality experience? What should you learn from such an experience? Why do we seek that type of experience in the first place?

These questions initiate personal growth; asking whether or not someone is a virgin initiates discrimination, comparison, and judgment. 


Virginity Limits Other Experiences 

The concept of virginity pushes women away from sex, and it distances them from other experiences, such as masturbation, conversations, and thoughts about sex. Understanding what you like and don’t like is crucial for successful sex. Even if you wait until you’re married, if you aren’t allowing yourself to be curious about sex, chances are you will not be able to enjoy it because you don’t know what you prefer. 

Not masturbating, thinking, or talking about sex have one strong belief in common, which is ‘Sex is dirty.’ You can’t expect this belief to magically disappear once you are married. That is why many people who wait until marriage to have sex say that they are not impressed by it. Others will feel it is a marital responsibility, so they will not experience any pleasure or orgasm. 

In a way, virginity continues to impact your sexual experiences even when you lose it to the person you’ve waited for your entire life. After all, it’s not about being proficient at having sex; it’s about feeling proficient when having it. People with penises and vaginas have the right to enjoy their sexual experiences and be curious about sex and sexuality in general. 


Before and After 

Your first sex definitely separates before and after. Every important experience does that. Your first kiss, your first relationship, your first friend, your first day at school, and so on. Interestingly enough, other things don’t have a word for the period before a certain experience. What do you call a person before they gain their first friend? There’s no word for it. 

There is so much negative context around the word ‘virginity’ that, at this point, it is way more damaging than informational. Just think about it: what can you do with the information of someone being a virgin? It has zero value to others. If you haven’t had sexual experience, that information says nothing relevant about you in the public sphere. Also, if you had sex, it says the same—nothing. 

For inexperienced people who want to take things slow, share it with a loved one. You can share it with your close friend if you feel that your past sexual experience wasn’t so great and you want to be more relaxed when having sex again. The only value of such information is if it benefits you. 


Time for a New Social Construct

In the same way that the social construct of virginity has been created, we can create a new one that is not harmful to people, especially young women. Why not advance virginity as society does every day to match its beliefs and habits?

Every sexual experience is valid. Shaming someone doesn’t bring positive outcomes for anyone. If you want others to respect your intimacy, respect theirs. Lastly, don’t compare yourself to others. Comparison always leads to dividing the world into ‘good’ and ‘bad, ‘black’ and ‘white.’ Instead, be open-minded, curious, compassionate, and lead by example. 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Therapy for Depression: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Therapy for Depression: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Therapy for depression aims to help those who have been diagnosed or believe they have depression. When it comes to the recommended type of therapy, your specific type of depression will be the determining factor. 

Depression is a prevalent mental health illness that alters your thoughts, sleep patterns, eating habits, and behavior. The important thing to remember is that depression can be treated, usually with medication, talk therapy, or both. It is critical to get medical attention as soon as you notice symptoms. That’s why we’ll also mention the causes and symptoms of depression in this article. 


What Is Depression?

A depressive state differs from normal mood swings or exchanges of feelings we experience in our daily lives. It can impact all areas of our lives, including social and romantic relationships. Depression may originate from or contribute to issues at work and in the classroom. Although anyone can experience depression, it is more likely to affect those who have experienced abuse, significant losses, or other stressful situations. 

During a depressive episode, a person will feel a depressed mood (feeling sad, angry, and empty), and they often report a lack of interest in their favorite hobbies and activities.


Depression Symptoms

Different depression symptoms exist, yet these are the most common: 

  • Lack of focus
  • Excessive guilt 
  • Low self-worth
  • Having a pessimistic outlook on the future
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Changes in eating or weight
  • Extreme exhaustion 
  • Lack of energy


Causes of Depression

Depression results from a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. It is more common in people who have experienced adverse life experiences, such as unemployment, bereavement, or traumatic events. Depression can exacerbate a person’s living circumstances as well as the depression itself, resulting in increased stress and dysfunction.

Physical health is intimately tied to and impacts depression. Numerous characteristics that have been linked to depression, including unhealthy alcohol consumption or physical inactivity, recognized risk factors for conditions like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disorders. As a result of the challenges involved in managing their illness, individuals with certain conditions may also experience depression.

When it comes to the most common causes of depression, this is the overview:

  • Stressful or traumatic events
  • Personality
  • Family history
  • Menopause
  • Loneliness
  • Substance or alcohol abuse
  • Illness
  • Pregnancy or giving birth
  • Other mental health problems


Therapy Types for Depression

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to depression therapy; instead, the best kind of treatment depends on a number of criteria. Your treatment choice may depend on your preferences and symptom severity. To help you choose the depression therapy that might be best for you, think about some of the following popular forms:


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy 

Cognitive behavioral therapy employs both behavioral and cognitive therapy because both are effective in treating anxiety and depression. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to address the negative cognitive patterns and behaviors that underlie depression.

In your journal, your therapist may ask you to record the week’s events and any negative or self-defeating responses. During CBT, you may address patterns of thought, such as automatic negative reactions or habitual negative responses to events. Two prominent cognitive distortions that are associated with certain reaction patterns are overgeneralization and all-or-nothing thinking. 


Cognitive Therapy

The notion that our ideas impact our emotions lies at the core of cognitive therapy. For instance, we are more likely to feel content if we choose to see the positive aspects of every encounter rather than concentrating solely on the bad.

Depression can be aggravated and contributed to by negative thinking. It’s difficult to feel joyful when your mind is always racing with negative ideas. Through cognitive therapy, patients can learn to recognize frequent negative thought patterns or cognitive distortions and replace them with more upbeat ones to elevate their mood.


Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral treatment is concentrated on altering habits that impact emotions, whereas cognitive therapy focuses on the unfavorable beliefs that lead to melancholy. And behavioral activation is critical in treating depression. This includes assisting patients with activities that will improve their sense of well-being.


Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy is sometimes less concentrated and requires a longer duration of care than certain other depression treatment modalities. This method helps you connect past events and determine how they affected your depression. It can also improve emotional skills and self-awareness.


Interpersonal Therapy 

Depression can also result from interpersonal conflict and a lack of social support. One kind of therapy that addresses these problems by focusing on interpersonal interactions and past and present social roles is called interpersonal therapy. The therapist usually selects one or two areas of concern to concentrate on throughout treatment.

This kind of treatment is typically quick and entails assessing your social ties with significant others. Your relationships with your spouse, friends, family, and coworkers might all fall under this category.


The Value of Therapy for Depression

The initial line of treatment for depression is psychological. With moderate to severe depression, you might be advised to take certain antidepressant drugs.

Cognitive behavioral therapies can impart new ways of thinking, adjusting, or interacting with people. They could consist of both supervised therapists and professional talk therapy. Talk therapy can take place online or in person, depending on what suits you best. To schedule a session, you can either use an app, visit a website, send an email, or simply call the number of the therapist’s office.

Regardless of the kind of therapy you choose, psychotherapy ought to be a secure and encouraging environment. You should always feel comfortable talking to a therapist about your depression-related feelings and struggles.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Therapy for Men: A Guide to Finding the Answers

Therapy for Men: A Guide to Finding the Answers


We’re so glad to hear that men’s mental health is no longer taboo, and that goes for therapy for men as well. It’s about time that all people get the support they need to live more fulfilled lives. However, it’s a fact that men are still less likely than women to seek therapy. 

As society is becoming more open-minded about this topic, we’d taken a moment to look into the options of therapy for men, reasons why they usually seek help, and what to expect from your first session with a therapist. 


Reasons to Seek Therapy for Men

Men and those who identify as men face mental health issues just like everyone else. This could involve problems and illnesses like bipolar disorder, PTSD, anxiety, sadness, anger issues, eating disorders, problems with body image, and more. It might also just be as simple as having someone to talk to in order to get past uncomfortable emotions and ideas and enhance your general perspective on life. 

In addition to being able to support you through these mental health issues, therapists who specialize in treating men will be trained to approach counseling with an awareness of the outside influences on men’s lives.

Because of societal perceptions of masculinity, men have encountered a variety of particular obstacles while seeking therapeutic services. Although there are other factors influencing men’s mental health besides gender, men may face particular challenges due to limited notions of what it means to be a man, such as achievement, control, and power. These may negatively affect behavior, feelings of self-worth, emotions, and interpersonal relationships.


Benefits of Therapy

It’s not necessary to put on a front or appear to be someone you’re not when in therapy. You may be who you truly are there, express your emotions, and voice your worries without worrying about being judged. Since the therapeutic connection is based on acceptance and trust, you are free to freely explore your feelings and ideas. Besides being yourself, there are other benefits men should be aware of. 


Get to Know Yourself Better

Men are generally expected by society to be emotionally repressed, although therapy promotes appropriate emotional expression. Feelings connected to stress, worry, sadness, rage, or anything else can all be explored. You can better understand yourself and your responses by giving expression to your feelings.


Improve Your Communication Skills

Enhancing communication skills through therapy can help you in both personal and professional interactions. You’ll get improved communication skills for expressing your ideas and emotions, attentive listening skills, and constructive problem-solving techniques. Better relationships are the result of having stronger communication abilities.


Learn Different Coping Strategies

There are many obstacles in life, and therapy gives you useful coping mechanisms. Therapy offers strategies to handle and get past challenges, whether they are personal, relationship, or work-related stressors. Enhancing your coping skills can help you become more mentally resilient.


Become Healthier

Therapists focusing on men’s mental health are aware of the particular difficulties that guys encounter. They understand that men may be affected differently by problems such as controlling their aggression, substance misuse, and relationship troubles. Therapy offers a customized strategy to deal with these issues.


Effective Therapy Approaches for Men

Treatment is not a one-size-fits-all process. Everybody who seeks counseling will bring a unique context with them. Those belonging to the same demographic will possess distinctive qualities of their own. A skilled therapist will be able to establish a setting that accepts you for who you are. It is quite common for people to be uncertain about what to expect when they enter therapy. 

An intern, LMFTA, or licensed therapist can help you process emotions in a way that is comfortable for you. Therapy can be an open forum for discussion, or it can be highly action-oriented, with goals and steps to achieve them. 

Men are demonstrated to respond better to defined plans, action-oriented therapy, and the ability to track their progress toward goals, as opposed to talk therapy’s tendency toward more feelings-focused and abstract discussions. For many, it is inspiring to see how therapy works from the beginning, to know that skills can be acquired and that there will be greater control. 

Experts in mental health have also discovered that modifying terminology during therapy, such as outlining the procedure in detail and adopting a coaching stance, are useful strategies. Make sure you feel like you have a strong therapeutic fit before choosing a therapist. It’s entirely up to you if you find it easier to talk to another man or value the viewpoint of a therapist from a different group. This could involve locating someone who identifies as your gender identity or sexual orientation. 


When’s It Time to Seek Therapy? 

When it comes to depression, anxiety, and similar mental health issues, men frequently exhibit different symptoms than women. Men who experience these symptoms, their loved ones, and even some medical professionals and therapists may overlook these indicators. These symptoms are equally real, and it’s critical to recognize them in order to make an informed decision about when to see a therapist.

Indications that you should consider therapy include:

  • Feeling more easily agitated than usual
  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Aggressive outbursts of aggression
  • Feeling down or overwhelmed 
  • Drinking, gambling, or using drugs
  • Losing interest in your favorite activities
  • Frequent headaches
  • Difficulty to focus 
  • Feeling tired even after a good night’s sleep 


Remind yourself that these symptoms are nothing to be ashamed of and that you are not alone. Although it’s common to think that discussing your issues with others won’t help, this is untrue.

One of the best things you can do to start feeling better is to go to a therapist. Meaning that they can support you in overcoming your emotions and finding solutions that suit your needs. 

Regardless of your goal, whether you want to become more assertive in your workplace or improve how you are in your relationship, therapy can guide you toward it. Learning the tools you need to live the life you want is what any good therapist can give you. 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Toxic Bosses: How to Know If Your Boss Is Toxic?

Toxic Bosses: How to Know If Your Boss Is Toxic?


Toxic bosses can do so much harm to their employees in so many ways. Not feeling comfortable in your work environment can impact your performance, socialization, self-esteem, and private areas of life.

We spend so many hours working, and it’s only natural that the experiences we have during our work hours impact us so much. However, when these experiences are negative, they can lead to serious issues, including health problems. The first step to ensuring you’re not stressed at work is identifying if your boss is toxic. This will provide you with a clearer picture of your work environment, your job, and your future at that company. After all, many employees leave because of their toxic bosses, even though they are satisfied with their salary and other benefits.

In this article, we bring you everything you need to know about toxic bosses and how to recognize if you have one. 


What Is a Toxic Boss? 

Bad bosses can be challenging to work for and might be hard to spot at times. The most common traits of a bad boss are grandiosity, micromanagement, excessive political behavior, and a lack of team trust.

A toxic manager is one who undermines and harms those who report to them. Their persistent, disruptive behavior robs workers of their autonomy, sense of purpose, and sense of belonging, all of which are essential for thriving at work, and causes staff to become disengaged.


Signs of a Toxic Boss

Understandably, it will be easier to determine whether your boss is toxic or not if you take a look at certain situations and how they react to them. In most cases, there are certain signs that are common among bosses who are difficult to work with. 


1.They Take Credit for Other People’s Work

A toxic employer will rarely give you credit for a job well done. Instead of viewing their staff as unique people, they perceive them as extensions of themselves. That is why they receive all the credit when anything works out. After all, they truly believe their staff only needs to carry out orders on their behalf. 

Although they take credit for your or your colleague’s work, they will never do that when faced with bad results. They avoid taking responsibility in such situations and often blame everyone else. Should they see any possibility of their own mistake or lack of action, they will promptly enter a state of denial and simply blame anyone else who is not them. 


2.They Don’t Listen

Your thoughts, worries, and criticism are ignored when working with a toxic supervisor. Furthermore, the organization as a whole suffers because of their inability to pay attention and actively listen. Even if your worries come true, they will probably blame it on you and not them. 

You probably notice that their attention span is also short and selective. This means that they will not give you the attention you need to talk about certain matters. However, if you talk about their greatness as a boss, they will definitely pay attention to what you are saying, as it boosts their ego. Additionally, you can miss out on important chances to learn and share ideas when you are unable to communicate properly, and you may come to believe that neither your work nor your ideas are essential.


3.They Use Fear  

Because they fear losing control, bad bosses will do all in their power to intimidate or frighten their team members into obedience. If you don’t comply, they might harm your reputation or your staff. In an attempt to show you who’s boss, they might also try to take away your authority and power, which would be highly detrimental to morale. The main point is that some bosses simply cannot stand having someone else have greater authority than them.


4.They Use Double Standards

A lousy boss will apply double standards, so you’ll know if you’re working for them. Either this person is incredibly strict and demanding, or they are the most laid-back boss on the planet with no boundaries at all (they make up regulations as they go). In any case, they will behave in an erratic and inconsistent manner.

You will always worry about the stability of your employment when your boss treats deadlines, performance reviews, communication styles, team composition, and project management procedures inconsistently. Oftentimes, this leads to staff burnout. 


5.They Don’t Respect Your Personal Life

You will often receive messages or calls from this type of boss, day and night. They anticipate that you will be available, even when it isn’t required. They’ll want anything to be done instantly, even if it means disrupting your meal with loved ones. Unkind supervisors don’t value your personal time or concern themselves with your well-being. They frequently fail to see how your personal life affects both your effectiveness at work and your chances of sticking with the company for a long period of time.


What to Do About It? 

There are many indicators of a toxic boss. Watch how they treat their staff and how much faith they have in them; there are a lot more warning signs that you should be aware of. If you believe that your supervisor is mistreating you or fostering a poisonous work atmosphere, it’s time to either find a new career or learn how to handle them.

While working with them, it would be a good idea to seek a therapist and talk to them about what you’re experiencing at work. After all, they might teach you techniques on how to deal better with such a boss and help you build the confidence to leave. 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Revenge Sex: How Recommended It Really Is?

Revenge Sex: How Recommended It Really Is?


We’ve heard songs, watched movies about, and oftentimes talked about revenge sex. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, revenge sex refers to having sex with someone for revenge because another person hurt you in a specific way. For example, you’ve realized your boyfriend cheated on you, and you want to have sex with someone else to hurt them back. 

If you have ever felt curious about revenge sex, read on!


You’ve Been Cheated On…

If you’re reading about revenge sex, there is a big chance that you may have been cheated on. In every relationship, this is one of the biggest fears, and when it happens, it creates pain inside you. You could feel hurt, betrayed, lost, or angry—all of it. This is when you might think about revenge sex as a way of taking back the control you feel you lost. 

Let’s be clear: there is nothing wrong with having sex after you’ve been hurt or ended your relationship. If you feel like your relationship is limiting you and you want more variety, it might be a good idea to experience sexual connection with another. However, if your only goal is to hurt someone else, revenge sex is not the best idea. 

Here’s why: it will realistically not give you what you’re looking for. You will not feel like you’re over the pain just because you had sex with someone else. Actually, these two things have little to do with each other. That is why it’s important to be clear on your motivation for sex with someone after ending a relationship or being cheated on. If you’re just looking to have fun, go for it! If you think it will heal your broken heart, unfortunately, it won’t!


Don’ts of Revenge Sex

If you’re determined to have revenge sex and truly believe it will make you feel better, I get it. You have the right to do anything that brings you peace at the moment. That said, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when you decide to have revenge sex. 

First, never announce it to your ex. If you plan to have revenge sex, do so for yourself. Sharing your intention with your ex might cause another attachment between you two. Beyond that, you can even feel that when you’re talking and having sex with another person, your mind is focused on your ex. That means you are actually using someone. 

Second, be safe. When hurt, we often want to do something wild and unexpected, and such situations can be dangerous as well. Let’s say you meet someone at a bar, and you’ve had one too many drinks. Your judgment will be off, and you could make risky decisions that could lead to a lack of safety. If you do want to have revenge sex with a complete stranger, make sure one of your friends has your location and is aware of your whereabouts.

Third, don’t pressure yourself into revenge sex. You might fantasize that you will be free of the pain in you if you have a sensual connection with another. There is this idea of feeling free after having revenge sex; however, this is not always true for all people. More importantly, if you do not use discernment, it may make you feel even worse. In many cases, people tried revenge sex when they weren’t ready because they assumed it would feel better than how they’re feeling now. 


How to Heal 

The reason why people consider having revenge sex is because they feel it will help them heal. They assume it will help them recover from a heartbreak, hurt, or any other pain caused by their romantic partner. If you’re uncertain whether revenge sex is the right choice for you, keep in mind there are other ways to heal.

One of the first things you should do when moving on from your ex is to remove everything that reminds you of them. For instance, you can put all the things in a box and store them in someone else’s storage container.

Cutting off all communication is not always enough to bring closure. There are moments when you need answers or want to understand why something happened. The important thing is to resolve the relationship in a constructive manner, so if both partners see it as a good idea, meet and discuss what needs to be discussed. If you need to seek therapy, please see someone. 


Moving On

Taking care of oneself is fundamental to recovering from a breakup or infidelity. In other words, make sure you’re eating foods that work for your body, moving instead of sitting all day, taking regular showers, and getting enough sleep.

It’s also comforting to redefine your own identity and put your independence front and center by focusing on interests that hold special meaning for you. Treating oneself to a little indulgence could also be beneficial. If you believe that getting a massage or manicure will make you feel better, think about doing so. When it comes to revenge sex, consider the reasons behind it. If you simply want to enjoy sex and feel good about yourself, go for it. In a period such as a breakup, it’s important to do things that will help you feel better. For some, this is writing down their feelings, while for others, it might be going out dancing and hooking up with someone. 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Why Am I So Lonely? Find Your Answer Here

Why Am I So Lonely? Find Your Answer Here


If you’ve asked yourself at least once, ‘Why am I so lonely,” you probably didn’t come up with any reasonable answer. Songs and poems have been written about loneliness for centuries, and yet we’re struggling to understand its real meaning. We’re also still looking for causes of loneliness and how to recover from them. 

We have decided to explore a topic we all like to talk about but nobody likes to experience. Learn about loneliness, why it happens, and how to feel better.


The Definition of Loneliness

Even though it’s in our nature to connect, a lot of us will experience loneliness frequently. When social connections do not match expectations, a person feels lonely. In other words, you will probably feel lonely if you want to have more social interactions than you actually do.

A person may experience severe feelings of social isolation, regardless of their living situation. There are several ways to define loneliness. The UCLA Loneliness Scale, a widely used tool for measuring loneliness, questions participants about a variety of emotions or connection deficiencies, such as how frequently they do or feel the following:

  • You feel like you are alone.
  • You feel excluded.
  • Reach out to your friends or family to fulfill your needs.
  • Feel connected to people in your environment.

Profound loneliness is a huge social concern because of the possible health effects for people who feel they have few or no supportive social relationships. However, it also highlights the need for more human contact and interaction.

Some people experience severe and persistent loneliness even though they are in a long-term marriage or are surrounded by people throughout the day. Studies indicate that loneliness presents significant risks to both overall well-being and long-term physical health. That is why there is an increasing need to understand loneliness to be able to help yourself and those around you. 


Signs and Symptoms of Loneliness

Many people experience brief episodes of loneliness at some point in their lives. Usually fleeting in nature, these kinds of emotions are not regarded as chronic. However, there may be more serious indications and symptoms to be aware of, as well as actions you may take to assist in dealing with chronic loneliness when feelings of isolation and loneliness get worse and last for an extended period of time.

Depending on your circumstances and identity, there are many signs and symptoms of chronic loneliness. If some or all of the following describe you regularly, you may have chronic loneliness and should consider talking to your doctor or therapist. 


Inability to Establish Deeper Connections

You feel unable to establish closer, more personal connections with people. It’s possible that you have relatives and friends in your life, yet your interactions with them are relatively superficial. Your interactions don’t feel satisfyingly connected, and it appears like there will always be a void in your relationship.


Lack of Friends

You do not need to be a social butterfly to avoid loneliness. However, friendships are extremely beneficial to our mental and emotional health. If you only have acquaintances or casual friends, you may feel lonely. 


Feeling Alone in a Crowded Room 

Regardless of your surroundings, do you often feel lonely? Even with dozens of people at a party, you may feel alone, alienated, and disconnected. On a busy street, bus, or train, it does not matter because you are in your own bubble.


Low Self-Worth

Feelings of negative self-worth and self-doubt can often lead to isolation from other people and choosing to be alone. Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Long-term emotions like these could also be a sign of persistent loneliness.


Low Social Battery

Feeling fatigue and burnout when attempting social interaction is quite common if you’re not an extroverted person. Attempting to interact and be social with people can wear you out if you suffer from chronic loneliness. Persistent fatigue can result in several problems, such as disturbed sleep, compromised immunity, inadequate nutrition, and more.


How to Deal with Loneliness

Acknowledging your feelings and the effects loneliness is having on your life is the first step toward conquering it. Speak with a therapist or counselor first. They can offer extra strategies to battle loneliness, alternative therapies, assistance in developing effective coping mechanisms, and help you address the potential contributing factors.


Seek Support 

Talk to your loved ones. Tell them you’re having loneliness problems. Tell them how they might be able to lessen your loneliness if you’ve lost a loved one, a career, or a relationship or are dealing with other problems that have caused you to feel alone.


Don’t Spend Too Much Time Online

If you’re attempting to fight loneliness, the internet world offers safe, practical, and helpful ways to interact with people. For some people, engaging in social interactions and communication through online dating services, chat and message platforms, and multiplayer video games can be gratifying. Also, there are many apps made to help you overcome problems like social isolation and loneliness.

Think about whether it’s beneficial for you to use social media. Some people may feel even more alone and isolated as a result of their interactions with the community online. People on social media, for instance, can present themselves as having hundreds of close friends by their side and leading exciting, carefree lives. 

Most often, this is not true. Social media can make some people feel inadequate, excluded, and lonely. If the internet feels more like isolation than a connection, you may want to log off.


Take Care of Yourself

In addition to making an effort to socialize, remember that physical activity, a balanced diet, enough sleep, sunlight, and even meditation can all help combat feelings of loneliness. Exercise has been demonstrated to release endorphins in the brain.

A balanced diet can also impact your brain’s health. Regular use of sugar, preservatives, and highly processed foods can be detrimental to your mental and physical well-being. 

Emotional wellness and sleep quality are strongly correlated. Feelings of loneliness and isolation can be exacerbated by sleep deprivation or bad sleeping patterns, and vice versa. That is why it’s essential to improve your sleeping patterns. Before going to bed, avoid consuming too much caffeine, switch off electronic gadgets to unwind, and make sure your bedroom is dark.

If you want to meet with a professional, see one of ours. 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Therapy in Hartford: Guide for Finding the Right Therapist 

Therapy in Hartford: Guide for Finding the Right Therapist 


If you’re looking for therapy in Hartford, you’ll probably find a bunch of options. This can make it difficult for you to find the right therapist locally or otherwise. If you’re thinking about visiting your therapist’s office for sessions, it’s quite important to feel comfortable and satisfied with your choice. After all, their approach to you is what will turn their office into a safe environment for you.

Of course, you can do online therapy sessions as well or even text therapy. According to research, the relationship you have with your therapist is probably going to have a significant impact on your development. In order to choose the ideal therapist for you, it’s critical that you conduct thorough research, pose pertinent questions, and pay close attention to your own reactions.

In this article, we bring you tips on how to choose the right therapist in Hartford and to which factors you should pay closer attention.


1-Determine Your Expectations

Consider your goals and the areas where you think about therapy. Things will improve only when you and your therapist work together towards achieving the same objectives.

Having a plan for the areas you want to improve will help your therapist understand what you think needs improvement. This can also help them learn more about you and what you wish to achieve in your life. Knowing what matters to you can help them shape the direction of the therapy. 

Think about the kind of therapy that would work best for you as well. If you’ve heard that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has helped others with your issue, look for a Hartford therapist with qualifications or specific training in these treatment modalities.

Seeking a therapist who participates in support groups or group therapy sessions may be something you should consider if you want to join a network of people who can relate to your experiences and offer you support.


2-Ask for Recommendations

A great option to find a therapist who might be a good fit for you is to get a referral from a friend, coworker, or trusted medical professional. A reference is a terrific place to start. However, you should be aware that you might not share the same requirements or therapy goals as the next person. In other words, something that works well for your friend might not work as well for you.

If a personal recommendation doesn’t work out for you, do your own research. Search for ‘Therapy in Hartford’ on Google and go through different options. Look for their reviews and website content to consider how you also feel about them. 


3-Schedule the First Session

When you have an idea of which therapist you’d like to see, schedule your first session. If you’d like, you can even schedule several sessions with different therapists to see how you feel talking to them. After all, your feelings about them are the most important factors in choosing the right therapist, and they can’t be activated so much before you actually see them. 

Consider seeing two or three therapists in Hartford to be able to make the right call. Prepare the questions you might have for them and determine what you need from your therapist or therapy in general. Once you’ve visited them, you will have a clearer idea of who would be the best choice. 


Questions to Ask a New Therapist

Many people who start seeing a therapist forget about the option of asking them questions. However, it’s only natural that you’re curious about them and the process. You might want to learn more about their education, experience, past clients, or costs. 



Even though it could be uncomfortable to inquire about therapy expenses, being upfront and honest about charges can help prevent regrettable circumstances on the road. Receiving an invoice that is far more than you anticipated is something you want to avoid. 


Education and Expertise

It’s crucial to be sure your therapist is qualified to work with you and has the appropriate training and expertise. Not every therapist is qualified to handle every problem. 

For instance, if you’re experiencing trauma, you should see a therapist who has experience treating traumatized people. While some clients choose more experienced practitioners, others choose younger therapists with less experience and more recent training. Asking directly about your therapist’s credentials can help you steer clear of some unpleasant surprises down the road!



By being aware of the length of sessions, the frequency of attendance, and what to expect during your stay, you may more accurately predict how your therapy journey will proceed. 

Especially in the beginning, your therapist won’t always know how long or how often you should attend sessions. Still, they might be able to tell you about how long your problems will usually take to heal. Also, it’s critical to keep in mind that every healing journey is individual. Don’t compare yourself to others, and be kind to yourself. 


Therapy Approach

If you’re not familiar with the various therapeutic approaches, these questions could seem a little intimidating, yet keep in mind that they are more than welcome. It’s acceptable to ask about the nature of treatment once a therapist has informed you of their approach. 

It can also be quite helpful to discuss your preferred therapeutic method. Do you prefer to look backward in time, or are you more forward-looking? Would you rather dive straight into solutions or would you like someone to give you time and validation as you work through your problems? Your therapist will be able to better construct a treatment plan for you if you explain these things to them.



When looking for therapy in Hartford, first pay attention to what’s important to you. It can be whether or not your insurance is able to cover your telehealth therapy visit. Or, you might want to talk to somebody who has years of experience treating a particular trauma. Whatever your reasons might be, they are extremely important for the quality of your process. 


Come see us now.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

What Are Personal Boundaries?

What Are Personal Boundaries?


If you have ever asked yourself “What are personal boundaries?” This is for you!

Boundaries are important for self healers.

Personal boundaries are the invisible lines that define our physical, emotional, and mental limits.

They are essential for maintaining healthy relationships and protecting our well-being.

Boundaries help us communicate our needs, set expectations with others, and prevent burnout by ensuring we are not overextending ourselves.

Healthy boundaries empower us to say no without guilt, even when it might feel easier to say yes.

Setting boundaries allows you to prioritize your well-being, making it clear what you are comfortable with and what you are not.

People-pleasing might seem like the easy way out, but it often leads to resentment, stress, and emotional exhaustion.

Remember, your emotional health matters, and saying no is not selfish—it’s a powerful act of self-respect.

It’s perfectly okay to prioritize your needs and protect your peace.

It’s ok to say no!




What Are Personal Boundaries Boundaries are healthy and learning to set boundaries is the best relationship advice you can give a people pleaser. Learn boundaries 101 as my favorite relationship tips. #Boundaries #Boundariesarehealthy #Settingboundaries #Peoplepleaser #relationshipadvice #Boundaries101 #relationshiptips

♬ original sound – Life Coaching and Therapy

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


EMDR Online Therapy Guide for Your First Time

EMDR Online Therapy Guide for Your First Time 


If you’re interested in trying EMDR online, you will first need to learn what it is in order to have an idea of what outcomes you can expect from this type of therapy. One of the most effective evidence-based treatments for trauma, phobias, depression, and anxiety is eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, or EMDR. Even though you’ve probably heard of EMDR in relation to mental health treatment options, you might not know if this kind of therapy is appropriate for your circumstances, particularly when it’s provided virtually.

In response to the increased demand for COVID-safe mental health services during the pandemic, a number of mental healthcare professionals began providing telehealth and online therapies, including EMDR.

The pandemic has made online therapy more accessible, and more patients are receiving the care they require to recover. To find out more about online EMDR therapy, continue reading this article, which will explain all the key information about this form of therapy. 


What Is EMDR? 

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. In it, a patient undergoes bilateral stimulation (BLS) with eye movements, auditory stimuli, or tactile stimulation to process memories. EMDR replicates the body’s innate capacity for self-healing and processing life experiences, especially during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

An EMDR therapist asks a client to use BLS to make quick eye movements while they are awake and conscious. The brain processes emotions and events more quickly as a result of these quick eye movements. Other tools and approaches available to EMDR therapists include sounds, a light bar, physical stimulation, and left-to-right alternating or moving web software.

In order to help the brain reprocess memories and promote the desensitization and adaptation of traumatic experiences, EMDR employs dual stimulation. When clients recollect traumatic or triggering situations, clinicians guide them through a sequence of bilateral physical motions or other forms of stimulation until the memories no longer generate emotional distress.

Clients feel relief from unpleasant symptoms linked to traumatic experiences when the brain reprocesses painful memories in a safe, healthy setting.


When Is EMDR Therapy Used? 

EMDR concentrates on changing the feelings, ideas, or actions that follow a traumatic or upsetting event. This enables the natural healing process in your brain to continue. Although the terms “mind” and “brain” are frequently used interchangeably, they have different meanings. One of your body’s organs is your brain. The ideas, recollections, convictions, and life events that shape who you are are all stored in your mind.

The structure of our brains determines the way our minds function. This structure consists of networks of brain cells that communicate with one another in numerous regions. This is particularly true for the parts involving your senses and memories. Networking facilitates faster and simpler collaboration between those domains. Your senses (sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and feels) can evoke powerful memories.


Adaptive Information Processing

The Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model is a hypothesis about the way our brain stores memories. AIP is the foundation of EMDR. Francine Shapiro, PhD, who also developed EMDR, came up with the theory that your brain retains traumatic and commonplace memories in different ways.

Your brain seamlessly stores memories throughout routine events. Additionally, it networks them so that they relate to other recollections you have. Such networking isn’t done correctly during jarring or stressful occurrences. 

Trauma memories are frequently stored in a form in the brain that prevents normal healing. A trauma resembles an injury to your brain that hasn’t been given time to heal. Your brain didn’t get the information that the threat was over since it wasn’t given the chance to repair itself.

More recent experiences can be connected to past traumatic events and repeatedly reinforce bad experiences. That breaks the connections that bind your sensations to your memories. It also causes harm to your mental state. Additionally, your mind is more sensitive to everything you see, hear, smell, or feel during a trauma-related incident than your body is to pain from an injury.

This applies not only to memories that you can recall but also to ones that you have suppressed. Your mind tries to conceal painful or disturbing memories to prevent accessing them, just like you learn not to touch a hot stove since it will burn your hand. However, because the suppression isn’t flawless, negative symptoms, emotions, and behaviors related to the “injury” may still occur.


EMDR Therapy Benefits

EMDR encourages people to share their experiences with a therapist step-by-step. It is difficult for people to express their mental, emotional, and bodily reactions eventually. When these things are discussed, there are chances for genuine healing. The knowledge that they are survivors and possess the ability to aid others in similar experiences through connection and conversation can empower individuals.

EMDR enhances cognition by fostering links between the psychological mind and the physical body. During therapy sessions, people who have experienced traumatic situations can stand back, consider the occurrence or episodes from a different perspective, and reconstruct what happened. 

Even more profound than the traumatic events themselves can be the development of a new perspective or lens through which to view past experiences. With this alternative perspective, people can take charge of the modifications to their lives that the trauma has brought about. Recognizing the impact of trauma on day-to-day functioning can help lessen PTSD symptoms. 


Differences Between In-Person and Online EMDR Therapy

Virtual EMDR and in-person EMDR sessions are very similar. For an in-person session, the client and therapist meet in the therapist’s office. Online EMDR therapists can assist patients from any location with an internet connection. However, both the client and therapist must have a secluded place without interruptions to conduct therapy, whether it’s online or in person.

A client-therapist relationship based on trust and rapport is necessary for both in-person and online EMDR treatments. Bilateral stimulation is necessary for both in-person treatment and online EMDR sessions. Light bars, noises, or tactile stimuli can be used to activate BLS. Things like the butterfly hug work really well virtually. 

Finally, both treatment methods usually follow an established EMDR treatment process with defined phases and steps.

If you think that you might benefit from EMDR therapy but are unable to attend therapy sessions in person, doing it online is a great alternative. You might feel even more comfortable doing it from your home, which is very important for your first session. 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

ADD Help for Adults: Fast Solutions for Better Focus

ADD Help for Adults: Fast Solutions for Better Focus


Here are the top ADHD Hack for ADD Help for Adults!

Struggling with focus, attention, and productivity as an adult with ADHD?

You’re not alone, and there are practical solutions to help you thrive.

ADHD can make daily tasks challenging, but finding the right strategies can lead to significant improvements. In both your personal and professional life.

Whether it’s staying organized, managing time effectively, or minimizing distractions, implementing small changes can lead to big results.

Understanding your unique challenges and strengths is key to overcoming the hurdles of ADHD.

Sometimes, it’s about finding tools and techniques that align with your natural tendencies, making it easier to stay on track.

For instance, visual reminders, structured routines, and external accountability can be game-changers in maintaining focus and achieving goals.

For additional mental health benefits, community support, and daily motivation, check out ADHDCheck on ADHDTok.

It’s a growing, supportive community offering tips, encouragement, and real-life experiences tailored to adults managing ADHD challenges.

Engage with others, share your journey, and discover new strategies that work for you.


ADD Help for Adults Here are the top ADHD Hack for ADD Help for Adults! Get your ADHDCheck on ADHDTok for mental health benefits. #ADHD #dopamine #Mentalhealth #Adhdcheck #adhdtok #Add #focus

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About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Election Anxiety: How to Deal with It? 

Election Anxiety: How to Deal with It? 


Have you heard of or are you experiencing election anxiety? Politically active people may find it overwhelming to follow the 2024 presidential election candidates and ballot measures. Polarization, hate speech, and an “us vs. them” mentality have increased dramatically in the public domain. It is sure to get worse as the campaigns ramp up until the election. So, how can you maintain your enthusiasm and commitment?

Here are some tools to help you manage election and politics-related anxiety and stress. 



Americans’ mental health is suffering as a result of the presidential election. According to psychologists, it’s common for people to experience elevated negative emotions at this time. During election season, people feel anger, stress, sadness, and fear for the future. Those emotions are all valid, and it’s entirely expected and normal to feel them.

It is interesting to note that stress levels tend to increase across the country in the lead-up to an election, regardless of the outcome. Daily discussions and news about the potential impact make it hard not to feel worried about the election. When it spirals out of control, it can even cause symptoms known as election anxiety.

It is ok to get therapy for your mental health if your emotions are overwhelming and long-lasting. Knowing how to manage those symptoms is crucial.


Ways to Deal with Election Anxiety

Like other anxiety, election anxiety can make us withdrawn, reactive, or irritable, thus affecting our physical and emotional health.

When we perceive something is wrong, it sets off our autonomic nervous system, which causes a surge of the “stress hormones” cortisol and adrenaline. Overdosing on adrenaline can raise the risk of stroke and heart attack. Furthermore, a high cortisol level can impair our health in a number of ways, such as raising blood sugar, lowering immunity, and narrowing blood vessels.


Talk to a Therapist

Therapy may help if stress is severe or persistent and symptoms like depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and physical tensions or indicators of stress and anxiety appear. A treatment plan for election anxiety can help you handle these challenges.

Through routine sessions, a therapist can help you develop stress-management strategies that fit your lifestyle. With a customized strategy, it may give you more peace of mind during election season. 

A therapist can empower you by giving you the skills you need to break through negative thought patterns and cultivate a more optimistic perspective. They can help you investigate mindfulness techniques like deep breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation. 



By altering the way we interact with our thoughts, meditation can reduce stress and anxiety. This does not imply that we should discount our ideas; rather, in the instance of election stress, our sentiments and feelings regarding a momentous and transformative occasion are very legitimate. We ought to be interested in these ideas and the feelings they arouse in us. Additionally, we may mitigate the effects on our physical and mental wellbeing by properly regulating them.

These human emotions are something we kind of need in our lives. It only gets problematic when they start to bother us so much that they become an inconvenience. Therefore, the focus should be more on how we might alter our connection with concerns than on how to eliminate them.


Less News

Smartphones and apps bring us a 24-hour news cycle, with Harris and Trump’s fight fueling the fire.

The constant barrage of opinion pieces, poll results, and push alerts can tire even news junkies. Most news events do not even change that much in one day. 

An overwhelming amount of information, combined with the impossibility of addressing it all, can be dangerous. Having too much knowledge won’t always provide you with the means to solve the problems you care about. Understanding this and choosing when, where, and how to receive news updates puts control over our worry, which is a terrific place to start. Turn off notifications, banners, and sound alerts. 


Limit your Anxiety

Avoid reading any news at least one hour before you go to bed to ensure you can fall asleep quickly.

Try to leave politics in places where it must be – for example, advocacy. However, maybe not the best time at your little cousin’s birthday party to get in a debate while playing yard games.

Heated arguments in front of people who are not consenting to be in that conversation are not helpful to anyone. 

However, when you want to talk about politics to someone, who has similar or opposing views, set a time to speak about politics, and have a timer go often after an amount of time that you choose. 


The Bottom Line

A little election-related tension is perfectly normal and likely a sign that you care, which is something expected. We don’t want to suppress our feelings since they can serve as useful cues that lead us to take action. However, when emotions become too strong, it can be difficult to do anything and your wellbeing may suffer.

Consider these tips and prioritize self-care when dealing with election anxiety or other feelings of helplessness. It can be your busy lifestyle, hectic work schedule, or anything else. Your mental health should come before all of that, and you’re the only one who needs to make that priority.


quick ways to reduce anxiety and stress



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Natural Way to Relieve Anxiety Fast

Natural Way to Relieve Anxiety Fast


If you’re looking for a natural way to relieve anxiety fast, this article will provide you with numerous options. We strongly recommend trying a few options from our list to see which one works for you best.

Different stress reactions can be linked to anxiety. Stress alerts you to danger, encourages you to stay organized and prepared, and helps you evaluate risks better.

However, stress can lead to anxiety disorders and other mental health issues if not treated on time. That is why you might want to explore different natural solutions and find the one that could help you relieve anxiety fast.


What Is Anxiety?

Your body reacts to stress by producing anxiety. Although many confuse anxiety with stress, anxiety is a state of worry or fear brought on by a variety of elements that may include brain chemistry, environment, or genetics.

Stress is more closely linked to the fight-or-flight response, which involves staying to fight or fleeing the area or situation in order to avoid harm. People with anxiety may attempt to avoid circumstances that exacerbate or trigger their stress symptoms. Which means that anxiety can have an impact on your personal connections, academic performance, and professional performance.

Typical signs of anxiousness might be:

  1. Elevated heart rate
  2. Fast respiration
  3. Agitation
  4. Difficulty focusing

That said, two people will probably experience anxiety in different ways, and their symptoms will probably be different as well. Whereas one person might feel nervous in their abdominal area, another could feel cravings, panic attacks, itching, sweating, and so on. 


Natural Ways to Relieve Anxiety

In most cases, using natural remedies to relieve anxiety does not cause any damage. Of course, suppose your mental health expert believes you need medications or a specific type of therapy. In that case, it’s best to consult them before you start using any of the natural remedies mentioned below. 


  • Meditation

One effective method that may be used both proactively and reactively is meditation. It is extremely beneficial to establish a regular meditation practice, regardless of whether you are seeking to manage anxiety in the present or are attempting to cultivate resilience in order to transform your relationship with anxiety. 

To further understand how meditation reduces anxiety, picture yourself at a busy party. Imagine the following scene: people are yelling over the loud music. It’s all a little too much. When you meditate, it’s like leaving the party and entering a peaceful balcony.

To be clear, though, meditation is not a cure for anxiety. It can help you control the ups and downs of your anxious thoughts, yet it cannot erase them completely. It’s also critical to keep in mind that asking for help is recommended at any time. So, if anxiety becomes a major source of stress in your life, please see a doctor.


  • Exercise

Regular exercisers have lower rates of anxiety disorders, and it also happens to naturally raise certain brain proteins that feed our understanding of safety. With exercise, a variety of anxiety-related conditions can be successfully treated, including post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Exercise appears to help with anxiety, regardless of the causes or triggers of the anxiety. 

According to numerous studies, people with anxiety disorders need at least 150 minutes of walking per week to improve their overall mental health. What makes exercise great is that it is accessible to everyone and everywhere, and you can do it for free or pay for it, depending on your needs and preferences. 


  • Journaling

Although stress and anxiety might feel overwhelming, keeping a diary is a useful tool for achieving a sense of peace. You may express your feelings, think, and analyze what you’re going through in privacy when you keep a diary. Also, the simple act of putting your anxieties in writing helps ease their overwhelming feelings.

We all have days when we feel like our emotions are going to explode. When that occurs, writing in your notebook provides a safe haven for you to let those emotions out. 

Regaining control is another advantage of journaling. It might seem impossible to regain control when you’re engaged in an anxiety spiral. You may map out your worries, and you’ll frequently begin to identify triggers or trends. Acknowledging these might be the first step toward a more peaceful and fulfilling future.


  • Aromatherapy

The use of essential oils for medicinal purposes is known as aromatherapy. For millennia, people have employed aromatherapy. Scent molecules in essential oils are breathed and they go from the olfactory nerves all the way to our brains, where they have a very strong effect on the brain’s emotional center, the amygdala.

The scent of essential oils may instantly improve your mood and sense of well-being. They could even assist some people with the symptoms of certain diseases. 

When it comes to essential oils that help with anxiety, consider trying out these ones:

  1. Bergamot orange
  2. Chamomile
  3. Clary sage
  4. Lavender
  5. Lemon
  6. Neroli
  7. Rose
  8. Ylang-ylang


  • Herbal Supplements

Many herbal supplements make the same anxiety-reduction claims as herbal teas. However, it’s best if you work with a physician who is educated about herbal supplements and their potential effects.

For centuries, traditional medicine has used herbs such as passionflower, St. John’s wort, kava, valerian root, lysine, and magnesium to induce calmness and improve emotional states. 

Once you find the one that works well for you, make sure you consult with someone who is an expert.


In Final Words

When your anxiety doesn’t go away, you should consider other treatment options. With efficient therapy, you will be able to understand what is causing your anxiety. Besides that, your therapist will teach you useful tactics you can use in everyday life when you notice you’re experiencing anxiety again. 

If you want to start your journey to manage anxiety quickly from home, get calm here! 


Quick Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

quick ways to reduce anxiety and stress



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do