Uncovering the Secrets of Hollywood Therapy

Uncovering the Secrets of Hollywood Therapy


In recent years, Hollywood Therapy services have grown in popularity as many wealthy couples explore its benefits to strengthen their bonds. Hollywood therapy near you is a common option for individuals seeking to strengthen their relationships and deepen their connection. 

Do you want to learn about the most recent developments in Hollywood therapy and how they could make your life more fulfilling?  Look no further!

The secrets of Hollywood therapy, especially in the form of text, are discreet and private.


Hollywood Therapy Via Text 

Text coaching at our practice, Life Coaching and Therapy, is a type of systemic treatment that seeks to improve bonding between couples by addressing the fundamental dynamics in their interactions. Unlike most psychotherapy and graduate programs, this text therapy looks at the relationship as a whole.

The discretion of Hollywood therapy packages is one of their main advantages. So, texting gives celebrities a private, secure space to focus on their relationships.  

It emphasizes confidentiality, making it ideal for couples who want to improve their relationship without public scrutiny.


The Advantages of Treatment

  • Putting connections first: Relationship development is a key component of Hollywood treatment. Couples who are having problems with trust, communication, or other aspects of their relationships may find this extremely helpful.
  • Systemic strategy: Text therapy can assist couples in addressing the fundamental problems affecting their relationship by focusing on the relationship as a whole.
  • Discretion: For individuals who wish to focus on their relationship away from the public eye, Hollywood therapy through text is a discrete choice. 
  • Expertise: Couples therapy is a specialty area in which Hollywood therapists excel. They are able to provide pertinent counsel and direction to help couples strengthen their bond.

Hollywood therapy can help couples strengthen their relationship regardless of the specific issue by addressing the underlying issues and focusing on communication and trust.


What Is the Process of Text Therapy?

The first step in text therapy is an initial assessment, during which the therapist will assess the dynamics of the situation and create a unique treatment strategy. The couple will work with the therapist to address the specific problems and strengthen their bond.

It employs a number of important approaches, such as the following:

  • Enhancing communication abilities
  • Increasing trust Acknowledging underlying principles
  • Enhancing one’s ability to resolve disputes

Hollywood therapy can assist couples in strengthening their bonds and enhancing their relationships by using different methods.



  • How does Hollywood text therapy differ from conventional therapy?

While traditional therapy frequently concentrates on the individual, Hollywood therapy is a type of systemic therapy that focuses on building relationships. Hollywood therapy is a popular option for celebrity couples since it provides a higher level of discretion.


  • Does text therapy work?

Text therapy is a well-respected type of treatment, and many couples have experienced success with it. The effectiveness will, however, vary based on the unique circumstances and the couple’s dedication to the procedure, just like with any therapy.


  • Is it private and confidential? 

Yes, text therapy is very private. The emphasis on secrecy and discretion is one of the main factors contributing to text therapy’s popularity with celebrity couples.


Start Your Adventure!

Hollywood therapy via text is an effective method for enhancing connections and fortifying relationships between lovers. With its holistic approach, prudence, and relationship-centered focus, text therapy is a powerful tool for improving relationships and building stronger bonds between partners. 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Discover Trusted Intimacy Therapists Near Me 

Discover Trusted Intimacy Therapists Near Me 


If you’re having difficulty in your personal life, seeking intimacy therapists near me is a good place to start to improve your overall well-being.

Relationships are hard, so intimacy therapists are popular despite the taboo. 

The special training that real intimacy counseling has will surely make you feel more comfortable than a regular couples therapist. 

It’s important to understand your motivation before you get to the counselor. In other words, the counselor will ask you what is happening with your life. Begin to take inventory. 


Start asking yourself questions like:

  • Are you having communication issues with friends?
  • Do you want to feel more connected to others?
  • Is there past trauma that is preventing you from experiencing inner peace?

When you know what you are looking for, you are better equipped to ask the right questions to the intimacy counseling center near you. 

Please note that therapists approach things in different ways. Meaning, some may focus on communication skills, while others may talk about deeper emotional and psychological issues. Some use parts theory and anchor core values, while others teach CBT and DBT skills. 

Whichever method they choose, be sure to ask them about their experience. Similarly, look for professional certifications and school programs. It will be difficult to find anyone who is a licensed therapist with specialized training in sexuality, trauma, intimacy, somatic work, tantra, couples / marriage, or systems therapy who takes insurance. 

All of these different specialties and the confidential nature of intimacy therapists near me make it difficult to disclose information. So, before choosing an intimacy therapist, look into their background and read reviews or testimonials from past clients. 

Because of its specialized nature, intimacy therapy is more expensive than regular therapy. Consider your overall intake of money and the price of transforming your problems into a life of peace and pleasure. 

Once you decide this is what you want, schedule an intake. This is the first session and the consultation to discuss your needs and goals. Evaluate their approach, experience, and communication style to see if you feel comfortable. If not, find someone else. 

We hope these tips have helped you find an intimacy therapist who meets your needs and goals. Remember that working with an intimacy therapist can improve your personal, relationship, pleasure, and connection well-being.


Come schedule your text intake today! 


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


self-sabotaging behaviors

Breaking Free from Self-Sabotaging Behaviors: Overcome Patterns for Personal Growth

Breaking Free from Self-Sabotaging Behaviors: Overcome Patterns for Personal Growth


Self-sabotaging behaviors are those that cause problems in everyday life and impede long-term goals. For example, procrastination, self-medication with drugs or alcohol, binge or restrictive eating, and self-injury are among the most common self-destructive activities.

Connecting a behavior to self-defeating consequences does not guarantee that the person will stop doing it. People are not always aware that they are causing themselves harm. However, almost all forms of self-sabotage can be defeated. Behavioral therapy can assist in breaking up ingrained thought and behavior patterns while also improving reflection and self-control. Similarly, motivational therapy can help a person reconnect with their goals and values.


Why Do Some Self-Sabotage?

There are various reasons why someone could behave in a way that is harmful to their own well-being. Of course, some people struggle for the majority of their lives with intense cravings for food, alcohol, gambling, or other temptations that have a severe impact on their relationships or health.

The factors that cause self-sabotage, however, can also be subtle and not so obvious to everyone else. For instance, a buildup of erroneous and dysfunctional ideas might cause someone to underrate their skills, repress their emotions, or snap at others around them.

People may block their own progress for a variety of reasons. Procrastination, perfectionism, relationships, jobs, finances, time, and change are common forms of self-sabotage. For instance, a perfectionist who strives to do work precisely may discount incremental advancements when even a small amount of development might help them reach their objective.


Causes of Self-Sabotage 

For a number of reasons, people prevent their own advancement. They may deliberately or subconsciously engage in self-destructive behavior. The root causes might be traced back to early relationships or childhood difficulties. Low self-esteem, coping issues, and issues with cognitive dissonance are some other causes of this sort of harmful conduct, which will be detailed below.

People frequently employ self-sabotage as a coping strategy to deal with difficult events and painful memories. Unfortunately, it frequently worsens issues and restricts one’s capacity to move forward in a healthy manner.

Self-sabotaging individuals may be conscious of their behavior. For instance, a dieter who is overweight could purposefully undermine their efforts by devouring the entire carton of ice cream.

Or they could behave unintentionally. A person misses a deadline at work. It appears like he was late at first glance, yet in reality, he is terrified of failing. By missing the deadline, he undermines his efforts to advance within the organization.

These are the most common causes of self-sabotaging behaviors:

  • Difficult childhood,
  • Problems in your romantic relationships,
  • Low self-esteem,
  • Cognitive dissonance


Types of Self-Sabotaging Behaviors

Mental health professionals have recognized typical instances of self-sabotage. Procrastination, perfectionism, and self-medication are three simple examples. However, you will be able to find more of them, depending on the person and their previous life experiences. 



Those who self-sabotage delay gratification frequently. Procrastination is a strategy to demonstrate to others that you are never prepared and delay a positive result. People are afraid of disappointing others, failing, or excelling, which is why.



It will take longer and lead to setbacks if you hold yourself to an unattainable standard. Aiming for everything to go off without a hitch may sound like a good idea, yet perfectionism stifles achievement. Perfectionists fall apart when something goes wrong, as it will invariably occur. They experience humiliation as a result. They are prone to sadness and believe that they have let everyone down.


Self Medication

Many people turn to drugs, alcohol, and self-injury to cope with the ongoing conflict between their desire to succeed and the voice in their heads telling them they can’t.


Preventing Self-Sabotage

An essential part of avoiding self-sabotage is tracking and evaluating behavior. People prone to self-defeating habits might become aware of when they are stressed and record the cause of that stress as well as their reactions. They may examine if that decision is based on any false or harmful ideas, and if so, train themselves to react in a different, healthier way by, for example, talking to others about their feelings, working out, or picking up a new interest.

Your best course of action is to seek assistance from your therapist or counselor, if you are working with one. Here are some things to think about to stop you from doing further harm if you want some advice on how to stop this bad conduct.

Look for patterns in your life to understand what might cause a certain behavior. Have you a tendency to consistently undermine your own good intentions? Did these deeds take place while you were about to succeed or on the verge of fulfilling your own goals?

As previously stated, this behavior might have developmental origins. Some parents encourage their children not to think too big, either because they don’t know any better or because they are concerned their kids won’t be happy.


In Final Words

People who self-sabotage frequently strive for perfection. Perhaps you obsess over minor details and expect everything to be flawless. Instead of aiming for perfection, strive for excellence. Begin to make small adjustments and track your progress as you get closer to your goal.

Professional therapy can help you understand and unlearn self-sabotaging behaviors. After all, self-sabotaging behavior doesn’t just appear and disappear. It took many actions and experiences, especially with your parents and family, to cultivate it, so it will take time to replace it with rewarding, healthy behaviors. 

If you know someone who self-sabotages, forward them this blog.   

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Couples Communication Strategies

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Transform Your Well-being with a Trusted Holistic Therapist Near Me

Transform Your Well-being with a Trusted Holistic Therapist Near Me


If you’ve stumbled upon this article after searching for a Holistic Therapist Near Me, you’re in the right place. It is crucial to understand what holistic therapy implies before starting to see a counselor who practices it. 

Holistic therapy addresses your mind, body, and spirit as a whole. Because these aspects of ourselves are treated individually in traditional therapy, you will learn a systemic approach with holistic support. You might assume that specific components of who we are are to blame for our issues, yet our problems rarely apply to just one aspect of who we are. Even when we cannot identify a deeper relationship immediately, the solution is often connected to ourselves entirely, not just a part of us.

To help people deal with these issues and recover more thoroughly, holistic therapists assist in looking at those deeper connections. Unlike traditional therapists, holistic therapists will focus on the mind, body, heart, and spirit as components of a larger whole to ensure success. 

What Is Holistic Therapy?

Holistic therapy is a type of therapy that uses methods not commonly seen in conventional, mainstream care to treat a variety of mental and emotional illnesses. Meaning, it emphasizes treating and improving all aspects of a person’s life rather than focusing on one health issue.

An integrated approach combines traditional and complementary therapies, such as psychotherapy, medicine, acupuncture, and yoga. Also, holistic therapy combines an evidence-based approach with a comprehensive framework and is frequently customized to meet the particular requirements of the person. The majority of holistic treatments are used in both private and public settings.

How Does Holistic Therapy Work?

Holistic therapy functions best when a professional and the patient receiving treatment cooperate. Together, they create a unique therapeutic strategy that incorporates both conventional and non-conventional therapies, such as holistic therapy. When feasible, the holistic approach will emphasize prevention, use scientific methods, and tap into the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

In general, the purpose of holistic treatment is to aid in a person’s growth in self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Holistic psychotherapy addresses body and soul issues as well as life events, stressors, memories, and thought patterns.

Your therapist will help you create a unique therapy that incorporates traditional and alternative methods. Furthermore, this approach will prioritize prevention, use cutting-edge scientific techniques, and draw upon the body’s natural capacity to heal itself where practical.

Which Issues Can Be Treated with Holistic Therapy?

Holistic treatment can be beneficial for a variety of mental health issues, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Managing stress 
  • Existential crisis

It can also help psychologically-caused physiological symptoms like muscle tension or digestive issues. You don’t need mental health symptoms to see a holistic therapist. Holistic therapy may help you discover who you are and how to balance your health.

Although holistic psychotherapy is a good option for everyone, you should treat the procedure seriously. As a culture, we frequently fail to care for our bodies and souls. As a result, some of us struggle to accept both our physical and spiritual selves. We learn to act in this manner at times, and at others, fear or trauma causes us to overlook these aspects of ourselves. Whatever the reason, be willing to accept this healing method and develop a close relationship with yourself.

Your therapist may use holistic psychotherapy to assist clients in making long-term changes. Although some people visit therapists on a regular basis as part of their self-care routines, the goal is for you to leave therapy feeling connected, healed, and confident. 

What to Expect from Holistic Therapy?

The use of holistic treatments is known to involve a number of processes. The integration of knowledge of psychological and physiological systems is frequently emphasized in holistic treatment. Energy work, which focuses on removing imbalances and obstructions in the body’s natural energy flow, is sometimes used as the foundation of holistic treatments. As an example, reiki is the best-known example of energy work in holistic healing.

How long do you expect sessions to last? Well, the number of sessions might vary significantly. While some treatments take place on a weekly basis, others do so more or less frequently. Furthermore, the combination of many holistic treatments is available. 

The first part of a therapy appointment is frequently a check-in regarding your mental and physical well-being. This initial stage sets up long-term care to assess your progress and discuss treatment. 

The goal of holistic therapy is not predetermined. You and your therapist will decide on treatment objectives early on in the therapeutic process, just as in any talk therapy. 


Final Thoughts

No matter what form of holistic treatment you select, be careful to engage with a practitioner with considerable training in applying their approaches to address the problems you wish to solve. Also note that psychotherapists are not usually required to be holistic therapists.

Check in with those you are going to work with! Many practitioners of holistic therapies hold certificates and licenses that allow them to provide particular treatments, such as Reiki, yoga, or clinical therapy.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do.

Divorce Therapists: Your Way to Healing Resources & Solutions 💔

Divorce Therapists: Your Way to Healing Resources & Solutions 💔


Going through a divorce is one of the most difficult experiences in a person’s life, so consider hiring divorce therapists to help. It’s critical to have support and guidance during this time, which divorce therapists can provide. Here’s everything you need to know about selecting the best divorce therapist for you.


What exactly is a Divorce Therapist?

A divorce therapist is a mental health professional who helps people through the hard parts of getting a divorce. Therapists have a master’s degree, thousands of hours of clinical practice, supervision, and have passed a test. They are trained to provide a safe and supportive environment to develop coping skills and improve communication.


Why Look for This? 

Divorce can bring up a wide range of emotions and challenges, so it’s critical to have support from divorce therapists during this time. A divorce therapist can assist you in processing your emotions and navigating the practical aspects of divorce (e.g., co-parenting, loneliness, and getting back into dating). Meaning, they can also offer advice on how to build healthier relationships in the future.


What to Look for in a Divorce Therapist

When looking for a divorce therapist, it’s important to find someone who is a good fit for you and your needs. Here are some things to think about:

  • Make sure your therapist has experience with divorce.
  • Take into account the therapist’s approach to therapy. Which means, it is critical to find a therapist whose approach matches your goals and needs. 
    • Are they concerned with assisting you in processing your emotions? 
    • Do they emphasize developing coping mechanisms? 
  • Make sure your therapist is available when you want.
  • Check the therapist’s credentials to make sure they can help you.


How to Get the Most Out of Therapy

To get the most out of therapy, you must actively participate in the process. Here are some pointers on how to get the most out of your therapy sessions:

  • Be open and honest with your therapist about your feelings and experiences. This will help them better understand your needs and provide the most effective support.
  • Set objectives: Set goals with your therapist. This can assist you in remaining focused and motivated. 
  • Be open to new experiences: Your therapist may suggest new coping strategies or problem-solving approaches. Be willing to try new strategies, even if they make you uncomfortable at first.

Going through a divorce can be extremely difficult, yet it is critical to have support during this time. Divorce therapists can assist you in working through your emotions, developing coping skills, and navigating the practical and emotional aspects of divorce. If you’re thinking about therapy, don’t be afraid to contact a divorce therapist. They’re here to assist you!

A divorce therapist can provide the support and guidance you need to heal and move forward if you are going through a divorce. Begin your search for the right therapist right away!


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do.


Getting Over Divorce

Getting Over Divorce: How Individual Therapy Can Help You Heal 💔🧠

Getting Over Divorce: How Individual Therapy Can Help You Heal 💔🧠


Getting over divorce is not easy, and it can be especially difficult to move on after a marriage has ended. You are not the only person who is having a hard time recovering from your divorce. So, here are some reasons why individual therapy can help you heal and move forward.


Managing Your Emotions

Divorce can elicit a wide range of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and frustration. Individual therapy can help you work through these emotions in a healthy and productive way. In therapy, you will have a safe place to talk about your feelings and work through them with the help of a trained professional.


Developing Coping Skills

Getting over divorce can be difficult, and it’s important to have coping skills to help you manage the stress and challenges that come your way. You’ll learn new coping strategies in therapy that are tailored to your specific needs and preferences, allowing you to cope better with the stress of divorce. Whether it’s mindfulness, self-care, or problem-solving, you’ll find strategies that work for you.


Enhancing Communication

After a divorce, communication with your ex-spouse is likely to be an important part of your life, especially if you have children. It is critical to communicate effectively in order to reduce the likelihood of conflict. In therapy, you’ll learn new communication skills that will help you co-parent and interact with your ex-spouse more positively.


Taking Care of Relationship Problems

Divorce can cause a slew of relationship issues, ranging from trust to commitment anxiety. Individual therapy can assist you in improving your future relationships. In therapy, you’ll work through the issues you had in your previous relationship and learn how to create healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future.


Last Thoughts

Getting over a divorce is never easy, yet it is possible with the right support. 

Individual therapy offers a safe and supportive environment for self-reflection and self-awareness. By reflecting, you will gain deeper insights into yourself and your experiences. This can be extremely healing and help you move forward after your divorce.

Individual therapy can provide that support, allowing you to heal and move on after the end of your marriage. If you’re thinking about going to therapy, don’t be afraid to contact a licensed therapist. They’re here to assist you!

Individual therapy can be an excellent way to help you heal and move forward if you’re ready to take the next step in getting over your divorce. 💪🙏


Want to Schedule a Session?


Also, start your journey at home with some of our webinars!

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Couples Communication Strategies

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Couples Therapy Apps

Couples Therapy Apps: How to Make the Most of Them? 📲

How Can You Benefit from Couples Therapy Apps? 


Relationships take work, and sometimes couples therapy apps are what you need to solve an issue or two between you and your partner. If you and your partner feel like you’ve lost touch, several apps are available to help you get back in the swing. You already have your phone out. So why not use it to make the two of you feel closer to one another?

Everyone experiences this at some point. You and your partner have completely different work schedules and barely see each other. Maybe you just became a parent and the big change has left you feeling more alone than you thought it would. Or you’ve been with your partner for so long that you don’t even know what connects you. There are apps for that, just like there are apps that help you spice up things in your relationship. Or organize your household more efficiently. 

A wide variety of apps are available to help you improve your relationship, from those that assist you in planning romantic dates to those that guide you through couples counseling.


What is Couple Therapy? 

Therapy for couples is a psychotherapy that focuses on solving problems within a couple’s relationship. Couples therapy, or marriage counseling, is a form of therapy that helps two individuals improve their communication, intimacy, and other aspects of their relationship. 

Couples therapy sessions are led by licensed professionals, who are often licensed marital and family therapists (LMFTs) because they are trained and knowledgeable in the issues that couples face. On this path, it’s vital for couples to have honest, respectful dialogues about the state of their relationship, even if those conversations are difficult.

Relax. The couples therapist’s job is to help you and your partner talk to each other in an open and respectful way. Both you and your spouse will benefit from improved communication skills. Which will allow you to understand, listen to, and speak to one another.


Couples Therapy App Overview

Many apps can help you with your relationship, from playing sex games to talking to experienced couples therapists via phone call or text. In the last few years, the popularity of therapy apps has been growing across the United States. As people are experiencing different challenges in their lives, seeking professional help this way is quite convenient. After all, we use our smartphones for everything, so why not therapy as well?

Depending on what you need and your budget, you will be able to find a variety of couples therapy apps available to you. One of the most popular therapy apps for couples is Relish, a platform specialized for marriage that can also serve every couple willing to work on their relationship. 

Once you pay for the subscription, you get a therapist just like you would at our practice, and you will work to solve your issues. 

Another recommended couple therapy app is Lasting. It provides personalized lessons crafted from your responses to quizzes on your relationship. It’s not as interactive, so you might feel like you’re absorbing more knowledge than testing it. This isn’t a good idea for people who have trouble focusing, since you’ll need to listen to several recordings to figure out how to deal with the problem in your relationship. 

If you and your partner want to improve things in the bedroom, consider installing Coral, an intimacy and sex app for couples. It uses data, science, and experiments to give couples exactly what they need to make their relationship happier and healthier. One of the perks of this app is the exercise part, and yes, some of the tasks are sexual. So you can have a great time with your partner trying to make the most of this app. Although sex therapists created Coral, the app doesn’t offer to connect you to a therapist as a service. 


Benefits of Couples Therapy Apps

Similar to how other apps may help with organizing and planning, applications are now designed specifically for couples. Photos, calendars, date ideas, and jobs around the house may all be organized with these relationship apps.

If you and your spouse want to get better at communicating, resolving conflicts, and feeling emotionally connected. Consider starting your therapy with the help of an app. Many of them cost only a few dollars per month, which might be interesting for those who are unable to pay for in-person therapy sessions that cost more. Also, if you cannot find a therapist nearby, it might be easier to talk to a professional this way. 

You might start with the app. With in-person sessions, you need to wait until your next appointment to discuss urgent issues. Which can be challenging for couples. Not being able to solve an issue can cause severe damage to your communication and intimacy. With apps, you can get help and start solving your issues today. 


In Final Words

Apps help couples stay connected and on the same page. Whether they are just starting out as a couple, married, or separated by a vast distance. They can also help manage routine, daily activities like paying bills and doing laundry.

Many of them can be downloaded for free and work with iOS and Android devices, making them ideal for any couple or lifestyle. Nothing is more rewarding than being in a relationship that makes you feel good about everything else. However, relationships take work. 

Before reaching out to a therapist or installing a therapy app for couples, make sure you talk to your partner. Being on the same page will help you solve the issues that arise and reconnect. If they are not as excited about therapy as you are, consider talking to a couple that has already begun therapy.


Also, start your journey at home with a communication therapy video

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Couples Communication Strategies


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Sex Therapist Near Me

Sex Therapist Near Me: What Happens in Individual Text Therapy? 💥

Sex Therapist Near Me: What Happens in Individual Text Therapy? 💥


Are you struggling with sexual issues and searching for a sex therapist near me? 


Well, text therapy for sex therapy might just be the solution for you! With a sex therapist near me, you can receive professional help through text messages from the comfort of your own home.

What is Sex Therapy?

Sex therapy is a type of psychotherapy that aims to improve a person’s ability to be sexual and to solve any sexual problems. A sex therapist can help you deal with problems like lack of desire, premature ejaculation, orgasm issues during penetration, pelvic pain during intimacy, and sexual trauma. They may also help with relationship issues that may be impacting your sexual life.

What is Text Therapy?

Text therapy, also known as online therapy or e-therapy, is a form of psychotherapy that uses technology to provide mental health services to clients. Text therapy for sex therapy is essentially the same as in-person sex therapy. But instead of face-to-face sessions, you communicate with your sex therapist through text messages. This allows you to receive professional help from a sex therapist near you without leaving your house.

How Does Text Therapy for Sex Therapy Work?

Text therapy for sex therapy works by giving you a safe, private place to talk to a licensed sex therapist about your sexual problems. During your session, you will message your sex therapist, who will respond to your messages in real-time. Your sex therapist will help you deal with your sexual worries by giving you advice, support, and tools.


One of the benefits of text therapy for sex therapy is that it allows you to discuss your concerns openly and honestly without feeling judged or uncomfortable. This is especially helpful for people who don’t want to talk about their sexual problems because they might feel nervous or embarrassed.

Benefits of Text Therapy for Sex Therapy

There are many benefits of text therapy for sex therapy, including:

  • Convenience: With text therapy for sex therapy, you can receive professional help from a sex therapist near you, without leaving your home.
  • Accessibility: Text therapy for sex therapy allows you to communicate with your sex therapist at any time, from anywhere in the world.
  • Confidentiality: Text therapy for sex therapy is a confidential form of therapy. So you can discuss your sexual concerns openly and honestly without fear of judgment or embarrassment.

What Happens in Text Therapy for Sex Therapy?

During your sex therapy session with text therapy, you and your sex therapist will talk about your sexual worries. Your sexual therapist will ask you questions to learn about your worries and help you feel better. They might also give you homework to help you deal with your sexual worries.


Text therapy for sex therapy is an ongoing process. You may need to have multiple sessions to achieve the results you are looking for. However, with the guidance and support of a sex therapist near you, you can overcome your sexual concerns and improve your sex life.


🎓 Skill Sets of an Sex Coaches and Text Providers

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) providers are equipped with a wide range of skills that allow them to help clients with a diverse range of sexual issues. These skills include:

🌡️ Assessment

LCAT providers are skilled in conducting thorough sexual health assessments to identify the root cause of your sexual issues. They look at physical, mental, and relationship factors that may be causing your sexual problems.

🧐 Education

Our staff provides education and resources to help you better understand your sexual health and the issues you are facing. This can include teaching you about sexual anatomy, physiology, and health practices.

💬 Counseling

We know how to talk to individuals and couples about a wide range of sexual health issues. They give you a safe and supportive place to talk about your feelings and emotions, figure out what you need and want. And come up with ways to deal with your sexual problems.

🎯 Therapy

At LCAT, our licensed and soon-to-be-licensed providers have been trained in a variety of therapeutic techniques that can help you get over sexual trauma. Improve your sexual function, and improve your relationship with others. This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, and other trauma-focused, evidence-based approaches.


If you are struggling with sexual issues and are looking for professional help, consider text therapy for sex therapy. You can talk to a sex therapist near me from the comfort of your own home and get advice, support, and tools to help you deal with your sexual worries. 


Don’t let your sexual issues continue to impact your life. Invest in a life transformation through text therapy today. 


Check Out Our Communication and Love Language Therapy Video

Couples Communication and Love Language Strategies



About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Text Therapy Services

Text Therapy Services & Everything You Need to Know About Them 

Text Therapy Services & Everything You Need to Know About Them 


You probably use your phone for researching, shopping, and talking to your friends, so why not use it for text therapy services? 

This form of therapy is becoming popular across the United States due to its convenience and accessibility. How many times has it happened to you that you were struggling with a specific issue and can’t wait another week to see your therapist? 

We’ve covered many benefits of traditional therapy in our previous articles and this one will focus only on text therapy services and everything you can expect from them. 

What is Text Therapy?

Text therapy, sometimes known as life coaching and therapy texting, is becoming more and more popular, particularly with people who need help at the moment. 

Text therapy is the practice of conducting sessions using messaging apps, such as emails or chat messages, on a phone or computer. 

Text-based therapy differs from both conventional in-person therapy and video therapy in time lag in communication, meaning it is asynchronous. Text therapy is accessible and simple to use, especially whether you’re a first-year student, a new mom, or work odd hours. 

As a client, you can communicate your ideas or difficulties through your iPhone via text therapy. The ability to utilize chat or text platforms at any time during the day is another benefit. Text therapy is just as secure and productive as other forms of internet therapy or conventional treatment programs.

Similar to in-person counseling, text therapy provides discretion. Although the app could gather data or information (please, read privacy rules and terms of service), your conversation with the therapist is private and discreet. 

Therefore, you can talk about difficulties, complex traumas, or uncomfortable emotions in a place that is familiar – your cell phone.

How Does Text Therapy Work? 

Typically, you talk to an intake coordinator via text or email to get set up in a therapy or coaching program. The beginning process is an intake, which is a series of questions filled out via Docusign, to allow your therapist to know more of who you are. Depending on the chosen service, you might or might not be able to choose your therapist – as some therapists have specialties that others do not. 

Once you have filled out the forms, you will have a date and time for your first session with your therapist. That therapist will either do a text intake or you can negotiate a video intake to begin a 6 month packaging program. 

You will meet with a therapist once a week, every two weeks, or once a month depending on the issues you wish to resolve. 

The majority of premium text therapy packages provide limitless texting. Some also include voice and video chat, yet the fee for these services is higher.

The great thing about text therapy is that you can initiate the conversation by sending a text to your therapist. You can often anticipate a response within a day of your therapist’s working hours. However, they might not respond right away, so if there is a crisis, text coaching isn’t what you are looking for. 

Benefits of Text Therapy Services

Text therapy has several advantages that are useful for many people, even if it may not be beneficial for everyone.  Online conversations are frequently considered less stressful than in-person ones.

If you are struggling to open up to individuals you don’t know well, struggle with social anxiety, or have issues speaking in person, you might find it simpler to express your struggles via text messages from a peaceful environment like your home. Particularly if you’re paying out of pocket, therapy isn’t inexpensive. If you visit a therapist once a week, the charges might mount up rapidly.

Even so, you’ll often spend less each month on text therapy than on in-person therapy. If you don’t have insurance or can’t afford in-person treatment, text therapy may make counseling accessible.

Platforms for text therapy frequently provide discounts or other types of promotions for signing up, lowering the cost of their services. Nevertheless, passing difficulties in life might be painful. Even through text, a therapist can be quite helpful for sorting through your feelings and getting advice on what to do next.

You can reside in a rural or tiny town. Alternatively, you might struggle to leave your house due to physical or mental health issues, mobility issues, or other medical conditions. Regardless of the cause, everyone who needs assistance should have access to therapy. Text therapy offers an alternative if you can’t get that treatment locally.

How Much Does Text Therapy Cost?

Depending on the platform you choose and the other services it offers, text treatment costs vary. However, you’ll often spend less than for treatment sessions in person. For instance, BetterHelp provides weekly plans starting at $40. A basic package from Talkspace, another well-known text therapy provider, costs $260 per month (or around $65 per week).

Make sure you understand how much and when you will be charged because some platforms bill weekly yet charge a weekly cost. For in-person treatment, you will typically probably pay anywhere between $100 – $500 for each session – sometimes more.

Text therapy and other life coaching services are not covered by insurance plans, and insurance companies frequently won’t compensate you for the charges. Life coaching is about focusing on wellness, not just fixing illness.

Other Types of Therapy

You do have other possibilities if text therapy doesn’t seem quite right yet you’re looking for economical psychotherapy. You might prefer profound or more interactive conversations with a therapist or you don’t like texting for means like this. Whatever your reason might be, you have other options similar to text therapy. 

Another increasingly popular form of therapy is group therapy, which provides a wide range of support networks. You can do a group on video now, which involves weekly sessions with your therapist through a secure web platform.

Local support groups may frequently be quite helpful if you feel comfortable obtaining assistance from peers and those going through the same challenges you are, so you might also consider support groups. Lastly, sliding-scale counseling involves counselors offering low-cost counseling options, such as “pay what you can” spots or income-based fee structures.


Low Cost Therapy Available at Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT)


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do



The Power of Teletherapy: A Way to Treat Depression and Anxiety

The Power of Teletherapy: A Way to Treat Depression and Anxiety


Teletherapy is a type of mental health care delivered via a safe, online platform. It is often referred to as online therapy or virtual therapy. Teletherapy is becoming more popular, especially among people who can’t go to traditional therapy in person because it is easy to use, accessible, and effective.

If you have anxiety or depression, you might be wondering if teletherapy is right for you. This blog will assist you in comprehending the special advantages of teletherapy and how it can assist you in meeting your specific demands for relieving symptoms.

Surmounting Challenges with Teletherapy

Teletherapy offers a much-needed answer for folks who have trouble traveling to a regular therapist’s office. Some folks could have mobility issues, while others can experience social anxiety issues or just have a hectic schedule that makes it challenging to find time for in-person counseling. Teletherapy gets rid of these problems so that you can get the mental health care you need from the comfort of your own home.


The Advantages of Teletherapy

Teletherapy is very practical. You don’t need to worry about making time for scheduling or going to an appointment because you may access your treatment session from any location with a secure internet connection. This means that even if you have a hectic schedule or are constantly on the go, you may get the assistance you require.


Customizing Your Teletherapy Treatment

You have a special chance to tailor your mental health care to your specific needs through teletherapy. Meaning, teletherapy lets you talk to a therapist who knows about your specific problems. This makes it possible for you to get treatment that is more tailored to your needs.


Privacy and Anonymity in Teletherapy

Because mental health problems still carry a stigma, many people are reluctant to seek therapy. Traditional in-person therapy does not provide the same amount of anonymity and privacy as teletherapy does. So, you don’t have to worry about running into someone you know at a therapist’s office.


How to Pay for Teletherapy

Teletherapy is unfortunately not covered by insurance in many nations and jurisdictions. 


How Does Teletherapy Operate? is a Frequently Asked Question.

A: Video conferencing technology is typically used for teletherapy, which is conducted through a secure internet platform. At the scheduled time, you will log into your therapy session to meet with your therapist in person.


Is teletherapy just as effective as face-to-face counseling?

A: Research has shown that telemedicine can be just as successful in treating mental health conditions like anxiety and depression as in-person therapy. To find out if teletherapy is ideal for you, however, it’s necessary to explore your unique needs with your therapist.


Is teletherapy secure and confidential?

A: In order to maintain confidentiality, telemedicine is done through secure, encrypted platforms.


The Verdict: Teletherapy is an Effective Method for Treating Depression and Anxiety

For those seeking convenient, individualized, and private mental health care, teletherapy presents a special option. Telemedicine removes the obstacles that may hinder people from getting the assistance they require. whe

Telemedicine is an effective tool for people looking for treatment from anxiety and depression. Telehealth can cater to individual needs and offer a level of privacy and anonymity.

Many teletherapy providers offer economical choices that make it available to individuals in need even if it might not be covered by insurance. Talk to your therapist to see if teletherapy is good for you if you’re thinking about it.

Make an appointment today.

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Autistic Dating: Dating Someone With Autism

Autistic Dating: Dating Someone With Autism


If you want to learn everything about autistic dating, dating someone with autism is what this blog is about. Unfortunately, there is not much talk about neurodivergent folks and exploring romantic relationships. However, just like everybody else, those of us on the spectrum deal with many ups and downs when seeking their romantic partner.


People on the Spectrum will not Only Date Autistic People

If you’re uncertain whether it is recommended to start autistic dating, you will be happy to hear that people with autism often date all people. Autism is a spectrum, so you may not even realize if your crush has autism, at least during the first few dates. Both you and the person you’re dating are looking for someone to connect with, and autism rarely blocks the way when it comes to dating and relationships. 

Consider Date Spots

You might think that a dimly lit bar might be an excellent place for a first day, yet someone on the spectrum may not feel comfortable in that surrounding. A person on the spectrum could easily become uncomfortable or distracted in loud, crowded places. As they may have heightened senses, autistic people will consider flashing lights and loud noises quite unpleasant. Rather than going to a bar, consider going for a walk or sitting on the bench in the park.

Talk about Physical Affection

When you’ve been dating for a while, you will probably want to hug that person, hold hands or kiss them. People on the spectrum also desire that physical affection, however, it’s recommended to discuss it with them. Don’t just surprise them by trying to hold their hand when walking. When it comes to any type of physical contact, please discuss preferences first. 

If your partner is autistic, they might need a bit of encouragement and practice to start feeling comfortable with physical love. 

Embrace Their Higher Emotional Capacity

Many studies have shown that people on the spectrum will typically experience emotions and feelings stronger and deeper than those who are not. If you’re not aware of it, these feelings might be completely invisible to you and you might miss your partner’s current state. However, be willing to connect with your autistic partner if you don’t understand the depth or display of their emotions. 

The best way to understand it is by talking to them about it. Just like in any relationship, we all tend to react or feel differently about certain things, so the more you talk about it, the better you will understand. 

Prepare for Honesty

One thing that most people will say they love about people on the spectrum is their curt honesty. If you ask them about their opinion, they will give it to you – the good and the bad. For instance, if you ask them if they like your new haircut and they don’t, they will not lie to you. 

The thing you’ll need to keep in mind is that your crush or your partner is that they are sharing their truth. This also means that if they compliment you or say ‘I love you’ for the first time, they mean it. 

Introduce Changes Slowly

An autistic person may prefer stability and familiarity over change and dynamic. Many enjoy maintaining the same interests over decades, so changing their taste in music, movies, food, or fashion may not happen.

If there is a need to introduce a change in a life of a person with autism, be sure to do it slowly and make sure they are well informed about it at all times. Just because they don’t prefer changes doesn’t mean they are not able to adapt to new situations. It simply means it will take more time. 

In Conclusion

Regardless of the autism, you are two different individuals who will not agree on everything and do things the same way, and that’s completely normal. However, if you’re dating a person with autism, be mindful of their sensitivities of experiences they encounter and try to be as supportive as you can.

When dating someone, it’s crucial to listen and truly think about the perspective of that person, so the more attention you give to your conversations, the better partner you will be to a person with autism. 

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer), PhD, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Trauma Treatment: Best Types of Therapy

Trauma Treatment: Best Types of Therapy


One type of treatment that can assist you in coping with your emotions to a traumatic incident is trauma therapy. Trauma treatment can result from numerous events, including a pandemic, ongoing abuse and neglect, bullying, and / or violence.

You may benefit from this type of therapy if you are struggling to deal with your trauma or if it is interfering with your ability to carry out daily tasks. Let’s take a look at what trauma is to better understand our options when we decide to look for help in dealing with trauma treatment..

What is Trauma?

The body and psyche can be deeply affected by traumatic events. Your emotions, relationships, and even your sense of self may be affected right away or years later by the impact. However, some solutions can help you recover from trauma.

Trauma can alter your nervous system and brain, resulting in dysregulation and symptoms like anxiety and sadness. Trauma therapies are therefore concerned with calming the nervous system, integrating painful experiences, and promoting mental and physical healing.

The “best” trauma treatment is the one that works for you; there is no one-size-fits-all approach. While it can take some time to find the correct therapy, the variety of options will help you find what works! 

What is Trauma Treatment?

Trauma treatment or trauma-focused therapy is an approach that identifies and focuses on the influence that the traumatic event has on a child’s mental, behavioral, emotional, and physical health. Understanding the link between the traumatic event and the child’s emotional and behavioral responses is the foundation of trauma therapy. The goal of this therapy is to help the child better comprehend, cope with, and process the feelings and memories associated with traumatic situations. 

This will ultimately allow them to make a healthier and more adaptive meaning of the experience that occurred in their life, however, trauma therapy is not only for children. Oftentimes, we will continue with our lives after we experience a traumatic event and will decide to seek therapy in our adulthood. Many people might begin their trauma treatment in their 20s, 30s, 40s, or even 50s, meaning that each trauma treatment path will be unique. 

What are the Benefits of Trauma Treatment? 

Adults and teens who have been through a traumatic situation may benefit from trauma-focused therapy. It will help you gain a deeper understanding, learn how to address the issues, and build healthier coping mechanisms. 

Below, you can find a few benefits of trauma treatment:

  • Learning about and understanding your trauma
  • Re-establishing safety in your life
  • Identifying triggers that are interfering with your daily activities
  • Developing healthy coping skills
  • Reducing traumatic-stress symptoms

Types of Trauma Treatments 

Several different therapies can be used to treat trauma. If you’re looking to learn how to overcome trauma-related issues and treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), these are the approaches you should consider:

1. Cognitive Processing Therapy

Patricia Resick, Ph.D., ABPP, created cognitive processing therapy (CPT) as a treatment for PTSD. Its objective is to help those who cannot overcome their memories of the tragedy.

In cognitive processing therapy, you will learn to confront and alter false ideas about the trauma that are not allowing you to move on. The goal is to relieve the unpleasant impacts by assisting you in understanding and changing the way you perceive the incident or events.


2. Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Prolonged exposure (PE) is a behavioral therapy for PTSD that, as the name implies, entails going face-to-face with the thing you’re afraid of to lessen your anxiety. One common sign of post-traumatic stress is avoidance. The goal of PE therapy is to assist you in overcoming avoidance that resulted from your trauma.

You will learn to regulate your breathing, discuss your trauma, and subtly face your fear of the outside world while in treatment. For instance, a victim of sexual assault can return to the scene of the assault to acknowledge that the traumatic event has passed and they are safe.


3. Trauma-focused CBT

Trauma-focused CBT (TF-CBT) is primarily used to treat trauma in children and adolescents. The purpose of TF-CBT is to assist kids in identifying erroneous beliefs (such as who is to blame for abuse), correcting unhealthy behavior patterns, and developing new coping mechanisms like self-soothing and emotional expression. 

Parents or other carers are also involved in this therapy approach. A trauma treatment like TF-CBT could successfully lessen the symptoms of PTSD in certain kids, and the APA highly advises using CBT to treat PTSD.


4. EMDR Therapy

Dr. Francine Shapiro, a psychologist, created the trauma therapy known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in 1987. The therapy is distinctive in that it focuses on using your eye movements to process and release painful memories rather than talking.

In an EMDR session, your therapist will ask you to concentrate on your hand moving back and forth while holding a particular detail of a traumatic incident in your mind (or, sometimes, rhythmic tapping).

How Trauma Treatment Works

Most therapists will utilize more than one modality to address the traumas of their patients. And they frequently use techniques based on what works for you.

The clients’ belief system and level of readiness for such interventions play a significant role in the success of therapy interventions. It could be counterproductive to insist on a specific technique if a client is resistant or wary of an approach.

Additionally, it’s critical to keep in mind that your relationship with your therapist plays a significant role in treatment. It will be challenging to achieve some results if you don’t trust your therapist.

In Final Words

If you’ve experienced trauma, it’s common to not know what to do next. Additionally, you can experience flashbacks, nausea, migraines, and erratic emotions that medical doctors cannot help. 

Trauma therapy can be helpful if you struggle to manage your symptoms or if they make it difficult for you to go about your daily activities.

Trauma therapy can assist you in processing the trauma and learning coping mechanisms to have a fulfilling life.


About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Online Couples Counseling & Premarital Counseling

Online Couples Counseling & Premarital Counseling


Healthy relationships require a lot of work, and many decide to start with online couples counseling before committing more. 

It’s completely normal for couples to look for expert assistance to get over difficulties that develop in a relationship as it helps the couple to connect even more and build a stronger, healthier relationship.

Online relationship counseling is available in a variety of formats, just like in-person relationship counseling, including couples therapy, premarital counseling, and relationship coaching. 

Depending on what the couple needs, they can choose an adequate form of online therapy and begin working on improving their relationship. 

Reasons to Seek Online Couples Counseling

Clinicians agree that the ideal moment to seek online couples counseling is before you feel you need it, just like with any sort of therapy. This proactive approach to overcoming problems can help you avoid a lot of pain and conflict in the long run. 

If your relationship is struggling with any of the issues listed below, now might be a good time to consider online couples counseling:

  • Issues communicating and/or having the same argument over and over again,
  • Deciding about the future of your relationship and/or navigating major life changes that impact your relationship,
  • Having differing expectations of the relationship,
  • Infidelity, whether it is emotional or physical, 
  • Parenting and/or family-related difficulties, 
  • Issues with intimacy and sex,
  • Money stress or any type of financial concerns.

Couples should always consider continuing to work on and enhance their relationship despite their inability to attend in-person sessions. Delaying the start of therapy can harm the relationship and may eventually result in anger, resentment, despair, or anxiety.

What is Being Discussed in Online Couples Therapy

You can discuss any subject in online sessions that you would like to have in-person sessions. If a topic seems significant to you and your relationship, it’s crucial to address it in couples counseling and give it time and space to understand the root of the issue. 

In addition to all of the relationship pressures that existed before the pandemic and still affect couples, clinicians are observing a number of new issues, such as:

  • Increased anxiety about the future,
  • Changes in partner compatibility during the pandemic
  • Heightened sense of conflict,
  • Financial stress,
  • Differences in parenting style,
  • Lack of intimacy,
  • Issues healing from the past unresolved events, 
  • Experiencing a mental health challenge that is affecting the relationship.

Many couples are also discovering that problems in their relationship that could have existed before the pandemic feel heightened or suddenly revealed. This phenomenon is connected to rising family stress, tight budgets, and existential anxieties – all of which are accompanied by fewer distractions as a result of the continued social distance needs. If you can relate to this, know that an online couples therapist can assist you in processing and navigating these increased pressures.

Preparing for Online Couples Therapy

Online couples counseling has a distinct advantage over in-person treatment in that couples have complete control over their personal space. Because of this, it is even more crucial to set up your session such that you feel comfortable and your therapist can see everything that is going on in the room. Consider the following to ensure that you are both physically and psychologically prepared for sessions:

1. Check Your Internet Speed

It is best to use the internet with a bandwidth of at least 10 MBps for the best experience and to avoid connection problems. You can use a variety of free internet speed tests to examine the speed of your connection. If you noticed that your internet connection is lower than suggested above, consider resetting your router or utilizing the mobile hotspot.

2. Camera Should Capture as Much of You as Possible

Couples should meet on computers rather than on phones because it’s simpler to see both people on the screen. Place the computer a few feet away so that the therapist can see as much of your body as possible, place the computer a few feet away.

3. Minimize Distractions

You should both have a strategy for reducing distractions, both within and outside the room. The best thing to do is to use a room with a closed door to establish clear expectations for privacy if you have children who are old enough to spend time alone. If you have children, set up an activity for them in a separate room and set a timer for them so they can anticipate when their parents will finish.

Make sure you get rid of any outside electronic distractions as well. You should consider keeping your phone away and disabling notifications on your computer during sessions as both can be distracting.


4. Joining Together vs from Separate Rooms

Even though you’re working on your relationship together, keep in mind that couples can receive online couples counseling even if they don’t live together. Joining separately could be the typical choice for long-distance or currently separated couples, and it is also an option for people who live together. 

Depending on the subjects being addressed, some couples prefer to attend from separate areas in the house. For example, if a difficult situation is being discussed, partners may prefer to have some physical space during this particular session.

The First Online Couples Counseling Session

Every therapist has their own distinct intake procedure, yet many use a three-step method in which they first meet with the couple as a whole and then separately with each partner once.

The initial joint appointment gives the therapist a chance to learn more about your relationship’s past and the reasons you’re currently seeking counseling. The therapist’s goal is to get a strong initial image of what is happening in the relationship, from both partners’ viewpoints. In the first session, your therapist will try to gain a clear sense of who they are, how they see their relationship, and what they want to work on.

At the initial session, therapists could ask the following questions to better understand your dynamic and relationship:

  • What is the reason for starting with online counseling therapy?
  • What worked well and not so well in your relationship?
  • How did you two meet and what made you fall in love with each other?
  • What relevant events have you faced in your relationship?
  • What small conflicts arise in your daily life?

In Conclusion

Couples counseling takes a lot of courage and patience, so it’s completely reasonable to be anxious before the first appointment. Concentrate on the fact that both you and your partner are willing to work on the relationship, and have faith in your therapist to support the creation of a secure, nonjudgmental space where you can both freely express yourselves.

 Get CONNECT now

Couples Communication Strategies

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). And an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

Text Therapy

Text Therapy: What Is It & How It Works

Text Therapy: What Is It & How It Works


You use your smartphone for most things in your life, yet did you know that your phone can also serve you for text therapy? In recent years, especially during and after the pandemic, we’ve started using our phones as tools to reach out for help and communicate with therapists and mental health professionals about our issues. 

If you haven’t tried it yet, you probably want to know everything about text therapy. Can you get some value from reaching out to someone via text? How efficient is it to talk about things bothering you and receive advice in textual format? We bring you all information below. 

How does Text Therapy Work? 

If you’re interested in trying text therapy, you’ve probably stumbled upon an ad on social media or heard a recommendation of a text therapist from a close person. To start with the text therapy, you will need to answer a few questions helping the central service match you with a therapist that can offer the type of support you need. Sometimes, you will even be able to choose your therapist based on their description. 

Most text therapy services provide text messaging without limitations, while others also offer audio and video chat, yet expect to pay a bit more for this service. One of the most valuable benefits of such therapy is that clients can text their therapists anytime. Your therapist may not respond to you immediately, especially in late-night or early morning hours, however, they will respond to you within 24 hours. 

Clients can also ask for a live text session, which allows them to exchange texts with their chosen therapist in real-time. This can be quite handy when you want to bring up issues and feelings that are occurring at that moment. Another thing about text therapy is that it provides complete privacy, just like in-person therapy. You don’t have to worry about your identifying details being revealed or shared with a third party.

What Is the Cost of Text Therapy?

The cost of your text therapy will greatly depend on your chosen platform and the additional services or fees it includes. In general, you will pay less than you would for in-person therapy, however, prices can vary significantly based on the mentioned factors. 

Two of the most popular text therapy services, BetterHelp and Talkspace, start with plans for $40 to $65 a week, with Talkspace only offering plans per month. Also, make sure you check pricing well before engaging any further as some platforms will charge you a weekly rate, yet still bill monthly. As typically patients pay anywhere from $40 to $150 per in-person therapy session, this is a cheaper alternative. 

That said, you avoid transportation fees and you can text your therapist from any part of the world. When going to in-person therapy, you will need to visit your therapist’s office each time you have a session with them and calculate the time and money you need to get there. 

What are the Benefits of Text Therapy?

There are truly numerous benefits of starting text therapy. Many people will not go to a therapist because they live far from the therapist’s office. Others will be afraid of the intimate environment where they are sharing their emotions and behaviors with a person they don’t know very well. 

Text From Anywhere

With text therapy, you can text your therapist from your home, office, car, public transport, park, or any place on the Earth. As long as you can send the text, your therapist will receive it and respond as soon as possible. Unlike in-person therapy, you don’t have to react to your therapist’s question or opinion right away. You can take some time to think about it and write your answer when it’s most convenient for you. The flexible communication allows for making most of the therapy and truly reminiscing on the process. 

Enjoy the Distance

Another benefit of text therapy is maintaining the distance you are comfortable with. This is particularly beneficial for those who feel awkward or uncomfortable discussing their private matters with others, although they are licensed therapists. Being able to maintain their distance and not having in-person communication with therapists can help them share things they typically wouldn’t share with someone and benefit their healing process that way. 

Save Your Money

Also, money is often an important factor when deciding whether or not to start going to a therapist. Because four times a month can cost you up to $600, you might be more motivated to start text therapy and save your money that way. When compared to in-person therapy, you can save up to even $400, depending on the platform you choose. 

Solve Your Issues ASAP

Let’s say you had a minor stressful situation today and you want to get rid of the stress and the thoughts accompanying it. Typically, you would need to wait until your next session to discuss it with your therapist, yet text therapy allows you to do something about it immediately. You can text your therapist the details of what happened and feel a bit better because you already did something about it.

In Final Words

Tex therapy is an excellent way to incorporate therapy into your daily life. You don’t have to think about leaving your Wednesday afternoon free because you need to go to your therapist’s office. You can simply text them anytime and from anywhere and wait for their reply. Not to mention how much easier and liberating it is to text what you want to share with them, instead of feeling uncomfortable sharing some things. 

Don’t approach these two types of therapy by comparing them. Both in-person and text therapy are a great way to help you feel better in your life and be the person you want to be for yourself and others in your life. After all, therapy is not only reserved for people struggling with mental health conditions, yet for everyone who wants to heal from something that occurred to them or find the best tools to manage their life better. 

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About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). And an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do

High Functioning Depression

How to Recognize High Functioning Depression Symptoms?

How to Recognize High Functioning Depression Symptoms?


Many high functioning depression symptoms are similar to symptoms resulting from major depression, yet differ in more ways. These symptoms might be changes in sleeping and eating habits, lower self-esteem, hopelessness, fatigue, problems with concentration, etc. For it to be a high functioning depressing, a person should experience these symptoms most days that also cause almost constant low mood, which is present for at least two years. 

Most people with high functioning depression function normally, and their family and friends often cannot see any signs that the person has this disorder. However, depression is something that a person will struggle with it internally. High functioning depression can be treated with therapy and medications, allowing individuals experiencing it to have a happy, fulfilling life. 

High Functioning Depression

If you haven’t heard about high functioning depression, you should know that it can have serious consequences if a person is not receiving adequate treatment. Another term for high functioning depression is a persistent depressive disorder. If a person has high functioning depression they will experience most symptoms of depression, yet less severely. 

This means that the person with high functioning depression will function normally, from going to work or school to keeping up with different types of responsibilities in their lives. They also might engage in a range of social activities, so nobody around them will suspect they might be struggling with any form of depression. More importantly, the person often will be unable to detect depression in themselves because they are easy-going, participating in social activities, and performing well in their work or education environment. 

The outside world most often will not be able to notice a person is struggling with high functioning depression or persistent depressive disorder. Compared to major depression, high functioning depression should still be diagnosed and treated. When living with high functioning depression, a person can struggle and have a lower life quality than usual, yet getting the help they need can help significantly. 

High Functioning Depression Symptoms 

High functioning depression is a mental health condition diagnosed by a psychiatrist or other licensed mental health professional. To be diagnosed with high functioning depression, certain criteria must be met, which are all gathered in a high functioning depression test. 

The first criteria relate to the person being depressed most of the time and for most of the day for at least two years. This depressed mood a person is experiencing must include two or more of the symptoms mentioned below:

  • Lack of appetite or overeating,
  • Sleeping issues such as insomnia or oversleeping,
  • Lack of energy and fatigue,
  • Decreased self-esteem,
  • Issues with concentration and making decisions,
  • Feeling sad and hopeless.

Along with these symptoms, a person must meet other criteria to be diagnosed with high-functioning depression. The symptoms that the person is experiencing must be present on most days for at least two years without the period of relief from depression lasting more than two months. Also, the person mustn’t have experienced a period of mania or hypomania before in their life.

Before diagnosing the client with PDD, the psychiatrist or other mental health professional must ensure that no other mental health disorder, medical condition, or substance abuse is causing these symptoms. Although most individuals with PDD function normally, there will need to be a link between the high functioning depression and the impairment in one or more life areas of the individual.

Most clients struggling with high functioning depression have reported feeling the following ways:

  • Feeling a little down most of the days and others might have noticed it and describe you as cynical, downer, or gloomy. 
  • Your low mood is always somewhere in the background if not fully present, and it feels like you will never feel great again. 
  • You feel tired almost constantly, even when you get enough sleep and eat well.
  • You or others will wonder whether it’s laziness, yet it’s challenging for you to summon the energy to do more than the basic activities. 
  • You don’t feel good about yourself and you feel like you don’t deserve to be happy or liked by others in your life because you’re not worth it. 
  • Your weight has changed without your intent because of a lack of appetite or overeating. 
  • You often feel hopeless and cry without a concrete, realistic reason.
  • You perform well whether at work or school, yet it’s a challenge to focus on all your tasks and requires additional effort. 
  • Most of the time, you are forcing yourself to engage in social activities although you would rather stay at home alone. 

Living with High Functioning Depression

If diagnosed with high functioning depression, a person can continue living their life as they want, however, they will need to receive treatment, whether it’s therapy, medications, or both. A person struggling with this type of depression cannot decide on their therapy alone; they need guidance from a mental health expert.

Once in therapy, the client will receive guidelines, methods, and helpful tips to manage how their high-functioning depression affects their life. As it is with all other mental health disorders, a person often needs months or years of treatment until they can function in a way that their depression is not affecting them anymore. However, even in the initial sessions, a person will be able to improve some aspects of their depression because they will receive personalized guidelines from their psychiatrist, psychologist, or any other mental health professional.

In Final Words

Like major depression, high functioning depression or persistent depressive disorder is a serious mental health condition that requires treatment. Whether it’s you or someone close to you experiencing high functioning depression symptoms, reaching out to a mental health professional is the best way to approach it. This will help the person in need to find adequate treatment and work on improving the quality of their life. 

Struggling with depression, whether it’s a major or high functioning one. Doesn’t allow you to have a happy life, and not addressing it can only lead to even worse conditions. Reaching out to someone you trust is the first step to recovery, don’t postpone it and react on time.

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do