Mastering Conflict Resolution Examples with a Licensed Therapist

Mastering Conflict Resolution Examples with a Licensed Therapist


Learn practical techniques and real-life examples to improve your communication and conflict resolution skills. Mastering conflict resolution is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships, whether with a partner, family member, or colleague. Licensed therapists offer valuable insights into resolving conflicts effectively.

One essential technique is active listening. Active listening involves fully concentrating, understanding, and responding thoughtfully to what the other person is saying. For example, if your partner expresses frustration about household chores, instead of reacting defensively, you could say, “I hear that you feel overwhelmed with the chores. How can we balance them better?”

Another effective strategy is using “I” statements. This approach helps you express your feelings without blaming the other person, reducing defensiveness. Instead of saying, “You never listen to me,” try, “I feel unheard when my concerns are dismissed.” This shifts the focus from the person to the behavior, making it easier to address the issue collaboratively.

Licensed therapists also recommend finding common ground. Identifying shared goals can transform a conflict into a cooperative effort. For instance, if you and a coworker disagree on a project approach, focus on the mutual goal of delivering high-quality work. Discussing how to achieve this together can foster a sense of teamwork and reduce tension.

Setting boundaries is another crucial aspect. Clear boundaries help prevent conflicts by ensuring everyone’s needs are respected. For example, if work-life balance is causing friction, establish boundaries like no work emails after a certain time. This helps maintain personal space and reduces stress.

Finally, seeking professional help can be invaluable. Therapists provide a neutral space to explore conflicts and offer tailored strategies for resolution. For example, a couple might work with a therapist to learn communication techniques that enhance understanding and reduce misunderstandings.

By implementing these techniques and learning from real-life examples, you can enhance your conflict resolution skills and build stronger, more harmonious relationships.



Couples Communication Strategies


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Couples Coach: Why Every Couple Needs One

Couples Coach: Why Every Couple Needs One


A couples coach helps couples and also persons individually in marriage and love engagements. They can provide you with methods to increase closeness and pleasure as well as instruct you on how to resolve conflicts. Without a doubt, we can all benefit from talking to a couples coach. 

Find out what you can expect to gain if you start seeing a couples coach in your area or even online, how it feels to talk to an expert on couple and marital topics, and everything else you might be curious about. 


Definition of Couples Coach

A couples coach may assist you in establishing goals together, addressing any issues that could be preventing you from achieving these objectives, and enhancing your daily relationship. They can also work separately with partners or work only with one partner because the other one is unwilling to seek counseling. 

The purpose of coaching is to encourage individuals to identify and achieve their objectives and ambitions. This is the same procedure, yet it takes place inside the partnership framework in couples coaching. A relationship coach may assist a couple in finding answers by helping them understand what’s bothering them in their relationship and their goals.

Through couples coaching, you have the potential to grow and find fulfillment both within and outside of your relationship. It’s a journey that can inspire and motivate you, as individuals seeking couples coaching often have a clear desire to strengthen their relationship and are actively seeking assistance to achieve this.


Benefits of Couples Coaching

Coaching is a flexible approach that can be applied in many different ways and areas. In the context of the couple’s coaching, the pair will identify them, either in front of the session or in real-time. 


Understanding the Main Challenges in Your Relationship

Recognizing the barrier to change is the first step toward making a change. This may seem simple, but it can be challenging to pinpoint the issue because of the intricacies of a relationship. Couples coaching can assist you in taking a deep breath and seeing behind the surface to identify the real barrier. You may start working on getting over it as soon as you identify what it is. 


Improve Communication

Communication is at the heart of all relationships, and it can often be a stumbling block when something is wrong. There may be a need for more communication or a conflict in communication style. A relationship coach can use questioning techniques to help you identify the problem and the best way to move forward. Together, you can create a plan to improve communication and reach your relationship goals. 


Work on Vision for Your Future

Conflict can arise when two persons in a relationship have radically divergent values and future goals. Yet, sometimes, we need more time to investigate and find out whether this is the case. Couples counseling offers the chance to identify your guiding principles and ideal future self. With your coach’s help and advice, you may work on resolving any conflicts and aligning your values and future vision. 


Get to Know Each Other Better

Although it can arise in any relationship, long-term couples are more likely to have this issue. Since we are all constantly evolving, there may be moments when you feel that you don’t know your spouse as well as you once did or that you take one other for granted. Couples counseling allows you to rediscover one another and find little ways to show each other greater appreciation. This promotes a happier relationship overall by removing any misunderstandings that typically arise. 


Couples Coach vs. Dating Coach

While a dating coach focuses more on the first phases of meeting and dating, a relationship coach assists you in achieving pleasure in long-term partnerships.

A dating coach helps you become more confident in your ability to have conversations. They show you how to transition from shallow discussions to more meaningful and exciting exchanges. Alternatively, they show you how to flirt on a first date without appearing obnoxious or needy. A dating coach may also teach you how to be more sensual and provide you with tools for seduction. Finding a relationship coach who specializes in both sex and dating might be beneficial because not all dating coaches help with sexual confidence.

On the other hand, a couples coach encourages you to be more genuine and close with your current spouse while also assisting with communication improvement. They provide skills like communicating empathetically, being vulnerable, and listening intently. More importantly, they may demonstrate how your well-established character methods obstruct your ability to form close relationships. With the help of a competent relationship coach, you may change your unpleasant routines to dynamic, present-day interactions.


Before You Start Seeking a Couples Coach

Use our search engine to locate a relationship coach if you’ve decided to pursue couples counseling. You may go through their profiles to learn more about each person and how they approach this task. Once you’ve connected with someone, contact them to schedule a consultation.

Here, you may discuss your coaching goals and learn more about them. This will guarantee that you are working with the appropriate coach and that this is your best strategy. You can then discuss future meetings, including their frequency. 

When you approach coaching with an honest and open mind, you can make the most of your time together and begin the path to a more satisfying and joyful relationship. 



Lack of time, routine, and everyday life in a relationship can all lead to love fading away. Relationship crises are almost inevitable when there is a lack of trust and an unappreciative manner of communicating. Relationship issues can arise even in good unions due to ingrained communication and behavior habits or unreasonable expectations. To restore ease in their relationship, many people, however, never even consider couples counseling. connection to the experience.

Old or unresolved frustrations can lead to withdrawal in one or both relationships. However, couples counseling may assist in identifying possible points of contention in the partnership and resolving long-standing issues. It is really important to have the capacity to handle challenges and resolve problems in a suitable way.



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

High Functioning Anxiety Test: Find Out Where You Stand

High Functioning Anxiety Test: Find Out Where You Stand


We’ve created this high-functioning anxiety test to help people who feel like they are results-driven but have a complicated relationship with success better understand themselves. Because this type of anxiety is not as obvious as, let’s say, social anxiety, it is difficult to realize if you struggle with it, not to mention other people around you. The purpose of this test is to provide a deeper understanding of themselves to those who may not easily recognize this form of anxiety, which is not as apparent as social anxiety, hence making it challenging not only for individuals to identify, but also for those around them to comprehend.

If you constantly find yourself pursuing the next objective without experiencing a sense of fulfillment, it is possible that you might be dealing with high-functioning anxiety. In order to enhance your comprehension of this condition, take a moment to respond to the following set of questions. This will help determine whether or not you exhibit signs of high-functioning anxiety.

High-functioning anxiety is a form of anxiety characterized by individuals who appear to have their lives together, accomplishing a great deal and meeting their responsibilities, all while battling intense internal pressure and worry. External observers won’t easily recognize the inner turmoil that often accompanies these highly functional individuals.

It’s important to note that high-functioning anxiety is not a clinical diagnosis, but rather a descriptive term used to encompass a particular set of behaviors and thought patterns. On the outside, people with high functioning anxiety may appear successful and confident, but on the inside they frequently struggle with self-doubt, perfectionism, and a crippling fear of failure.


High Functioning Anxiety Test


  • Do you feel like you are always worried about something, whether it’s health, family, your job, or something else?
  1. Definitely 
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Do you always aim to achieve perfection, even if no one will notice the result? 
  1. Definitely 
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Do you find it difficult to fall asleep, have nightmares, or have a low sleep quality?
  1. Definitely 
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • When in a stressful situation, do you feel so nervous, afraid, or stuck that you can’t decide what’s best to do at the given moment? 
  1. Definitely
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Are you self-critical or hard on yourself?
  1. Definitely
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Do you struggle to relax, even when everything is completed on your to-do list?
  1. Definitely
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Does your mind produce worst-case scenarios or prepare negative outcomes before the situation even happens?
  1. Definitely
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Do you often catch yourself analyzing and overthinking everything?
  1. Definitely
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Do you seek assurance and validation from others instead of relying on yourself?
  1. Definitely
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all


  • Do you worry that your actions will disappoint your loved ones, regardless of your intentions?
  1. Definitely
  2. Occasionally
  3. Not at all



Pick the answer that you have chosen the most times by adding up all of your answers.  After that, look for it below and read what it says. Seeking help from a therapist can help you learn better ways to deal with high-functioning anxiety. You will feel more relaxed, happy, and energized once you start treating your anxiety.


Most A Answers

If you responded to most of these questions with ‘Definitely,’ this could mean you are experiencing high-functioning anxiety. Not only that, it prevents you from enjoying your life because you are constantly living in the future, fearing something or thinking about how to ensure a bad situation never happens. Trying to control everything is tiring, and learning how to let go will help you feel better. 


Most B Answers

Although your results show only a few symptoms of high-functioning anxiety, it doesn’t mean you should ignore them. When you don’t treat your anxiety, it will continue to grow. There is always an underlying issue that needs your attention and care. It would be wise to find a therapist and work on your anxiety before it takes more of a toll on you. 


Most C Answers

Great news! You don’t have high-functioning anxiety. This means you probably live more in the present than in the future, have a strong sense of self, and don’t spend your time worrying and overthinking. However, we encourage you to take a few more tests throughout your life to make sure anxiety doesn’t crawl its way into your life. Focus on the things you are doing well and continue doing so to ensure your mental, emotional, and physical well-being!

Understanding high-functioning anxiety is crucial, as it can significantly impact an individual’s well-being and overall quality of life. By recognizing and acknowledging these patterns, individuals can take steps towards managing their anxiety, seeking support when needed, and implementing strategies to find a healthier balance in their lives.

Remember, this test is designed to provide insights and raise awareness, yet it is not a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment. If you suspect that you may be dealing with high-functioning anxiety, it is recommended that you consult with a mental health professional who can provide tailored advice and support based on your specific circumstances.

Quick Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

quick ways to reduce anxiety and stress

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

How to Set Boundaries In Relationships

How to Set Boundaries In Relationships


Discover how to set healthy boundaries in relationships with our comprehensive tips! Setting healthy boundaries is essential for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling relationship. Whether you’re in a romantic relationship, friendship, or familial relationship, understanding and establishing boundaries can lead to increased trust, respect, and overall happiness.

Firstly, know yourself. Reflect on your values, needs, and limits. Self-awareness is crucial for recognizing what you’re comfortable with and what feels intrusive. Understanding your personal boundaries allows you to communicate them clearly to others.

Next, communicate openly. Honest communication is the foundation of healthy boundaries. Express your feelings and needs assertively but respectfully. Use “I” statements to take ownership of your boundaries without blaming others. For example, say, “I need some time alone after work to recharge,” instead of, “You’re always overwhelming me when I get home.”

Listen actively. Effective boundary-setting isn’t just about voicing your needs; it’s also about understanding others’. Pay attention to their boundaries and respect them. This mutual respect strengthens the relationship and ensures both parties feel valued.

Be consistent. Once you’ve set a boundary, it’s essential to stick to it. Inconsistency can lead to confusion and resentment. If you’ve established that weekends are your personal time, honor that commitment to yourself.

Don’t be afraid to say no. Saying no is a powerful tool in maintaining boundaries. It’s okay to decline requests that make you uncomfortable or overextend you. Remember, prioritizing your well-being is not selfish; it’s necessary for a healthy relationship.

Finally, seek support if needed. Sometimes, setting and maintaining boundaries can be challenging. If you find it difficult, consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and strategies to reinforce your boundaries effectively.

By following these steps, you can create and maintain healthy boundaries, leading to more respectful and fulfilling relationships.


Couples Communication Strategies


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Improve Your Communication Skills With These Helpful Tricks

Improve Your Communication Skills With These Helpful Tricks


As long as we live, we will need to communicate, so finding ways to improve your communication skills is beneficial for all areas of your life. When we are better at communicating what we need, we can better understand others and build valuable relationships with them. People who have successful careers are often excellent communicators. Also, people in fulfilled relationships are quite aware of the value of communication.

That said, communication is a skill. We are not born as great or bad communicators and we cannot change that throughout our lives. There are many ways you can improve your communication skills and start noticing changes very soon. Continue reading!


Why Communication Matters

From the moment we are born, we start communicating. A baby cries if it is hungry, cold, or feels unsafe. The mother hears her baby cry and fulfills her newborn baby’s needs. That is communication. 

We can communicate verbally or nonverbally with each other. For instance, you can tell your friend that their comment was inappropriate by giving them a certain look. Or you can be direct and express your thoughts with words. Without communication, we would be unable to connect with others. We wouldn’t be able to build relationships with our parents, siblings, friends, teachers, partners, bosses, and random people we meet in life.

However, communication is not just an exchange of information. It gives us self-esteem, security, and a feeling of belonging. It is what builds relationships and communities that, without it, probably wouldn’t even exist. When we understand the value communication has in our lives, we are able to treat it as a priority and spend some time learning techniques that improve how we interact with the world around us. 


How to Improve Communication Skills

If you think your communication skills could be better, you’ll be happy to hear that improving them is not that complicated. As with everything, it takes time, yet once you start implementing the tricks we’ll share below, you’ll notice how you understand people better, and they will be able to understand you better as well. 


  • Listen Carefully

When talking about communication, most people will assume that we’re referring to talking. However, listening is a crucial part of communication. How you pay attention to the person talking to you will impact the quality of the communication you two have. Not only that, listening to someone partially shows them you don’t care about them or the topic they are trying to discuss with you. 

If you want to become better at listening, make sure you engage in a conversation when you are ready for it. If you feel tired or distracted, it’s better to share it with the other person and find a time and place that work better for both of you. 


  • Ask Questions

The best way to ensure that communication is ongoing and valuable to everyone who is interacting with you is by asking questions. When you ask a question, you show that you care and that you want to learn more about the person. This will also motivate the other person to ask questions about you.

Asking questions is not just reserved for showing interest. You should ask a question if you are listening to a lecturer at a seminar and need clarification on what they are saying. By clarifying, you will be able to have more valuable information and avoid miscommunication and confusion.


  • Always Recap 

Regardless of whether communication is happening between you and your work colleague or your partner, it’s a wise idea to recap. It allows you to see if you forgot to address something and also ensures that everyone is on the same page. Many times, you will notice that although you’ve shared your ideas or expressed your opinion, the other side didn’t maybe understand the way you hoped for. When you recap, you can check if all the information is clear. 

Don’t skip this one just because you assume that everything you or someone else has shared is more than straightforward. Just one second of distraction and your brain could have lost the most valuable detail!


  • Be Patient

When communicating, don’t rush! Trying to say or explain something quickly can make you skip important pieces of information and create chaos. When talking too fast or trying to end the conversation as soon as possible, the other person might even get the wrong idea and think you don’t like talking to them.

That is why it’s crucial to plan time for communication. If you need to talk about something with your partner, dedicate a certain amount of time to the conversation. Don’t just calculate the time you need to say what you need to say; include the time for the other person as well. 


  • Be Kind

Kindness and patience go a long way. If you are kind, people will want to talk to you. Even the leaders who are in front of multinational corporations will seem more approachable if their employees see them as kind. However, kindness is so much more than just not being distant or close-minded.

Offer empathy. Use your body language to show interest. Offer a hug when someone seems to need it. If people feel comfortable when talking to you, they will seek your advice more often. This also builds trust between people, so you’ll see that a kind person has more friends than an unkind one. 


Your Words Have Power … And Your Actions Too

Becoming aware of how you communicate with people around you is the first step to improving your communication. If you feel comfortable, ask a friend or your partner how they would describe your communication style. Take their impressions and start working from there.

Keep in mind that everything can be improved if you work on it. Also, don’t forget to work on areas that are important to you. If you want to learn how to speak more, get connected and start your journey at home. 

With your demanding boss, sharpening your communication skills will get you there. Test our ideas and adjust them to your communication style. As soon as you do so, you will start noticing how communicating with others has become much easier and more beneficial for you!


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

How to Convince Your Partner to Go to Therapy With You

How to Convince Your Partner to Go to Therapy With You


If you’re in a relationship or a marriage, you have already experienced the good and the bad and might have considered ways of convincing your spouse or partner to go to therapy with you. No relationship is perfect, and it requires a lot of communication to understand each other’s needs and wants, so talking to someone who might guide you both to become the couple you want to be could be the solution you need. Therefore, understanding how to convince your partner to go to therapy is crucial.

If your partner or spouse doesn’t feel as strongly about the benefits of therapy as you do, give them some time. In the meantime, do your best to share everything they will get from sessions and work with you on strengthening your union. Knowing how to convince your partner to go to therapy can make a significant difference in your relationship.


The Power of Couples Therapy

Marital therapy, couples counseling, and couples therapy are other names for couples therapy. It’s a form of family therapy that can help examine why two individuals disagree. This kind of relationship therapy also emphasizes communication skill improvement for a romantic relationship to recover and flourish. Marital counseling or couples therapy may have numerous advantages when two people are committed to it. It may play a crucial role in establishing a partnership based on trust, respect, and concern for one another.

The advantages of relationship therapy can vary depending on the pair seeking assistance. The greater the level of commitment both you and your partner are prepared to make to your relationship, the more likely it is to succeed.

Having someone you both trust is essential when looking for a competent couples therapist. After hearing what you both say, your therapist may provide frank, fair, and impartial comments. Hearing what someone else says about our relationship gives us a fresh perspective. That impartial third person can hear all sides and provide you with insightful comments and suggestions on different areas of your relationship or marriage.


How to Convince Your Partner to Go to Therapy With You

If you’re certain that you want to try therapy, yet your partner doesn’t agree, be patient. There are certain things you can do to help your partner understand how therapy can make your relationship and your individual lives better. Learning how to convince your partner to go to therapy involves patience, communication, and understanding.


Ask Them Why

Before judging or encouraging your partner to try couples therapy with you, ask them for their reasons. Why don’t they like therapy? Are they afraid of something? What do they think might happen? Understanding why your partner doesn’t consider couples therapy a good idea might help you understand each other better. Once you know their reasons, it will be much easier to know your options.


Share Your Reasons

Oftentimes, your partner might assume that by going to therapy, you’re expressing your unhappiness about the relationship. Explain to them the real reasons why you think therapy would benefit your relationship. For instance, you might want to feel closer to them, work on setting boundaries that would work for both of you, or look to solve a recurring argument in a relationship.


Connect with a Couple That Goes to Therapy

Do you have a friend who went to or is going to couples therapy with their partner? If they are willing to share that experience, this might show your partner that it’s not at all as they imagined it. Also, if they hear from someone else about the numerous benefits of couples therapy, it might be more effective.


Talk about Boundaries

When trying a new thing, especially as a couple, it’s important to establish boundaries. Your partner might feel insecure about certain topics or areas of their life, so respecting their needs is essential before going into therapy. Allow them to gain trust in your therapist first. They might need more time than you to open up about certain things, yet once they feel secure enough, they will feel more open to the idea of sharing more vulnerable experiences or thoughts.


Test the Idea

Explain to your partner or spouse that you can try different therapists before you commit to the one you both like. Not only that, you can get them to be more interested in couples therapy if you tell them that this doesn’t have to be a commitment at all. Suggest trying one session and seeing how they feel about it. With a good therapist, they will probably want to give it another shot before you start going to therapy regularly. Knowing how to convince your partner to go to therapy can lead to a more positive experience for both of you.


Find the Common Objective

Besides sharing your reasons why you want to try couples or marriage therapy, also try to focus on the common goal. For instance, if you’re engaged, you can tell your partner that you want to be even more intimate with them as you’re approaching marriage. Or, you might want to start working on some issues before you go on a longer vacation together. Framing the idea of therapy as a tool to enjoy something that matters to you both might improve the chances of your partner actually going to therapy with you.


Know When to Quit

If your partner is certain that they don’t want to go to therapy even after trying all these suggestions from our list, respect it. Maybe it’s not the right time for them to do therapy. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t open up this subject with them in a few months. Be mindful of how your partner feels, and instead of forcing a solution, try to be more supportive.



There is no doubt that any relationship can benefit from therapy, even the one that ended. However, we are not all aware of the benefits that couples or marriage therapy can bring to our relationship. If your partner or spouse doesn’t want to go to therapy, talk to them about it. Ask them about their reasons and think about ways you can make them feel more comfortable with that suggestion. Also, if you’re not in therapy and are only considering couples therapy, think about finding a therapist for yourself and working on improving your mental and emotional health. In the end, there are so many things we can give to ourselves without expecting to receive them from someone else! Knowing how to convince your partner to go to therapy can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

5 Must-Know Relationship Advice for Couples

5 Must-Know Relationship Advice for Couples


In this guide, we’re dishing out 5 essential tips on relationship advice for couples! Whether you’re looking to deepen your connection, spice things up, or just navigate those inevitable bumps in the road, we’ve got the advice you need.

1. Communicate Openly

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any strong relationship. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with your partner regularly. This helps build trust and prevents misunderstandings. Remember, it’s not just about talking but also about listening actively.

2. Prioritize Quality Time

Spending quality time together is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. Whether it’s a weekly date night, a walk in the park, or simply cooking dinner together, these moments help strengthen your bond and create lasting memories.

3. Show Appreciation

Expressing gratitude can significantly impact your relationship. Regularly acknowledge and appreciate your partner’s efforts, big or small. This not only boosts their self-esteem but also reinforces positive behaviors and fosters a loving atmosphere.

4. Keep the Spark Alive

Routine can sometimes dull the excitement in a relationship. To keep the spark alive, try new activities together, surprise each other with thoughtful gestures, or even take a spontaneous trip. Keeping things fresh and exciting can reignite the passion between you.

5. Navigate Conflicts Constructively

Disagreements are inevitable, but handling them constructively is key. Approach conflicts with a calm and respectful attitude, focusing on finding solutions rather than placing blame. This helps in resolving issues without damaging the relationship.

Incorporating these tips into your relationship can lead to a deeper connection and a more fulfilling partnership. Remember, every relationship requires effort and commitment from both partners to thrive.



Couples Communication Strategies


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Power Struggles in Relationships

Power Struggles in Relationships


Power struggles in relationships refer to a competition between partners to gain more control and influence, and how partners deal with it might break or strengthen their relationship. Regardless of how much you love each other, you will almost certainly disagree. That said, it’s essential to keep in mind that disagreements are not the same as power struggles. 

Insisting that only your opinion and needs matter in the relationship can tremendously impact how power conflicts are formed. Whether you are not respecting your partner’s boundaries or ignoring their take on a certain issue, it is something that should be revised if you want to be in a loving, fulfilling relationship.


What are Power Struggles? 

Fighting for power and influence may become obvious early in a relationship, yet sometimes it only becomes a problem once significant issues are discussed and not resolved. In addition to divergent viewpoints and opinions, emotional difficulties experienced by one or both spouses can also lead to power conflicts.

For example, insecure attachment patterns might cause someone to cede control over significant decisions due to a fear of being rejected or abandoned. An individual with personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder may feel compelled to control and dominate their relationship.

If unresolved power conflicts are the result of a mental health issue, only a mental health specialist may be able to determine this with accuracy. One spouse making all the decisions in the relationship while the other often feels ignored and unheard, angry, and unhappy would be a classic example of a power struggle in relationships.


Signs of Power Struggles 

Power battles can negatively impact relationships, harmony, and general well-being. Identifying the warning signals of a power struggle is critical to resolving the situation and creating a more positive dynamic. 


Frequent Conflicts

Power struggles can take the form of ongoing arguments and confrontations. These disputes usually center on dominance assertion, control, or decision-making. Couples may argue too much and too often, each trying to get their wants and preferences to win.



One partner continuously tries to dominate and control the other in a power struggle. They could try to control their partner’s choices, behaviors, or decisions by employing a variety of strategies, including coercion, manipulation, or even threats. 


Unwillingness to Compromise

In a relationship, the power struggle stage is characterized by a reluctance or inability to compromise. Both parties could maintain inflexible stances and be hesitant to compromise or find common ground. Because neither partner is prepared to give in, decision-making processes become difficult and may result in ongoing arguments in partnerships with power struggles.



One typical strategy used in power disputes is manipulation. It may entail guilt-tripping, manipulating emotions, or other subtly effective strategies to obtain the upper hand in the relationship. Manipulative actions destroy confidence and create a poisonous atmosphere where authority is used as a weapon.


Lack of Intimacy

One spouse may use closeness, love, or emotional support to control the other during power battles. They could cut off communication to manipulate or punish the other person. Withholding intimacy or love can erode the relationship’s general closeness and trust while also causing emotional estrangement.



You and your spouse are prone to getting defensive toward one another as a result of power disputes. It’s challenging to maintain your composure when you’re questioning your ability to function as a cohesive unit. Being locked off might make people more critical of one another’s intentions, words, and deeds.

When criticism is delivered without a real apology or an effort to mend the connection, it damages your friendship permanently. To get over this phase of a power struggle, you and your spouse need to identify what is causing you to defend yourself. Relationships thrive when vulnerability, empathy, and mutual acceptance are encouraged where criticism used to be.


Resolving Power Struggles in Relationships

Conflict resolution techniques are crucial for having meaningful conversations about difficult issues and reaching a mutually beneficial solution. In a partnership, preventing and resolving power conflicts requires active listening, aggressive communication, and daily love choices.

Other things to start implementing in your relationships to resolve power struggles are:

  • Express your emotions; before doing so, take a deep breath to understand what you feel. 
  • Focus on similarities between you and your partner instead of differences, as they are the foundation of each relationship. 
  • Learn to identify your partner’s needs and prepare to compromise.
  • Be clear about your needs and expectations. 
  • Talk to your partner about your different perspectives to help understand each other better. 
  • Value your partner’s perspective, and don’t compare it to your own. We are all different, and what works or matters to you might not be the right option for your partner. 


It is also highly recommended that you seek help from a mental health counselor, whether individually or as a couple. They can investigate potential reasons for your difficulties and suggest useful coping techniques.

It’s normal to feel anxious about relationship changes as well. The tug-of-war that emerges during the power struggle stage might harm your relationship. Instead, gaining strength as a couple during this period requires learning new techniques and abilities. It is possible to reach new depths of comprehension, better appreciate diversity, and develop your capacity for disagreeing.



Power struggles in relationships can be detrimental to both parties’ general satisfaction and well-being. Addressing the underlying issues and achieving a more balanced dynamic require identifying the warning signs of a power struggle. 

When there is an obvious imbalance of power or when there is a fundamental difference of opinion, partners may fight for control of the relationship, leading to power conflicts.

Not everything negative comes from power struggles. By reaching an agreement, identifying common ground, and using positive conflict resolution, you can improve your relationship and understand your spouse.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Anxiety and Depression Therapist Near Me

Anxiety and Depression Therapist Near Me


If you’ve come here after searching for an anxiety and depression therapist near me, we’ll share everything you need to know to find the best professional for yourself. Whether it is anxiety or depression, you need help with, or both, finding a good therapist is essential.

If you are keen to find someone who offers in-person sessions, look for a therapist whose office is within a reasonable distance from you. Before you go to your first session, there are some things you should be aware of, and we’ll mention them all in this article. 


Definitions of Anxiety and Depression

Although anxiety and depression are two distinct conditions, many people will experience both at the same time. If this is your case, you don’t have to seek a therapist for anxiety and another one for depression. As these two conditions often go hand in hand, patients dealing with both an5xiety and depression will receive one treatment that focuses on the causes and symptoms of both. 

Feeling sad or unmotivated to get out of bed is normal from time to time. Also, it’s normal that you experience anxiety in certain situations. This doesn’t mean you need to be diagnosed with these two conditions. However, if you’ve been experiencing anxiety or depression for a while now and it’s difficult to find something that makes you feel calm, happy, or satisfied with your life, it would be a good idea to see a therapist. 

Persistent or severe anxiety and depressive symptoms may indicate an underlying mental health issue. One of the signs of clinical depression is anxiety. Anxiety disorders like separation anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or generalized anxiety disorder can also frequently cause depression. A lot of people are diagnosed with both clinical depression and anxiety disorders.

Most of the time, psychotherapy, often along with antidepressants, successfully reduces the symptoms of these disorders. Adjusting your lifestyle to include better sleeping patterns, more social support, stress-reduction strategies, or regular exercise may also be beneficial. Avoid recreational drugs, alcohol, and tobacco if you have anxiety or depression. Even though many assume that because they briefly alleviate certain anxiety and depression symptoms, drugs and alcohol can hurt your progress to recovery. 


Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

If you notice a constant presence of a feeling of unease, whether it’s fear or worry, you might have anxiety. Having anxiety is different from experiencing worry or fear from time to time. For instance, feeling anxious about a job interview is completely normal, yet feeling anxiety often and so intensely that it affects your daily activities is a more severe condition. 

These are the most common anxiety symptoms:

  • Finding it challenging to concentrate or make decisions
  • Feeling irritable or tense
  • Experiencing nausea or abdominal pain
  • Having heart palpitations
  • Sweating, trembling, or shaking without any cause
  • Sleeping problems or insomnia
  • Fearing that something bad is going to happen 

It’s important to learn the difference between anxiety and depression. When you feel sad for a while and feel like it’s interfering with your everyday activities, these could be signs of depression.

These are the common symptoms of depression: 

  • Feeling down or sad constantly
  • Feeling like you’ve completely lost hope
  • Feeling helpless
  • Feeling unworthy
  • Being constantly irritable and intolerant of others
  • Feeling guilty for things that are out of your control 
  • Finding it hard to make decisions
  • Lack of motivation or interest in things you were once passionate about 


Anxiety and Depression Therapy

Through therapy, you can become more conscious of your feelings, the reasons behind them, your triggers, and techniques to help change your behavior. Certain forms of treatment provide useful skills for reframing unfavorable beliefs and altering behaviors, and they are used in treating anxiety and depression as well.


Interpersonal Therapy 

Interpersonal therapy is focused on any disturbed personal relationship in your life that could be the cause of depression or anxiety. 


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy is to help patients change the negative patterns in their thinking and behavior, which are often common symptoms of depression and anxiety. 


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) 

Dialectical behavioral therapy was created to help with borderline personality disorder, yet it has proven to be quite successful with patients who deal with anxiety and depression. Many individuals can use these skills to get instant distress tolerance and emotion regulation. 


Eye Movement Desensitization Resolution (EMDR)

The EMDR technique is recommended for people who want to recover from a certain trauma or have post-traumatic stress disorder. As childhood traumas are one of the most common causes of depression and anxiety in adult life, EMDR therapy can help you deal with symptoms better and learn how to cope with your everyday activities better. 


Somatic Therapy

Although popularized recently, somatic therapy is really efficient when it comes to learning how our thoughts and emotions impact our body. Somatic therapy consists of numerous body-centered practices in which your therapist helps you understand what your body is experiencing with certain memories or events and how to find better ways to deal with them. 


Finding the Right Anxiety and Depression Therapist

There are probably many therapists in your area. However, not all of them will be adequate to deal with patients who are suffering from anxiety, depression, or both. This is why it’s important to research a therapist before booking a session with them.

Check their website and client reviews, or ask them directly for fields of expertise. You have every right to know whether or not they will be able to help you with your unique situation. Treating a patient who has anxiety or depression is very different from treating a patient who is going through a divorce with kids. 

These are just a few useful tips when looking for an anxiety and depression therapist:

  • Determine your goals before seeing your new therapist.
  • Check your finances and consult your insurance company.
  • Ask for recommendations from people you trust. 
  • Reach out to therapists who address your area of concern. 
  • Ask your therapist questions during the first session to see if they fit you well. 


Whichever therapist you choose in the end, make sure they have the knowledge and the skills to help you deal with the challenges in your life. If you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, reach out to a trustworthy anxiety and depression therapist in your area and take the first steps towards a more fulfilled life. 


Quick Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Stress

quick ways to reduce anxiety and stress

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Avoidant Married Men: 3 Ways to Break Your Pattern!

Avoidant Married Men: 3 Ways to Break Your Pattern!


Let’s dive into the complex dynamics of avoidant behavior in married men and offer practical strategies to break free from detrimental patterns.

1. Identify the Root Causes

Understanding why you exhibit avoidant behavior is the first step. Reflect on your past experiences and consider how they might be influencing your current actions. Therapy or counseling can be beneficial in uncovering these underlying issues. By identifying the root causes, you can start to address them and reduce their impact on your marriage.

2. Practice Open Communication

One of the most effective ways to combat avoidant behavior is through open and honest communication. Make a conscious effort to share your thoughts and feelings with your partner. This may be challenging at first, but over time, it can help build trust and intimacy. Additionally, actively listening to your partner’s concerns without judgment fosters a safe environment for both of you to express yourselves.

3. Create Shared Goals

Working towards common goals can strengthen your connection and provide a sense of purpose in your relationship. Whether it’s planning a vacation, setting financial goals, or tackling home projects together, these shared experiences can help you feel more connected and invested in each other’s lives. Setting and achieving goals as a team can also reduce feelings of avoidance by promoting collaboration and mutual support.

By implementing these strategies, you can foster healthier communication and deeper connections within your marriage. Whether you’re struggling with intimacy issues or seeking to enhance your relationship, this guide provides valuable insights and actionable steps to promote growth and fulfillment in your marriage. Remember, change takes time and effort, but the rewards of a stronger, more intimate relationship are well worth it.


Couples Communication Strategies


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Tips to Improve Confidence

Tips to Improve Confidence


Anyone looking for tips to improve confidence may be aware that they need to change something up. Not only that, but our confidence reflects how we truly feel about ourselves.

Confidence can empower us to face life’s obstacles with determination. It is a universal experience to feel unsure in certain situations, but many of us have also experienced the feeling of confidently performing a task. So, how challenging is it to boost your confidence and take on tasks you once considered beyond your capabilities? Let’s find out together!


What Is Confidence?

Being confident means having faith in yourself, knowing that you can get through tough situations and reach your goals, and being ready to do what you need to do. To have confidence, you need to be realistic about yourself and feel safe in your skills.

Confidence helps people handle pressure, build trust, make a good first impression, and solve personal and professional issues. Also, people like people who are confident because it makes them feel at ease. Not everyone is naturally confident. With practice and patience, one can acquire and hone this skill.


Ways to Improve Your Self-Confidence

So many successful people attribute their success to their self-assurance and confidence. However, only a few of them go into detail about how to develop or acquire confidence. Confidence can be challenging because it is based on various factors. In general, it is based on decisions and outcomes that fulfill your passion and give you a sense of fulfillment and self-worth.


Start Accomplishing Small Things

Accomplishment leads to confidence. Simple as that! You will feel much better about yourself if you accomplish something today. This can be cooking lunch, organizing your closet, completing a business project, or doing anything else that would make you feel good about yourself. You can even plan daily, weekly, monthly, and annual goals if that’s something you’re passionate about.

Try to make these goals something that could boost your confidence beyond just accomplishing the task. For instance, you can decide to attend more events where you can meet people with similar interests and feel confident about yourself once you make a new friend.


Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Do you evaluate your worth against others you follow on Instagram? Or, do you compare your career and lifestyle to those of your friends? Comparing is a fundamental human behavior; however, you shouldn’t expect it to increase your confidence. In fact, comparing leads to quite the opposite.

How do you gain confidence when you realize you are comparing? First, tell yourself that it isn’t beneficial to do so. Feeling jealous of someone else’s life? Focus on your own strengths and achievements. To remember your blessings, keep a gratitude journal, as this keeps you focused on yourself, not others.


Get Inspired By Others

Consider for a moment how people in your life make you feel. Do they make you feel better or worse? Do they accept you as you are, or are they always passing judgment on you?

The people you spend time with can affect how you think about and feel about yourself. That is why knowing how other people make you feel is important. If you feel as if your confidence drops after spending time with a certain person, it is time to evaluate their meaning in your life. Rather, surround yourself with people who genuinely care for and love you. You should always look for people who can boost your confidence and are positive about life.



Exercise has several health benefits, including enhancing attention, preventing depression, lowering stress levels, and enhancing memory recall. With frequent exercise, you will start feeling good about yourself. Your body will be stronger and in better shape, and you will also have more confidence once you start following your workout routine.

That said, you don’t have to work out every day. Depending on your schedule, choose a time that works well for you and dedicate 30 to 45 minutes to yourself. If you’re not a fan of working out at home or the gym, consider jogging in the park, taking a yoga or pilates class, or joining a group sport such as volleyball or basketball.


Be Kind to Yourself

You will build confidence once you learn to be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes or fails to meet certain expectations. Making it difficult for yourself will not make you feel better or build your confidence.

By being kind to yourself, you can better handle difficult emotions and adapt to them, strengthening your relationships with others and yourself. When experiencing a difficult situation, there is so much you can do. Keep in mind that we all do the best we can and allow yourself time to recover and heal.


Face Your Fears

If you have big aspirations and high standards for yourself, you will undoubtedly feel overwhelmed and incapable of achieving them. Your fear might be present because something feels too big or because you simply feel unprepared. However, when you break each project into tiny pieces, it becomes less scary.

Any fear prevents you from being your best. Start by diving into that fear. Discovering its purpose may reveal that it is protecting you. For example, if your previous relationship left you heartbroken, you may be afraid of falling in love again. Acquiring knowledge will enable you to assess your personal growth from the previous encounter and boost your self-assurance when interacting with strangers.


Final Thoughts

Everybody occasionally struggles with confidence. Fortunately, you can boost your confidence in a number of ways with our tips to improve confidence. Taking action is a common way to actually feel more confident.

Low self-esteem can occasionally be an indicator of mental health issues like anxiety or depression. Seek advice from a mental health expert if your lack of confidence affects your ability to function in your job, social life, or education. A therapist may provide further insight into the problem, suggest a course of action, and collaborate with you to create skills that can boost your self-esteem.

If you want more tips to improve confidence, start your journey at home and take small steps every day to build a more confident you!


Body Image Therapy: Learn to Love Your Look

body image and social media


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

LGBTQ+ Sex Education: Equal and Inclusive Sex Education for All 

LGBTQ+ Sex Education:

Equal and Inclusive Sex Education for all 


All youth deserve a comprehensive sex education, including LGBTQ+ youth. Yet many sex education classes do not include the LGBTQ+ community at all. This keeps LGBTQ+ students from learning about safe sex and health interactions and creates a school environment where they are mistreated. 

There is tons of evidence that comprehensive sex education reduces high-risk sexual behaviors, promotes safer sex practices and prevents pregnancy and STIs among youth. Furthermore, LGBTQ youth are more often affected by negative sexual health outcomes. Unfortunately, this is a population that is removed from the conversation during sex education classes. 


Current Sex Education promotes prejudice or ignores LGBTQ+ youth

Most US states do not require sex education programs to include sexual orientation, and many teach that same-sex is “bad” and “undesirable.” 

This provides LGBTQ+ youth with an environment that will promote discrimination, bullying, and hate. This stigma and discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth can cause mental-health issues and substance use abuse among LGBTQ+ youth. Promoting a safe and inclusive environment for those students can reduce suffering and improve mental health and school performance. 


Including LGBTQ+ youth in sex education classes benefits all students

Sex education that includes everyone affirms LGBTQ+ youth, normalizes different identities. And teaches cis and straight students to interact respectfully with queer people. Inclusive sex education and honest conversations about sex and gender can help people come to terms with their own identities and decrease harmful stereotypes. 

Incorporating a comprehensive sex education teaches all students about consent and how to navigate difficult and awkward conversations regarding sex. Learning about consent, boundaries, and safe sex is essential for all students, regardless of their sexuality or gender.

Additionally, learning about sexuality and gender in sex education classes promotes positive outcomes for LGBTQ+ youth and helps to normalize and affirm their identities. This will reduce bullying and stigma and teach cis and straight students proper terminology and ways to respectfully speak to their peers. 


Sex Education should not be a “one-size-fits-all” approach 

Sex education should value all identities and incorporate LGBTQ+-specific content. This should include specific struggles that members of the LGBTQ+ community face, such as coming out, STI protection, and gender identity formation. 

All young people should learn about healthy sex and relationships.

Ignoring many students due to outdated views on heterosexuality is unacceptable and unsafe.


What would LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education look like in practice?

LGBTQ+ inclusive sex education would address sexual health information for people of all identities. It would educate students on safe sexual practices and give them tools to navigate boundaries and consent. Also, it aims to tackle LGBTQ+ disparities and challenges, allowing students to discuss sex and gender.

It would also educate students on pronouns and the difference between sexuality and gender identity. It would not only focus on heterosexual relationships or stigmatize queer relationships. Further legislation should be passed in order to mandate that schools be inclusive of all students in order to foster positive relationships and identities. 



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexibility. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know Melody Atkinson, LMFT-A by making an appointment. Her specialization is trauma-informed practices, alternative methods to explore ADHD, LGBTQIA+ relationships, and identity.

Start your journey here with Melody.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists helps all clients who visit us with a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Ultimate Guide: Wet and Dry Menstruation | Tips & Tricks

Ultimate Guide: Wet and Dry Menstruation | Tips & Tricks


Understanding the wet and dry phases of menstruation is essential for women to navigate their reproductive health and enhance their overall well-being. The menstrual cycle consists of various stages, each characterized by distinct hormonal changes and physical symptoms.

The wet phase typically occurs around ovulation, when cervical mucus becomes clear and slippery, facilitating sperm mobility and increasing the chances of conception.

On the other hand, the dry phase usually follows menstruation and precedes ovulation, marked by a lack of noticeable cervical mucus.

Recognizing these phases can be beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it can help women identify their most fertile days if they are trying to conceive. Conversely, for those practicing natural family planning, understanding these cycles is crucial to avoid pregnancy.

Moreover, being aware of these phases can assist in managing intimate hygiene and comfort, as the presence of cervical mucus can impact how women feel throughout the day.

In addition to fertility awareness, acknowledging the wet and dry phases can enhance intimacy with a partner.

By understanding when a woman might feel more or less comfortable, couples can better communicate and plan intimate moments, ensuring a more enjoyable and stress-free experience.

For instance, during the wet phase, increased lubrication can make intimacy more comfortable and pleasurable, while during the dry phase, extra care might be needed to ensure comfort.



BLISS: Proven Methods for Improving the Female Orgasm


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Tech Startups and Team Dynamics: Why Some Need Marriage Counseling

Tech Startups Need Marriage Counseling


Yes, you’ve read it correctly that tech startups need marriage counseling. To make our point, let us take a step back! Marital counseling helps with what exactly? It enhances the ability to resolve conflicts, fosters trust, fortifies the relationship between the parties, and swaps out ineffective tactics with effective ones. Marriage counseling and tech startups have more in common than you’d think. 

In this article, we’ll look into the current climate of the tech industry, especially startups, and see which challenges these companies face daily. We will also offer ideas on how marriage counseling can solve all these challenges. 


Being an Employee In a Tech Startup

Regardless of your role, there is a work environment that is specific to tech startups. There are many assumptions before stepping into this world, and a lot of them can’t be further from the truth. Yes, it is an industry that tends to offer the most flexibility and higher salaries for employees. However, that’s only one side of it.

Just like any other business, a startup will face many challenges. That said, keep in mind that most startups consist of young teams that really don’t know each other. Although they all work towards the same goal,  they could have different personalities, cultures, work preferences, etc. Ensuring that these factors are not obstacles to teamwork is not easy. 

One of the main differences when comparing startups to other companies is the need to raise money to develop and market a product. This adds another level of stress to startups. Will your idea be good enough for potential investors? Once they grant you money, will you be able to deliver on what has been promised? With all that in mind, how do you ensure that your employees are satisfied and motivated to work at the startup? 

Well, a lot can be done by shifting your perspective. Instead of reacting to problems that occur along the way, you should create a proactive approach that can be applied to a range of situations. That is the value that marriage counseling can bring to a tech startup. 


Common Challenges in Tech Startups

Tech startups face many challenges. Before getting into how marriage counseling can help startups solve these common challenges, let’s take a look at the challenges themselves to understand how startups react to them and why they appear in the first place.



Managing expectations is one of the most typical problems in developing a startup team. Being the startup founder or a team manager, you could have a clear notion of what you want to accomplish, yet other team members might have differing opinions or might have alternative suggestions about how to get there. In addition, you have to manage a business’s unclarity and unpredictability, shifting investor demands, consumer desires, and market circumstances. Setting measurable goals, giving regular feedback and appreciation to your staff, and clearly and regularly communicating your vision and plan are all essential to managing expectations. 


Accountability and Autonomy

Finding a balance between accountability and autonomy is another common difficulty in assembling a startup team. You want your team members to feel empowered as a company entrepreneur to take initiative, take chances, and create. However, you also want to ensure they follow your guidelines and procedures and take responsibility for their activities. While you don’t want to micromanage your staff, you don’t want to let go of company control. Establishing a transparent reporting system, defining roles and duties, and fostering a collaborative and trustworthy culture are all necessary to balance responsibility and autonomy.



Dealing with disagreement is another common challenge when forming a startup team. Any team will eventually experience conflict, yet startups face unique challenges due to their small budget, disparate viewpoints, and intense pressure. The way you manage conflict determines whether it becomes useful or harmful. Conflict may worsen and lower the morale and productivity of your team if you avoid or dismiss it. Effective handling and resolving disagreements may enhance your team’s communication, creativity, and performance. To resolve conflict, you must establish a polite and safe atmosphere, promote candid and open communication, and employ a just and efficient resolution procedure.


How Marriage Counseling Can Help Tech Startups

Whether you believe it or not, a tech startup works similarly to a marriage. Benefits can occur in the system only when everyone is on the same page. Problems arise when issues are ignored. Not handling problems properly and on time can lead to risk and loss. 

That is why many leading tech startups have started noticing that marriage counseling can get them to where they want to be. Marriage counselors are trained in discussing and solving the areas your startup is struggling with, such as:

  • Solve conflict and reduce it by learning conflict resolution techniques.
  • Create a leadership style that fits your startup, team, and personality.
  • Develop your dream team’s business-focused skills.
  • Learn how to align company activities with team and organizational goals.
  • Understand how to implement management changes without stress. 


Growing Together

Teamwork is often challenging. Learning how to work together takes a lot of effort, time, and trial and error. It can be a team of two to one hundred people, yet you will notice the same challenges when you get a system of people together. Once you start learning helpful strategies that can help you grow your tech startup business by taking care of your people, you will be able to reach success.

It is said that happy marriages require teamwork rather than rivalry. If they want to thrive and ensure that their employees are more effective, tech startups must know that having a marriage therapist on retainer is key to success. Writing down your company’s values is not enough; you also need to live up to them each and every day. What better way than a licensed professional who is trained with a master’s degree in systems theory to help your tech startup out?


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Difference between Therapist and Psychologist: Choosing the Right Professional for Yourself

Difference between Therapist and Psychologist: Choosing the Right Professional for Yourself


There is more than one difference between therapist and psychologist, and knowing them will help you find adequate mental health support. Among other things, the educational backgrounds and diagnostic skills of psychologists and therapists are what differentiate one profession from another.

All psychologists can be r therapists, even if the name “therapist” refers to a variety of occupations in the field of psychotherapy. However, not every therapist is a psychologist.

Let’s dive deeper into these roles to understand them better and help you decide which of these two professions you need to live your life to the fullest. 


Therapist vs. Psychologist: Educational Background

You need a master’s degree in counseling or a similar discipline to work as a therapist. Most states also demand licensure, which consists of fulfilling academic prerequisites and finishing a clinically supervised experience. 

In order to gain the practical skills of a therapist, you could participate in a practicum or intern during your study. To become a licensed professional counselor, you must learn about and abide by the regulations set out by your state’s counseling licensure board.

Psychologists will need to have an advanced degree in psychology to be able to diagnose their patients with mental health disorders or conditions. Psychologists can also decide on the appropriate treatments based on their clinical diagnoses and observations.

Therapists, on the other hand, is a profession that welcomes all psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage counselors, life coaches, and social workers. Unlike psychologists, therapists can have any of the degrees in social work, clinical psychology, psychiatry, family counseling, or a similar field. The goal of therapists is to help their patients make better decisions and clarify feelings through talking to them. 


Similarities Between Therapists and Psychologists

As many people will confuse therapists with psychologists and vice versa, it’s obvious that they have certain similarities. Both a therapist and psychologist can help improve the mental and emotional well-being of their patients.

Also, they can diagnose mental health issues and guide their clients to more sustainable, stable, and fulfilling ways of doing things. This can be related to a range of issues, from how to set healthy boundaries to how to communicate your needs to your spouse. 

Both professions can help you with the right treatment and tactics to overcome challenges you face in your everyday life. When it comes to licenses, therapists and psychologists must possess a state-required license and meet all the requirements of the state they work in. 

In most states, neither the therapist nor the psychologist can prescribe medications to their patients or clients. 


Therapist and Psychologist Specialties

If you’re considering whether you should see a therapist or a psychologist, the list of areas they treat might help you decide whether this type of help will provide you with what you need:

  • Marriage counseling
  • Divorce counseling
  • Couple counseling
  • Family counseling
  • Grief counseling
  • Group therapy
  • Career counseling
  • Community counseling
  • Substance abuse
  • Addiction counseling
  • School counseling
  • Play therapy


Seeing a Therapist or a Psychologist

Ask for qualifications while searching for any kind of psychotherapy. Since not all psychotherapists have the same level of competence in all areas, this information is crucial depending on the kind of treatment you’re seeking. 

The most crucial factors to take into account when selecting a mental health expert to deal with are their clinical experience, educational background, and possession of the necessary licenses to offer you safe and efficient care.

Psychotherapists can help people develop stronger interpersonal skills and relationships and find clarity and fulfillment. Clinical and counseling psychologists are skilled in those domains as well, yet others opt to specialize in testing, diagnosing, and treating severe mental diseases that go beyond everyday problems.

Which problems you hope to address will determine whether you see a psychologist or therapist. Remember that a professional’s degree of education and training is indicated by the phrases “psychologist,” “therapist,” and “counselor.”

All of these experts, however, are beneficial to the mental health field and have various methods to assist their customers.

Feel free to enquire about a therapist or psychologist’s credentials and training if you’re considering working with them. Additionally, you can enquire about their methods and areas of expertise.


Other Factors to Consider

Costs should be considered when deciding between a therapist and a psychologist. When estimating expenses for visiting a psychologist or therapist, consider the following:

  • Fees: Higher costs may be charged by a private practice, particularly if the experts are well-liked by a sizable patient base or have many years of expertise.
  • Reputation: Recognize that reputation may affect price. If you have a specific therapist or psychologist in mind because of their reputation, it can be worth paying a little bit more for a private practitioner.
  • Apps: Community clinics and counseling apps can provide more cost-effective therapy solutions with fixed session prices or a monthly membership fee.
  • Group therapy: Individual treatment may be more expensive than group therapy. Additionally, they could connect you to groups of individuals who are sympathetic to your situation and share your worries.
  • Coverage network: If you have insurance, verify that your provider is in your coverage network by calling your insurance company before seeing a specialist. You’ll pay extra out of pocket for experts outside your network.
  • Sliding fees: Ask about a sliding payment schedule. If you don’t have insurance, many psychologists and therapists offer sliding prices to assist you to afford their services.



For addressing mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, psychologists and therapists may be quite helpful. Also, some psychologists and therapists focus on group therapy, which involves bigger cohorts of individuals addressing related issues.

Both adults and children can start with therapy. The decision between a therapist and a psychologist ultimately comes down to your requirements and your objectives. You can create and meet therapeutic objectives with the help of either kind of mental health practitioner.

Make sure you feel at ease with the expert you choose in the end so that you can lay the groundwork for effective long-term care. With the right expert, you will be able to improve any area of your life that is troubling you and become a happier person!



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do