Communicating About Difficult Matters

Communicating About Difficult Matters


I know I talk a lot about communication and how important it is to the health of relationships. WELL, I’ll never stop! It’s SO important to keep honing your communication skills in all types of settings, especially difficult ones.

Something that’s been on my mind lately is how to break news to a partner. It might not necessarily be bad news, but news that you think may change their perception of you in any way. For example, if you have an illness, disability, or other difficult matters that are extremely personal. I know how intimidating it can be to communicating someone these things. Here’s what I suggest:


 1.) Decide on how much you’re willing to share before.

2.) Know that you HAVE TO tell the story directly – no rambling, no beating around the bush. 👌

3.) Practice several times. Keep in mind the context of your news to handle your style and tone appropriately. If you’re breaking it to them about a disability, maybe you can start with, “I really enjoy the relationship I’ve had with you so far, and I feel really comfortable with you. I really care for you, and that’s why I think I should finally share something about myself to you. It’s really personal and I’ve been worried about your reaction to it, but you should really know.”

4.) Ask if you can clarify anything to help them better understand your situation.

I hope these tips can help you in the future. REMEMBER that if you KNOW that your partner loves you, there’s NO DOUBT that they’ll take in every single bit of you, whether it be your flaws or strengths, and love 👏 it 👏 all👏.


Communication is the KEY!


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Couples Communication Strategies

About Life Coaching and Therapy

Life Coaching and Therapy (LCAT) is a therapy and coaching practice that transforms our clients lives through our flexible. Multi-technique approach and pleasure-skills training provided by systematically-trained and licensed therapists!

Get to know our founder and owner, Amanda Pasciucco, (a.k.a. The Sex Healer) PhD, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist (CST) that has developed innovative therapy programs and therapy videos that get results.

Our team of compassionate, licensed therapists and certified sex therapists help all clients who visit us for a variety of personal, relationship, intimacy and sex problems.

LCAT provides on-site appointments, as well as video chat and text therapy programs.

Learn more about how LCAT can help improve your life at What We Do


Pleasuring a Woman: What You Should Know Before Having Sex

Pleasuring a Woman: What You Should Know Before Having Sex


What are you up to for Valentine’s Day? If you’re in for a romantic night, I hope my tips can help you out! No matter what stage of love you’re in, it doesn’t hurt to make sure you’re on the right track in your relationship!


Check out this video!


So you want to please a woman in bed.. The art of pleasuring a woman in bed isn’t easy, especially if you aren’t too educated in female anatomy. That’s the key on how to please a woman in bed or on how to satisfy a woman in bed. How to give pleasure can be mastered with practice!


I will give you my insight as a sex therapist and a woman on how to give pleasure, give women pleasure, that is. Giving her pleasure is important, of course! You’re here because you want to better understand giving her pleasure since you love her. Giving women pleasure is definitely a talent that can be improved on, no worries.  This is what every man needs to know before having sex!


Codependent Relationship To Interdependence


Codependent Relationship To Interdependence

Are you in a codependent relationship and want to be codependent no more?.


Let’s focus on interdependence and having interdependent relationships!.


After looking at the codependent relationship signs, we can be on the road to codependent relationship recovery! Codependency in relationships is not healthy, so interdependence is the way to go!.


We’ll look at interdependence theory and the difference between interdependence vs codependency.


How would you describe a perfect relationship in one word?


For me, that word is interdependence! Now you’re probably asking, Amanda, haven’t you already talked about this? Aren’t codependency and interdependence the same? Not at all! The type of relationship you DON’T WANT is one based in codependency. Strive for interdependence, at least that’s what we strive for in my therapy sessions with clients.


Interdependence is that goals relationship.— Where you have a long-term partner that may do anything for and vice versa. However, the difference to codependency is that this type of relationship gives you the freedom to be… you!.


You and your partner support each others goals and give trust in one another, allowing you to be flexible in your relationship as well. Who doesn’t want this?


What does interdependence mean to you? Learn more on how to get there in my video!


Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Rebuild Trust In A Relationship (Therapist Advice To Save It!)


Are you working towards rebuilding trust in relationship? It’s important to build trust with our partner or rebuild trust in broken relationship because you are with a person you love. Wouldn’t you want them to be comfortable in telling you anything that bothers them? Wouldn’t you want to extend that same courtesy to them. Sometimes relationships are broken because of trust issues in relationship and that’s okay — you can still rebuild trust in relationship. Relationship trust issues are not to be taken lightly!  All it takes is hard work to build trust again, so let me tell you how!


As a therapist, I understand the significance of the trust between me and my clients. The same significance goes for my personal relationships as well. In both situations, I have a responsibility to uphold and protect the trust instilled in it. If you ask me, I’d say that trust is definitely the glue in any relationship. When meeting someone new, trust is generally a given because you both haven’t given each other any reason for “distrust”.


Now, when that trust is violated, that is a problem that is not to be taken lightly– If you are the one who breaks your partner’s trust, it will be a long, uphill battle to return to the comfort of the relationship you once had.


It takes delicacy to pick up the pieces of the broken relationship. You can make things worse if you aren’t careful!! You can check out my video for tips! Thanks for watching! <3

What is Codependency?

Codependency In Relationships Explained (BE CODEPENDENT NO MORE!)


Have you ever asked yourself what is codependency and what are its symptoms? On your way to codependency recovery? Don’t even know what is codependency in relationships even looks like or ask what does codependency mean? This video is for you to learn more about the ties between codependency and narcissism as well as codependency and addiction.


Codependency is such an important relationship topic to learn and initiate conversations about. Keep yourself and others aware of just how common and unhealthy this can be, as it can be a pattern that is repeated until conscious action is taken!


Codependency is when one partner disproportionately gives more in a relationship, and in doing so, perpetuates their partner’s bad behaviors.


If you want to learn more about how codependency traits develop, check out more details in this video!


How To Catch A Cheater

How to Catch A Cheater: Explained by The Sex Healer 


Don’t know how to go about confronting infidelity? Have you ever wondered “are they cheating on me” or “why did they cheat on me” when looking at your partner? Is your husband cheating on you? Is your wife cheating on you? Is your girlfriend cheating on you? Is your boyfriend cheating on you? It’s a big question why cheaters cheat, but it doesn’t mean you should be a blind victim of it any longer. Catch cheaters and stop relationship cheating!


Fun topic, right? I’m so excited! Here’s three of my tips to catch a cheater:


1.) Make A List

2.) Be Where They Don’t Expect You

3.) Look Through Social Media



If you want to see the rest of my tips and get some elaboration on why these ideas can even work, check out my video on YouTube and search TheSexHealer for more!

Spice Up Your Marriage

Spice Up Sexless Marriage (SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE)


Having trouble to keep the spark alive or reviving the spark, and that has resulted in a sexless marriage? You need to help how to spice up sex or spice up your relationship now… or face a break. You may have a lack of intimacy among other intimacy issues in your sexless relationship, but you can save marriage with knowledge in sexual communication! You just need help sparking romance and breathing life back into your relationship. Amanda Pasciucco, an AASECT certified therapist, shares her tips to success!



Headspace Article!

“We’ve all seen the hundreds of articles that promise “mind-blowing” sex. And maybe you’ve even bookmarked a few to refer back to later, only to find out that the quick tips and methods have failed you, yet again.”


Click the link!