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Teens Sex Talk: Everything You Needed To Know

Teens Sex Talk: Everything You Needed To Know


Teens sex talk is one of the most significant and impacting conversations parents can have with our kids. Therefore, we must take a deliberate and considered approach.

You might be lucky enough for your kid to approach you directly with inquiries. You will probably need to talk about each topic as they come. It might happen when your teenager asked about a well-known song about a failed relationship. Maybe it is when you catch their eyes light up when they spot someone they find attractive. Or perhaps it will happen when you find a condom in a desk drawer (hopefully sooner than that!).

Perhaps you discover that the subject will be covered in health class and want your child to know that you are always a reliable resource. Once you start talking, every subsequent exchange will be more relaxed.

Let’s Talk About Sex … And Then Again … And Again

Let’s not pretend that discussions about sex and sexuality are easy to start, even though we recognize their fundamental necessity. To help make it a little bit easier, we decided to write this article. Please keep in mind that this shouldn’t be “The Talk.” That suggests that it is a singular experience, after which you are done talking about it. That puts the subject under far too much pressure. Sexuality and sex talk are meant to be continual topics of discussion.

It should be a comfortable conversation that develops over time and where your beliefs around healthy sexuality are persistently reinforced. It is crucial to teach young people how to make healthy and safer sexual decisions in addition to the relevant sexuality-related information. According to research, parents who are upfront with their children about their sexuality impact their sexual practices as they mature.

Let’s be clear: Sex is not the same as sexuality. A healthy regard for our bodies and respect for others are only two of the many topics that make up the complex topic of sexuality. Human connections are entwined with healthy sexuality. Contrarily, the sexual activity involves physical activities that, when done sensibly and with the appropriate person at the right time, may be a magnificent aspect of the human experience. To enter adulthood in good health, adolescents must learn about both.

Feeling Comfortable Talking About Sex

It varies from person to person how comfortable they feel talking about sexual health issues. We can admit that discussing sex is uncomfortable as long as we equally admit that we transmit our discomfort to others. It will go more smoothly, and your kid will feel more at ease approaching you if you can get comfortable more. Also, keep in mind that there are numerous concerns related to sex and sexuality. It is OK to only address certain concerns and rely on other dependable adults in your community, especially specialists, to address situations outside your comfort zone.

Knowing the truth leads to feeling more at ease with everything that has to do with sex. These young people must learn the fundamentals. They need to be ready for changes as they approach puberty in their bodies, emotions, and sexual experiences. Many reliable, trustworthy sites can show you how to provide information that is age and developmentally appropriate for children. Keep in mind that there are some subjects in which you are already an expert that books cannot teach. Although these aren’t “facts,” they are nonetheless quite significant. 

Don’t Exclude Values

Your adolescent can find out about the specifics of puberty and growth in a variety of settings. The internet, books, and health classes are among the examples. You must make sure that they pick up these principles of healthy sexuality from you. If you and other people in their lives don’t talk about these issues, they will get their morals from the internet, TV, and music. 

In the worst situation, youngsters might pick up harmful and uncomfortable portrayals of sex and sexuality through internet pornography. Additionally, they will pick up values from their friends, which may be positive yet are not always seasoned by life.

Don’t Forget to Discuss Safety

We are aware that teenagers value their parents’ advice and that instilling parental knowledge in children is essential to setting them up for future success. We also know that teenagers reject parental advice when they feel it intrudes on their privacy, yet cherish it when it helps them negotiate the world shrewdly and safely. 

This information is essential in guiding our discussions about sex and sexuality, which can surely feel extremely, intensely personal. So, if you discuss particular relationships, you’re probably getting too intimate. Similar to this, if you inquire about your teen’s specific sexual activities, you are likely entering uneasy territory and risk provoking a rejection.

On the other hand, keeping talks casual enables you to have extremely serious conversations more successfully and comfortably. Young people believe that it is the responsibility of their parents to keep them safe, and we often talk about healthy sexual practices while talking about safety issues. Also, emotional security is on the line. We need to talk about respect for one another and ourselves. Limits and personal boundaries. Observe the oral and nonverbal cues of others to avoid engaging in acts that they do not want.

Don’t Assume

Don’t assume that simply because things seem to be happening quickly, young people are knowledgeable or informed about everything. Our children deserve factual knowledge about sexuality that is presented clearly and is rooted in the ideals of self-preservation and respect for others. We deprive people of the fundamental knowledge that is the cornerstone of healthy sexuality when we presume they know too much. That means that we must begin by learning how our bodies work and the beauty of love connections as well as the potential for manipulative or exploitative ones.


Teenagers claim that their parents—not friends—have the greatest impact on their sex decisions, yet only if their parents communicate with them. Having open and honest discussions about sexuality so enables us to mold our kids into people who will be better prepared for healthy, meaningful relationships, as challenging as they may at times seem.

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About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). And an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

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