Entries by Amanda Pasciucco

How the Other Woman Feels When It’s Over!

How the Other Woman Feels When It’s Over!   How does the other woman feel when they’re caught up in an affair? Most of the time, they get overlooked or accused of wrecking what was a healthy marriage or partnership. That, though, isn’t always true. When affairs happen, it’s easy to throw around absolutes over […]

Natural Male Enhancement

Natural Male Enhancement   When did the obsession over penis size start? I mean, if you take a trip to Rome, you’ll see row after row of statues with a beautiful muscular physique. Draft your eyes a bit lower, though, and you see some pretty small penises. Some say small penises were idealized then. It […]

How to Love Yourself

How to Love Yourself   Learning How to Love Yourself Takes Work! Yes, it comes more naturally for some, and at times, it’s easier to do than when things aren’t going well.  During hard times, it’s more important than ever to learn how to love yourself. Whether you’re facing trouble at work, with your family, […]

Tantric Sex Therapist – Find the Power of Breath, Sound, and Movement

Tantric Sex Therapist – Find the Power of Breath, Sound, and Movement   Tantric sex therapy can be a life-changing form of counseling that can alter the course of your intimacy and loving relationships.  People involved in tantra are deeply curious about the exploration of sex, taking it from something that at times can seem […]

Eight Relationship Goals for the New Year

Eight Relationship Goals for the New Year   Are you ready to start making your New Year’s Relationship Goals? Yes, it’s that time of year when we all start thinking about resolutions.  Don’t let the Debbie Downers in your life make you think resolutions are lame. What’s not to love about a little self reflection […]

Why Are Sexy Couples So Damn Hot?

Why Are Sexy Couples So Damn Hot?   Have you ever come across sexy couples and realize that you’re drawn to them for some strange reason? Perhaps you’ve seen them interacting across a restaurant or chatted with them at a dinner party. Sometimes, we’re attracted to couples we’re more intimate with. It could be close […]

Behavioral Telehealth

Behavioral Telehealth I was so excited to see this article below on the future of therapy in MedCityNews.com. We have already been offering secure video chat and text therapy for several months. Online therapy is great for patients who need convenient and intensive therapy options. Additionally, patients can quickly reference discussions since the the conversations […]

The Art of Oral Sex For Women or Those With Vulvas

The Art of Oral Sex For Women or Those With Vulvas   Some individals seem concerned when performing oral sex for women or on those with vulvas!  Can you imagine how successfully brainwashed we are that we believe there is something extra dirty or wrong with them, simply because they are internal.  Most women who […]