Entries by Amanda Pasciucco

What is Fet Life?

What is Fet Life?   As a certified sex therapist, I often get asked “what is Fet Life?”  I immediately imagine the judgement and terror that they feel for asking and I feel for knowing.  Fetlife.com is a website that is essentially known as “Facebook for Kinky people.”    The back of the website is […]

How To Recover From A Conversation Gone Wrong

How To Recover From A Conversation Gone Wrong   Have you ever wondered why it is so easy for a conversation or discussion gone wrong? In this video I will reveal 5 basic but very useful steps that will guide you to recover from a conversation gone wrong and improve communication with your partner or […]

11 Signs of Insecurity that Turn Others Off

11 Signs of Insecurity that Turn Others Off   I’m going to teach you the most common signs of insecurity. Everyone is insecure about something. No matter how confident you are, there’s always that one thing someone can say that will send you reeling back into past trauma whether all of a sudden you’re back […]

The Grapefruit Technique

The Grapefruit Technique   Have you heard of The Grapefruit Technique in Bed? Maybe it has been a while since you’ve been a little freaky, and you have a feeling that your partner feels things are a bit stale in your sexual techniques lately? We all fall into sexual doldrums from time to time. Work, […]

5 Fast Quarantine Sexuality Techniques to Promote Orgasm!

5 Fast Quarantine Sexuality Techniques to Promote Orgasm!   Welcome back to my channel and this is a video that I am really excited about, as I am going to talk about fun techniques! Using quarantine sexuality techniques INCREASES pleasure for all adults! Do you need quarantine sexuality techniques? Have you desire quarantine sexuality techniques […]

Sexy Time

Sexy Time   Odds are you still think about that one sexy time with that one person from time to time. Maybe it was a college hookup or could have been a serious relationship a long time ago. For whatever reason, they just knew how to get it done. They could touch you, tease you, […]

Sex Technique Videos

Sex Technique Videos   Have you ever watched porn and thought, I wish a profession could just make a sex technique videos? I had this thought back before I learned anything about human sexuality.  A sex technique videos is GREAT for adults who love to learn visually!  To make sustainable changes in patterns of connection.  […]

Sexologist Explains How to Use a S*x Toy !

Sexologist Explains How to Use a S*x Toy !   *WARNING* FOR THOSE OF YOU WITH MEDICAL CONDITIONS, especially heart conditions, PLEASE ADVISE A DOCTOR BEFORE TRYING. ESPECIALLY FOR TENS UNIT TOY! 6 S*x Toy Secrets To Avoid A Bedroom Catastrophe. Welcome back to my channel and this is a video that I am really […]

Couple Talking – The Quarantine Communication Crash Course

Couple Talking – The Quarantine Communication Crash Course   It is perfectly understandable that couple talking techniques would change, because when we find ourselves in new situations, we need to come up with new ways of coping and flourishing.  I’ve noticed in meeting with clients that some couples are finding challenges communicating effectively, and as […]

Uncovering Couples Therapy Video Options

Uncovering Couples Therapy Video Options   Have you tried couples therapy video options yet due to the pandemic?  If you have tried a couples therapy video option, make sure you let us know your experience.  When was the last time you had someone trained to listen, to reflect, and to guide you through communication issues? […]

How Often Should You Masturbate?

How Often Should You Masturbate?   The question “How Often Should You Masturbate?” has probably been entered into Google more times during the Coronavirus than ever before in history. I mean, we’re quarantined, what else are we supposed to do?  NYC government even went so far as to recommend masturbation, saying that you are your […]