Entries by Amanda Pasciucco

What is Sexology?

What Is Sexology and What Is It For? Sexology is the science that studies sex, that simple! To be more specific, it is the science that studies the sexuality of the human being, sexual behavior and its different manifestations. All of these from the psychological and physiological point of view. A sexologist is a professional […]

Couples Sex Counseling

Couples Sex Counseling   Couples sex counseling is a powerful type of therapy that can enable couples to work through issues and transform their relationships. Most of us have not had much training or education in relationships and sex, yet these areas are critical to maintaining happy and fulfilling lives. This is why counseling can […]

Female Orgasm: Seven Areas of Pleasure

Female Orgasm: Seven Areas of Pleasure   There are many areas of female orgasm, and each are delicious ways of experiencing pleasure. Today we are speaking to those who have vulvas, not just those who identify as females, because all are welcome here! An orgasm is the body’s response to receiving sexual stimulation from intimate […]

Improving Couples Sex Life

Improving Couples Sex Life   There are many ways to improving a couples sex life, and we help our clients with skills and techniques based on what works the best for them. For some, the key is improved communication, and for others it’s finding ways to address their fantasies. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to maintain […]

Exercise to Improve Emotional Health

Exercise to Improve Emotional Health and Increase Happiness Exercise not only helps you lose weight and keep your body healthy, it is also a great help to improve emotional and mental health and well being.   Have you ever wondered why athletes tend to have more energy, less stress and a regular sleep cycle?   […]

Tantric Sex

What is Tantric Sex?   Many people think that tantric sex is similar to “Kama Sutra”, but it has nothing to do with it. The “Kama Sutra” is a book with a series of sexual postures, and tantric sex refers to the practice of Tantra, which is a philosophy and method from India that enhances […]


STOP Just pause for a moment.   TAKE A BREATH Notice your breathing in and out. In through the nose, out through the mouth.   OBSERVE What thoughts are going through your mind right now? Where is your focus of attention? What are you reacting to? What sensations do you notice in your body?   […]

Embracing Masochism Tendencies

Embracing Masochism Tendencies   To those afraid of Admitting To Masochist Tendencies: For the longest time I denied that I was a masochist.  “There must me something wrong with me.  What kind of person enjoys pain?”  Ummm……me.  I do!  I enjoy a certain amount of consensual pain.  I am a masochist.  It’s been a long […]

Is The G-Spot Real Or A Myth?

Is The G Spot Real Or A Myth? (SEX EXPERT REVEALS THE TRUTH)   Debunking the G-Spot! I know this catchy term has been thrown here and there, but what have you thought of it as? Have you ever asked, “Is the G Spot real”? The female G Spot is a mystery that’s for sure! […]

Communicating About Difficult Matters

Communicating About Difficult Matters   I know I talk a lot about communication and how important it is to the health of relationships. WELL, I’ll never stop! It’s SO important to keep honing your communication skills in all types of settings, especially difficult ones. Something that’s been on my mind lately is how to break […]

Codependent Relationship To Interdependence

  Codependent Relationship To Interdependence Are you in a codependent relationship and want to be codependent no more?.   Let’s focus on interdependence and having interdependent relationships!.   After looking at the codependent relationship signs, we can be on the road to codependent relationship recovery! Codependency in relationships is not healthy, so interdependence is the […]

Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Rebuild Trust In A Relationship (Therapist Advice To Save It!)   Are you working towards rebuilding trust in relationship? It’s important to build trust with our partner or rebuild trust in broken relationship because you are with a person you love. Wouldn’t you want them to be comfortable in telling you anything that bothers them? […]

What is Codependency?

Codependency In Relationships Explained (BE CODEPENDENT NO MORE!)   Have you ever asked yourself what is codependency and what are its symptoms? On your way to codependency recovery? Don’t even know what is codependency in relationships even looks like or ask what does codependency mean? This video is for you to learn more about the […]