Entries by Amanda Pasciucco

Learn The Buzz about Using a Vibrator

Learn The Buzz about Using a Vibrator    Many people have reported to me that using a vibrator seems too taboo for them.  They report that they cannot wrap their mind around why you would need one. Or who would have the ovaries to buy one.  Sometimes though, I think it is important to know […]

Are You Using Vibrators Safely?

Are You Using Vibrators Safely?   Vibrators are in some ways the ideal sex toy. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors and materials. They come at different speeds, different intensities and are available for any budget. However, like any toy, vibrators must be used safely and smartly to ensure a pleasurable experience and health. […]

The Secrets to Having Sex in Public

The Secrets to Having Sex in Public   The idea of someone watching you while you have sex in public is hot for many.  Sure, you are breaking the law, and yes, some rules are meant to be broken.  The exhibitionist streak in most of us can be strong. Chances are, if you have thought […]

What is Seasonal Depression?

What is Seasonal Depression?   Seasonal depression, officially known as Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, is a kind of depression that happens when the seasons change. Usually, this happens during fall or winter and tends to be the same time of year consistently for each patient. Seasonal depression can make it difficult to complete work, […]

Visit The Sexiest Places on Earth

Visit The Sexiest Places on Earth You can visit the sexiest places on earth once the pandemic is over if you’re looking to spice up your love life? With the vaccine on the horizon, it’s time to consider visiting the sexiest places once we are able to!  Spicing up your love life is an essential […]

How Long Do Sexless Marriages Last?

How Long Do Sexless Marriages Last?   How long do sexless marriages last is a question that many couples that are in sexless marriages ask. Even though it isn’t very obvious, more marriages suffer sex-related issues than is envisaged. To ascertain what happens in a sexless marriage, let’s start with a clear description of what […]

What is Physical Attractiveness?

What is Physical Attractiveness?   When it comes to dating and romance, there are many factors about physical attractiveness that play into selecting a new mate.  Television, media, and peer influences also play into how we choose a new partner aside from personal preferences.  Physical attractiveness has clear impacts on social interactions. Yet the greatest […]